
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Take Another Step

Qiao Zheng's initial anxiety quickly transformed into shock as he witnessed a surprising turn of events.

To his astonishment, it wasn't Su Chen who met a gruesome fate, but the fearsome black scale monster itself!

Although the black scale monster posed a significant threat to Su Chen, it was ultimately incapable of inflicting serious harm on him. With a swift swing of his hammer, Su Chen charged forward, deftly maneuvering his knife with expert precision. His movements flowed seamlessly as he first severed a forelimb that obstructed him, throwing off the creature's balance. Taking advantage of this opening, he swiftly executed a backhand slash, cleaving the monster's head in half at its core. A spray of black and red blood erupted from the creature, leaving onlookers in awe. No one present could have fathomed that the man in the tattered windbreaker, whose origins remained shrouded in mystery, possessed the ability to dispatch the formidable black scale monster with a single strike.

Even Qiao Zheng, who had been filled with worry, stood dumbfounded. Initially excited by the turn of events, he soon felt a sense of embarrassment wash over him.

"I wasn't boasting," Su Chen thought to himself. "Killing black scale monsters with a single blow and dispatching six elongated ghosts is no longer beyond my capabilities. I must have been a fool, relying on the army's assistance to battle the slender ghosts when I couldn't breach the defenses of black scale monsters alone."

The realization weighed heavily on Qiao Zheng, his face turning crimson with embarrassment.

Before he could voice his thoughts, however, a blazing bus careened towards them, causing panic and scattering the survivors. The bus flipped dramatically on the narrow forked road, effectively separating Su Chen from the rest of the group.

As the roars of monsters grew closer, Qiao Zheng clenched his teeth and followed the other survivors onto a nearby road, seeking safety.

Meanwhile, Su Chen swiftly retrieved his energy unit and retreated, wielding his blazing miao knife with skill as he blended into the chaos. He avoided entanglement with the monsters, focusing on eliminating isolated threats to prevent falling into the black scale monster's encirclement.

During his journey, Su Chen also encountered a small contingent of military troops, accompanied by a group of individuals who appeared to be scientific researchers. The commanding officer seemed to recognize the significance of Su Chen's fiery long knife, urgently relaying a message—possibly a request for reinforcements or a scientific report. However, Su Chen paid little attention to the officer, maintaining a considerable distance and continuing on his way.

There was no need to ponder the officer's intentions. In a situation like this, he was likely seeking assistance in evacuating the survivors.

However, Su Chen understood the grim reality. If the military were to divert their attention to this localized crisis, it would only lead to more lives being lost. He had learned long ago, upon entering society, not to take on tasks beyond his capabilities—a valuable lesson etched in his memory like the finest porcelain adorned with a diamond.

As Su Chen swiftly departed, Officer Su Wenhao's countenance turned crestfallen, observing his retreat with a tinge of disappointment.

A soldier, his words laced with anxiety, hurriedly spoke, "Deputy Battalion Commander, the monsters... We must evacuate immediately!"

Su Wenhao furrowed his brow in frustration, his expression betraying his emotions. "That individual, the one engulfed in flames, displayed a strength that surpasses our initial expectations. If we can secure his assistance, perhaps we stand a chance of mounting a formidable defense and rescuing more survivors."

Amidst the chaos, their troops merged with the retreating army, accompanied by a group of survivors.


The prevailing chaos proved to be advantageous for Su Chen, as the battlefield dissolved into a state of disarray. Once he reached the pinnacle of his energy reserves, set at a maximum of 30 units, he wasted no time in promptly retreating. Notably, he salvaged a functional grenade launcher and several scattered 40mm grenades from a burning military vehicle along his path.

Initially, Su Chen had contemplated the possibility of acquiring a heavy machine gun or RPG. Regrettably, the primary army forces, armed with substantial firepower, were currently engaged in combat against the horde of monsters and the formidable, unyielding flesh and blood giant in the central theater. Su Chen harbored no intention of venturing into that perilous battlefield and was thus compelled to abandon his aspirations.

As time pressed on and the battle situation remained in a state of disarray, Su Chen had accomplished his objective and could not spare any time for impromptu displays of magical prowess. Relying on his enhanced speed, he swiftly located a bicycle and propelled himself forward with unwavering determination. A group of survivors, astounded by his passing figure, watched in awe as he whizzed by like a fleeting shadow.

One of the young men within the group of survivors observed in awe, "Is that... a bicycle? The sheer power in that man's legs must be twice that of an ordinary person"

"Don't waste time marveling! Run! The monsters are closing in!"

