
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

You are in my way!

The night sky above Midtown blazed with an ominous glow.

The distant echoes of gunfire reverberated through the air, a haunting symphony of battle. Su Chen regrouped and emerged from the storeroom, his original plan of gradual progress now discarded. Today's events had forced him to rethink his strategy, prompting a change of heart.

Where the catastrophe had erupted, the number of monsters remained relatively low. Just a week ago, elongated ghosts had dominated the scene. But now, the ranks of black scale monsters were rapidly swelling, their legion-like presence casting a shadow of impending doom. The world was spiraling into madness at an alarming pace, leaving Su Chen with no room for complacency. Without the protection of a battle suit, engaging the black scale monsters would only yield a precarious 50-50 chance of survival. Faced with two adversaries, his only option was to flee.

Su Chen harbored no desire to spend his life in constant flight. He knew that he couldn't outrun his pursuers indefinitely. Thus, his resolve to grow stronger burned within him, like a smoldering ember seeking to burst into flame.

Gripping the cracked gravity warhammer tightly in his hand, he embarked on a perilous journey towards the battlefield.

The clash between the army and the black scale monsters presented the most promising opportunity for Su Chen to amass energy units swiftly.

Of course, charging headlong into the midst of the massive black scale monster horde would be a fool's errand. Instead, he would seek out stragglers or wounded creatures on the fringes of the battlefield.

After taking a few steps, Su Chen abruptly turned his head, his senses tingling with alarm. It felt as if a cold, malevolent gaze had fixated upon him from behind.

Yet, when he glanced over his shoulder, there was nothing—just an empty void, devoid of the sinister presence that had sent shivers down his spine.

Momentarily hesitating, Su Chen chose to press on, his heart pounding as he navigated a series of turns, drawing closer to the raging chaos of the battlefield.

The military had assembled a battalion of troops, establishing a camp along the main road in the heart of Midtown. They valiantly scoured the area, searching for survivors, escorting them back to safety, and gradually advancing forward. However, the military's forces seemed grossly inadequate, unable to evacuate the survivors to the rear. Instead, they were forced to trek alongside the armed forces, a swelling tide of desperate humanity, outnumbering even the soldiers themselves. Unquestionably, they became prime targets for the ravenous monsters.

In addition to the black scale monsters that Su Chen had encountered earlier, a formidable army of elongated ghosts engaged the military with fierce determination. The troops, armed with conventional weaponry, struggled to match the terrifying defensive capabilities and regenerative prowess of the black scale monsters. The elongated ghosts, with their eerie black matter, posed an additional challenge, rendering standard ammunition largely ineffective. In the midst of this large-scale battle, the military faced the daunting task of safeguarding the survivors. Precision strikes were paramount, targeting the creatures' vital points, yet such accuracy proved challenging in the midst of chaos.

As Su Chen drew closer, the chaos of the battlefield engulfed him. The air was thick with the deafening symphony of killing, howling, and gunfire. In the center of the maelstrom, a tank and a chariot relentlessly pounded a gargantuan, fleshy monstrosity that Su Chen had encountered before.

The thunderous blast sent the flesh and blood giant hurtling backward, but its resilience was awe-inspiring. Its shattered form rapidly regenerated, fueled by its insatiable appetite. Amidst the onslaught, both humans and monsters alike were swallowed whole, devoured by the grotesque creature. The heavy artillery barrage transformed the scene into a horrifying tableau of war, fierce and merciless.

The battlefield had descended into utter chaos. Survivors scattered in all directions, their desperate flight accompanied by the cacophony of anguished screams. Monsters gave chase, their relentless pursuit fueling the nightmare unfolding before Su Chen's eyes. Smoke billowed, engulfing the burning houses and streets, casting an eerie haze over the scene.

Initially, the army had made valiant efforts to shield the survivors. But as the escapees dispersed, the impact of the monstrous onslaught fractured the army's cohesive defenses. Dozens of teams splintered into hundreds, leaving the military overwhelmed. They were forced to prioritize the immediate safety of those around them, leaving countless survivors to fend for themselves. Desperation fueled their flight, with lives hanging by a thread. Each step was a gamble, the goal to outrun the ravenous monsters and reach their companions.

