
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Hot Pot Of Happiness

Xia Chuwei sensed a lack of normalcy in the presence of those around her.

Lin Mo, often retreating into the shadows, seemed to isolate himself from others and displayed a reluctance to engage with people. Perhaps this stemmed from a deep-rooted self-defeating mentality and a tendency to distance himself from others. While Xia Chuwei struggled to grasp his thoughts, she could still discern some level of understanding. However, when it came to Su Chen, she found herself unable to penetrate his true nature. He appeared outwardly ordinary, but she couldn't fathom his motivations. Lately, he had developed an intense drive to venture out and eliminate monsters, a behavior that puzzled Xia Chuwei.

Despite their current post as guardians of a supermarket with an ample supply of provisions, there remained a continual need for medicines, precious metals, and other coveted items.

However, Su Chen...

He displayed no interest in these valuables that held great importance for others in this altered world. Instead of actively seeking out the army or other survivors, he dedicated his thoughts and efforts to the relentless extermination of monsters. Ignoring the risks involved, he ventured out to face the creatures, seemingly unfazed by any injuries sustained. His determination to combat the monsters surpassed all else.

It was as if he treated it as a daily job. Each day, he would return, rest, eat, and swiftly set out again as soon as his respite was over.

In the current state of Yuan Liao City, Su Chen and Lin Mo undoubtedly held the title of the most peculiar individuals. However, having come into contact with them, Xia Chuwei couldn't help but feel that she, too, had become somewhat peculiar.

Though Xia Chuwei silently criticized them in her thoughts, deep down, she acknowledged that without these two "eccentrics," she would never have had the opportunity to seek refuge in this well-stocked underground supermarket, enjoying the relative "comfort" it provided. The relentless sounds of gunshots and screams outside the building served as a constant reminder of the perilous world beyond, but Lin Mo and Su Chen ensured her safety. Thus, despite her inner misgivings, Xia Chuwei remained grateful. She knew she couldn't offer much in return to these two individuals, but she made it a point to maximize her own capabilities.

For instance, she prepared simple meals for Su Chen and Lin Mo. Observing Su Chen's battle-worn and tattered clothing, she even ventured upstairs to procure new garments, ensuring he had fresh attire.

To Su Chen's surprise, he didn't anticipate Xia Chuwei's response. He looked at her with a mixture of astonishment and concern, cautioning her, "You shouldn't do this next time. You have very little ability to protect yourself, and it's too dangerous."

Xia Chuwei remained frank and straightforward, stating, "I never intended to rely solely on you for shelter. If I want to enjoy the safety you and Lin Mo provide, then allow me to contribute in some way. By doing so, when danger arises and both you and Lin Mo consider abandoning me, you'll have to hesitate as well, won't you?" She said, with a smile.

Her words caused a slight tremor in Su Chen's heart, and he couldn't help but gaze at her intently. He spoke softly, expressing his gratitude, "Then...thank you."

Xia Chuwei simply smiled in response, choosing not to say anything further.

Su Chen settled back into his original position, with Mark 45 by his side. Over the past three days, he had successfully repurposed the two arms of Mark 45 by utilizing the energy units obtained from the elongated ghosts. Additionally, one leg had been upgraded, leaving him with twelve energy units remaining on his body.

The process of transformation proceeded smoothly. Judging by the current progress, Su Chen estimated that he would complete the transformation within seven days at the latest. However, during this process, he made another intriguing discovery—his body had a maximum capacity for absorbing and accommodating energy units.

Upon accumulating 30 energy units, Su Chen realized that he could no longer assimilate any additional units. The 31st energy unit, obtained from hunting the elongated ghost, would be akin to pouring "water" into a full container, causing the excess energy to disintegrate and escape from his body.

Su Chen surmised that this limit might be directly linked to his magical transformation ability. To store more energy units, he needed to surpass this upper limit and advance to the next level. Doing so might also alter his method of transforming objects. For instance, he could gain control over the direction and final outcome of the transformation. It felt akin to being within reach of infinite possibilities, yet there remained a crucial aspect that eluded his understanding.

Unfortunately, there was no instruction manual available for the Ring of Anoval. Su Chen had made this discovery the day before and had been diligently studying it ever since, yet he had not found a way to progress to the next level.