Unbeknownst to Su Chen, his actions during this period of obscurity had left an indelible impression on many survivors who had borne witness to his extraordinary prowess. The flickering laser long knife, the menacing pistol, and the flawless execution of his techniques in slaying the monsters had instantaneously earned him a reputation among the survivors.

Nonetheless, the dissemination of this reputation hinged upon the successful evasion of pursuit by those who had witnessed Su Chen's feats.

In the meantime, Su Chen raced ahead on his bicycle.

Under normal circumstances, he would never dare traverse the current city on a bicycle, as it would render him an easy target for the monsters. However, to his advantage, the monsters in the vicinity seemed to have been lured away, leaving the streets devoid of lurking creatures, thus affording him a temporary respite from immediate danger.

As Su Chen neared the Cloud City store, the monsters once again manifested their presence, albeit in smaller numbers. Even in the vicinity of the once-infested Cloud City store, the monstrous horde had noticeably dwindled.

Despite this development, Su Chen chose to abandon the bicycle at a nearby location and adopt a stealthy approach to evade the remaining monsters. Skillfully maneuvering his way back to the underground supermarket, he focused his attention on constructing his armor, recognizing its significance in fortifying his defenses rather than engaging in direct combat with the creatures.

To his surprise, upon descending to the ground floor of the supermarket, he discovered numerous figures scattered about—survivors who had been covertly hiding nearby, awaiting the opportune moment to scavenge for supplies amidst the waning monster presence.

The supermarket, which he had selected as his sanctuary, now sheltered over a dozen survivors. They congregated in separate groups, some engrossed in consuming the provisions they had managed to secure, while others formed a distinct cluster of approximately three individuals, their attention fixated on Xia Chuwei, encircling her.

Su Chen's countenance darkened, his swift approach shrouded by the profound darkness that enveloped the floor. Illuminated only by a few sporadic flashlights near the checkout counter, the trio remained oblivious to Su Chen's proximity as they engrossed themselves in conversation.

However, their words reached Su Chen's ears.

"Fear not. We have no interest in you. Simply surrender that peculiar suit you're wearing!"

"Boss, that thing must be valuable... Could it be equipment from the monsters' realm?"

Over the past few days, Su Chen had dedicated himself tirelessly to the meticulous reconstruction of the Mark 45 suit. Nine out of the twelve components had undergone significant modifications, resulting in a discernible transformation of the armor's appearance. It no longer bore resemblance to the iconic Iron Man suit, instead assuming a sleek and dark design that seamlessly melded with the contours of the human form. The three survivors, possessing a degree of astuteness, promptly identified the suit upon sight and deduced that only a slender woman like Xia Chuwei occupied it. Avarice swiftly coursed through their veins.

Unbeknownst to them, however, this battle suit remained incomplete and non-operational. Even if forcibly worn, the suit's functions would remain dormant. While its weight had been dramatically reduced and its structure tailored to the human form, the overall mass still surpassed what an average person could bear. Only Su Chen, after reinforcing it with energy units, could effectively utilize its capabilities. If an ordinary individual were to don the suit, movement would be severely impeded, rendering them an easy target.

Oblivious to Su Chen's approach, the trio persisted in pressuring Xia Chuwei.

Nevertheless, Xia Chuwei remained resolute, her determination unyielding as she gritted her teeth. "This suit does not belong to me. It is the property of my friend, and I shall not relinquish it to you!"

Xia Chuwei possessed no naivety. Throughout these days, she had keenly observed the metamorphosis occurring within the Mark 45 suit. Though she could not fathom the intricacies of Su Chen's accomplishments, she comprehended the suit's immense value and its pivotal role in his endeavors. How could she casually surrender it to others?

Among the trio, the bald man, their apparent leader, sneered, extracting a switchblade from his waist. "Young lady, do not test my patience. Rest assured, I shall not hesitate to harm you and claim what rightfully belongs to me."

Xia Chuwei obstinately shook her head once more, her voice unwavering. "I have trained in Taekwondo. Do not underestimate me!"

"Very well! Let us witness your abilities!" The bald man sneered, but his demeanor suddenly shifted as an eerie chill enveloped the surroundings. Instinctively, he turned towards the source of this frigid aura, peering into the boundless darkness within the supermarket. His gaze darted about, yet he discerned nothing. Instead, a chilling voice resounded from outside the supermarket.

"Take another step, and you shall meet your demise!"

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