This tragic battlefield, engulfed in gunfire and despair, mirrored a microcosm of the world. Some individuals, driven to the brink of madness, pushed their companions into the clutches of the monsters, sacrificing them for their own survival. Others valiantly stood their ground, desperately fending off the relentless onslaught, allowing their comrades to escape. There were soldiers who screamed defiantly, "Let us perish together!" as they charged towards the monsters with grenades in hand. Officers collapsed, relinquishing their last thread of resistance, their tears mingling with the blood-soaked earth.

Even Su Chen, cunning and cautious, dared not approach the heart of this chaotic storm. He skirted its periphery, targeting lanky ghosts pursuing the survivors or severely injured black scale monsters left in the wake of the bombings. However, such opportunities were scarce, with the latter being particularly elusive. Su Chen exercised his wits, avoiding areas teeming with monsters or clusters of people. He discreetly picked off stragglers on the fringes, well aware of the inherent dangers, yet steadily accumulating energy points.

Though Su Chen occasionally witnessed scenes of unspeakable misery, his heart ached with empathy, but his hands were tied. Amidst the sea of monsters, he could only ensure his own survival when attempting to aid others.

Compassion resided within Su Chen, but he acknowledged his limitations as a mere individual. He would lend a hand if capable, but he would not act foolishly if the odds were stacked against him.

In that moment, Su Chen's gaze fell upon a maimed black scale monster, its head and leg blown off, half its body devoid of the protective scales. It relentlessly pursued a group of desperate survivors, their numbers dwindling as they fled for their lives. As the distance between them increased, they became increasingly vulnerable to the encroaching horde of monsters. Sensing an opportunity, Su Chen sprang into action, his intention clear—to swiftly eliminate the remnants of the black scale monster and protect the fleeing survivors.

Monsters lurked all around, and dispatching them swiftly was imperative. Su Chen understood that if he allowed them to regroup, the situation would only escalate.

However, to his surprise, a group of frantic individuals sprinted towards him, interrupting his moment of opportunity.

"Run! Monsters are closing in from behind!" a woman's voice screamed.

Unfazed, Su Chen prepared to continue his path alongside the fleeing group, but a thunderous strike obliterating a monster halted his progress.

Suddenly, a voice erupted from the crowd, filled with astonishment. "It's you!"

Curiosity piqued, Su Chen focused his gaze and recognized the face of none other than Qiao Zheng, the "luminous" talent he had encountered before.

Qiao Zheng's expression shifted from surprise to urgency as he urgently grabbed Su Chen and exclaimed, "Brother, run for your life! The monster pursuing us is far deadlier than the lanky ghosts we faced before!"

Su Chen, undeterred, pressed forward at high speed, oblivious to the significance of Qiao's warning. As the menacing black scale monster drew nearer, its blood-curdling roar reverberating through the air, Su Chen couldn't contain his frustration any longer. "You're blocking my path!"

Taken aback by Su Chen's reaction, Qiao Zheng pleaded anxiously, "Please, you don't understand. There are monsters up ahead, and my abilities are ineffective against their defenses. Although we've had our differences, I didn't lie to you..."

"I've got this. Let go. I will slay it!" Su Chen's words dripped with an unwavering determination that brooked no refusal.

Qiao Zheng instinctively released his grip, allowing Su Chen to brandish his pitch-black Miao knife. With lightning speed, he surged forward, targeting the wounded black scale monster, its movements hampered by a shattered leg.

Witnessing this audacious act, regret gnawed at Qiao Zheng. He was fully aware of the creature's impregnable defense and the lethal power it possessed. In his estimation, even with the military's bombardment, Su Chen wouldn't stand a chance against such an adversary. After all, he lacked heavy weaponry and the means to breach its defenses. Could it be that this person, driven by wounded pride after boasting about slaying six lanky ghosts, now sought to confront a monster to prove himself?

But wasn't this tantamount to suicide?

Anxiety consumed Qiao Zheng as he stomped his feet in frustration. Watching Su Chen thrust himself toward the black scale monster, he dared not intervene. All he could do was flee in the opposite direction, desperately shouting, "Brother, turn back! You're no match for that monster! Don't let anger cloud your judgment!"

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