Perhaps it was a matter of insufficient accumulation, or maybe there were other underlying issues at play.

Frustrated by the lack of answers, Su Chen persisted in his research while simultaneously focusing on accumulating energy units, preparing for the eventual completion of Mark 45's transformation.

In truth, he couldn't shake the feeling that the peculiar and serene atmosphere within the supermarket itself was abnormal. According to Lin Mo, he had made his way here amidst the ongoing battle between the black scale monsters and elongated ghosts. Despite his disheveled state during the ordeal, it seemed that the monsters were aware of his presence but chose not to attack him. This behavior contradicted the hunting patterns Su Chen had observed in the monsters he encountered in recent days.

Was Lin Mo's unique talent somehow connected to this anomaly? Su Chen pondered the question, but he couldn't discern a clear answer. Despite his awareness of the potential dangers lurking outside, he had no choice but to remain in the supermarket. Its relatively safe and secluded environment provided an ideal space for crafting battle attire. If he were to venture out while wearing such conspicuous armor, it would be challenging to remain concealed. Taking just a few steps would risk exposing himself to the monsters, forcing him to abandon the suit and flee.

The equation between risk and opportunity remained balanced. As long as the imminent danger held off and he could continue constructing the armor, it was worthwhile to stay in this sheltered haven. Su Chen eventually let go of his overthinking and settled down to rest on a small bed adorned with pillows and bedding collected from the supermarket. However, his slumber was abruptly interrupted by a delightful fragrance.

Su Chen's eyes widened as he followed the enticing aroma, leading him to Xia Chuwei diligently preparing a variety of convenient hot pot ingredients in the shadows.

Upon noticing Su Chen's approach, Xia Chuwei smiled and remarked, "Take a look, even with the use of mineral water, we can still enjoy a delicious hot pot! It'll be ready soon. I'll go call Lin Mo."

With excitement in her eyes, she rose and hurried into the darkness. Over the past few days, her initial apprehension towards Lin Mo had gradually diminished.

Before long, Lin Mo emerged into Su Chen's view. They settled down near the checkout counter, and Xia Chuwei took the initiative to crack open a bottle of beer, even though the hot pot was not yet cooked. In the meantime, she added a pile of ham sausages and other ingredients to the mix.

As the fragrance grew stronger, the anticipation of indulging in the hot pot intensified.

Xia Chuwei gazed at the steaming self-heating hot pot and smiled, "In this world, being able to enjoy a hot pot without many worries... I should consider myself the happiest person, shouldn't I?"

Su Chen, feeling a surge of emotion, had been too preoccupied with his own pursuit of strength in recent days to pay much attention to what he ate. It was Xia Chuwei who took care of all those details. Now, with the tantalizing scent wafting through the air, his appetite was truly awakened. He expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you. I am happy too."

Meanwhile, Lin Mo remained silent, taking a sip of wine before immediately diving into the meal.

In the dim light of their flashlights, the three of them sat amidst the cluttered supermarket, sharing both words and silence, yet an incredible sense of tranquility enveloped them. Su Chen, as a "reborn traveler," had few words to offer, but Xia Chuwei kept the conversation flowing. During their exchange, Xia Chuwei mentioned something that piqued Su Chen's curiosity. It turned out that the elderly man he had seen in the news, who had stopped an SUV with his bare hands, had been treated at Xia Chuwei's hospital. However, she didn't know the reason behind his discreet dismissal.

Initially, Lin Mo remained unusually silent. It was unclear whether it was due to the effects of alcohol or his reaction to the discussion about the suspected gifted individual. However, as the conversation progressed, he began sharing snippets from his past, recounting his days as a humble clerk. Yet, whenever he mentioned his girlfriend and family, he fell into a contemplative silence once more.

Observing this scene, Su Chen extended his hand and gently patted Lin Mo on the shoulder, understanding the weight of such emotions. Having been killed in a car accident and reborn, he too carried a longing for his family from another world.

Xia Chuwei observed the scene, finding a peculiar sense of camaraderie among these individuals who possessed their own unique quirks. Paradoxically, it was within these moments that she discovered a certain semblance of being alive in this world ravaged by disaster.

Disaster had indeed arrived, but life had to carry on.


Meanwhile, not far away, within the dark recesses of the lower level, a fleeting silhouette seemed to vanish into the shadows.

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