
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Who is that

It had been a grueling week since the disaster had struck, and Xia Chuwei had encountered her fair share of horrors. Yet, nothing could have prepared her for the encounter with someone this... deranged.

With their injuries still fresh, they had no choice but to venture out into the treacherous world, hunting down the monstrous creatures that roamed the streets.

But what stood out the most was how effortlessly the other party achieved success.

Su Chen's hunting techniques and agility left her in awe.

First, he would hide and then swiftly hurl a hammer-like object.

The sheer power contained within that hammer was beyond comprehension. As it collided with the elongated ghost, the creature was thrown to the ground, writhing in agony and struggling to regain its footing.

In a matter of seconds, Su Chen would spring forth like a predator, his movements as fluid as a cheetah on the hunt. With his pitch-black Miao knife in hand, he sliced through the blade-like appendage swung by the ghost, effortlessly dismantling its defensive dark matter, and ultimately severing its head, putting an end to its haunting existence.

The entire process unfolded in a breathless silence, each motion executed with extraordinary skill. In less than twenty seconds, the elongated ghost was vanquished, leaving Xia Chuwei dumbfounded. She had witnessed a group of well-armed individuals fall before a mere two of these creatures, yet Su Chen dispatched one with such ease.

It was as if an average person, content with a modest meal, suddenly discovered that the person next to them was indulging in a lavish feast. Their sense of satisfaction and their entire perspective on life shattered in an instant.

When Su Chen returned, a sense of quiet satisfaction graced his face as he reassured them with a simple "I'm fine." Unable to contain her curiosity, Xia Chuwei bombarded him with questions, her words tumbling out in a rush. "How did you do it? Your skills are incredible! How many of these creatures have you slain before? Are you a police officer? A soldier? Perhaps a seasoned mercenary? And what was that dazzling light on your blade? Was it a laser weapon?"

Su Chen's mind spun as he processed the rapid-fire questions. After a moment's consideration, he settled on an answer and replied, "Well, I've probably killed... around a dozen, so I suppose I've gained some skill."

Xia Chuwei's mouth fell open, her eyes wide with astonishment.

If anyone else had claimed such feats, she would have dismissed it as unbelievable. However, she knew deep down that Su Chen's words held some truth, especially with his use of the word "probably." It was likely that he had killed numerous elongated ghosts, a number even she couldn't fathom.

"My God, who have I encountered?" she whispered to herself

After a brief respite and a snack of red dates from the supermarket, Su Chen swiftly rose to his feet, preparing to venture out once again

The absence of visible monsters didn't deter Su Chen from his determined quest to hunt down the elongated ghosts. With a resolute gaze, he turned to Xia Chuwei, presenting her with two choices. "I'm heading out to face the elongated ghosts. You have two options," he said, his voice steady. "First, you can stay here, and I promise that upon my return, the battle suit I acquired will still be here. Second, you can accompany me. If we come across other survivors, you can join forces with them."

Xia Chuwei hesitated, her mind racing with uncertainty. After a brief pause, she finally replied, "I'll stay here! It might not be safe to join other survivors, even if they have greater numbers. I'd rather wait for the arrival of the army. Besides, Lin Mo is here with us, and he won't leave."

Silence enveloped the room as Su Chen absorbed Xia Chuwei's decision. Equipped and prepared for the impending battle, he left her with a final declaration, "I'll mark the 45 for myself." With those words hanging in the air, he turned and strode resolutely into the abyssal darkness, leaving Xia Chuwei to grapple with her thoughts.

As Su Chen's figure receded, Xia Chuwei slowly regained her composure, her mind filled with questions and curiosity. She whispered to herself, "He mentioned risking his life to obtain the battle suit... Did he really fight against four monsters just to obtain this Iron Man suit?"


A wistful smile tugged at her lips as she continued, "I've always been such a fan of Iron Man anyway..."

Xia Chuwei sighed, muttering, "Who is he really..."

Nevertheless, she quickly made her way to the side of the Mark 45 suit, maintaining a vigilant stance—just in case anything went awry with this contraption. After all, when Su Chen returned, she didn't want to find herself caught up in a battle unintentionally.


Meanwhile, Su Chen found himself locked in a battle with the second elongated ghost, their clash echoing through the underground parking lot on the second floor.

The defeated ghost, on the brink of dissipating into nothingness, sent out a final surge of energy. But before Su Chen could fully savor his victory, his acute senses alerted him to another threat approaching from a different direction.

Without a moment's hesitation, Su Chen snatched the gravity warhammer, its weight pulsating with power in his grip. With practiced precision, he launched the weapon toward the oncoming danger, the remaining orb glowing with intensity.

The warhammer struck true, obliterating the second elongated ghost in a burst of ethereal fragments. The once-menacing creature was reduced to nothing, leaving the second floor shrouded in an eerie silence. It seemed that no more monsters lurked in that particular area.

It seemed that the number of monsters lurking underground was significantly fewer compared to those on the surface.

As Su Chen departed from the main building of the Cloud City store, he navigated the underground parking lot with purpose. Stepping out into the sprawling square, he beheld a disquieting sight—hordes of active monsters patrolling the area. Fully aware of the commotion they could cause, Su Chen refrained from launching an immediate assault. Engaging them head-on would only attract more attention and risk drawing additional monsters to the scene. He recalibrated his path, meticulously avoiding the Yuncheng store, and continued his relentless pursuit of the elongated ghosts.

Emerging from the underground, the distant echoes of gunfire reverberated through the air, serving as a somber reminder of the ongoing battles raging throughout the city. The streets remained a treacherous domain, overrun by the slithering presence of elongated ghosts. Some roamed aimlessly, their ghostly forms haunting the desolate landscape, while others infiltrated buildings, their relentless search for human prey intensifying.

Su Chen gradually discerned a pattern and intensified his hunt for the elongated ghosts.

These creatures appeared to possess a keen sense of smell, detecting the presence of living beings in the air. Relentlessly, they closed in, narrowing their search area bit by bit.

In a home, a man sought refuge for his terrified wife and children. His heart pounded with adrenaline, and his grip tightened around a humble kitchen knife as he barricaded the security door, desperate to keep the horrors at bay.

Just beyond the sturdy barrier, eerie wails and heavy footsteps echoed, drawing closer with each passing moment.

The man's voice quivered as he whispered reassurances to his family, his words laced with determination. "Don't be afraid," he murmured, his voice wavering. "Daddy will protect you and mommy. We must..."

Suddenly, the footsteps ceased, right at their door.

Mold began to creep through the cracks, and the child, unknowingly inhaling some of it, sneezed abruptly.

However, in that very moment, a deafening thud reverberated against the door, accompanied by a ferocious wail that sent shivers down their spines. Then, an abrupt silence descended, broken only by the hurried footsteps of another individual fading away into the distance.

Fear clutched the man's family, immobilizing them with uncertainty. It took them a while to gather the courage to approach the door, to dare to confront the unknown. And what they discovered on the other side left them speechless and bewildered. The elongated ghost that had threatened their family lay lifeless, its decaying form disintegrating before their disbelieving eyes.

But who could be responsible for this?

Driven by curiosity and gratitude, the man hurried to the edge of the balcony, his gaze fixated on the unfolding scene below. In the dimly lit corridor, a figure swiftly made their exit, clad in a mysterious windbreaker. They carried a peculiarly-shaped black hammer in one hand, while a pistol gleamed in the other. With remarkable agility, they dashed through the garden, disappearing around a corner, leaving the man dumbfounded.

The astonishing sight caught the attention of their upstairs neighbors, who rushed down to witness the aftermath. One of them exclaimed, their voice tinged with disbelief, "What's happening? Old Chen, did you manage to kill that monster? I thought we were all doomed. So, you've been hiding this talent all along!"

Still dazed, the man shook his head and replied, his voice filled with awe, "It wasn't me. It was a young man, wearing a trench coat. He was unbelievably powerful... I can't even fathom how he accomplished it. In mere seconds, he vanquished the monster. And you know what? I didn't even get the chance to express my gratitude. I had to leave hastily. If not for his intervention, I might not have survived... It feels like a dream, but the truth is, we made it through. A stranger who selflessly comes to the aid of others without expecting anything in return. If the opportunity arises, I must find a way to thank him personally..."

Suddenly, a surge of indignation washed over him, fueling his anger. He snapped, his voice laced with frustration, "When the monster was attacking, you offered no help. But now that it's over, you're eager to know what happened?!"

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