
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

The monsters are coming!

Professor Chen remained in a daze for a brief moment before his voice broke through the heavy silence. "Whether they be the black-scaled monsters or the elongated ghosts, their wisdom is limited, their thoughts in disarray. They lack the precision required to carry out such intricate tasks, such as utilizing dark energy extraction technology to mend the blood-colored rifts in the sky. There must be other entities or creatures guiding their actions, much like a swarm of bees... If we can locate and eliminate the instigator, perhaps the threat posed by the black-scaled monsters and elongated ghosts will diminish significantly."

Su Wenhao's bitter smile betrayed his despondency as he absorbed Professor Chen's words. "We previously struggled to identify any such instigator, even with the full force of our battalion. Now, with just over 50 soldiers in my command, it seems impossible to accomplish..."

Head bowed in apparent regret, Professor Chen's voice carried a dejected tone. "I am at a loss for a solution..."

The chaos on the first floor escalated rapidly. Faint echoes of gunfire reverberated through the building, fueling a cascade of negative comments and messages that spread like wildfire, infecting the survivors with panic and distress.

"We're all destined to become sacrificial offerings!"

"The professor confirmed it!"

"This so-called last line of defense is a sham! We're doomed!"

"What do we do? You're military, you had a plan to stop them earlier, but now you're empty-handed!"

Gritting his teeth, Su Wenhao surveyed the assembled survivors on the first floor of the Wuyangyang underground. He knew there were more survivors upstairs, totaling at least five or six hundred, if not more.

He couldn't bear to witness so many innocent lives confined here, waiting for their demise. With no better options from Professor Chen and no sign of military reinforcements, there was only one choice left...

Professor Chen gazed at Su Wenhao and inquired, "Deputy Battalion Commander Su, what course of action will you pursue?"

"Risking the lives of our fifty or so comrades, we'll do everything in our power to forge a path amidst the chaos and ensure as many people escape as possible!"

Su Wenhao's fists clenched, his eyes bloodshot. Determination etched across his face, he had resolved himself to a life-or-death struggle. "We can't allow ourselves to perish here. We must strive to prevent the success of the monsters' sacrificial ceremony. The situation in Yuanliao City worsens by the minute. It is our duty, whether we succeed or not, to make every attempt. Professor Chen, gather your team swiftly, gather your equipment and supplies. We will prioritize your safety... We are no match for the multitude of monsters, but if we can escape and disrupt the sacrificial ritual, their plans will crumble."

In that pivotal moment, Su Chen interjected, "How many monsters are there outside?"

"Black-scaled monsters...elongated ghosts. Their numbers exceed a hundred, perhaps even two hundred... However, they have maintained a loose and semi-encircled formation, primarily driving survivors inward. Their attacks on us have been sporadic, allowing us to hold out until now... Engaging them head-on is futile. Our only chance lies in following their movements, fleeing, and making it inside here, where immediate death is evaded." Su Wenhao's wry smile betrayed the grim reality. "Therefore, Su Sir and Mr. Lin, as the 'main sacrifices,' you possess remarkable abilities. Myself and these survivors rely on your assistance, especially Professor Chen and his team—they cannot perish in this place..."

Lin Mo chimed in, his voice filled with a tinge of self-blame. Had he not remained stationary, he believed the monsters would have pursued their sacrificial agenda, merely relocating the ceremony. Furthermore, attempting to leave might attract the attention of the monsters that had thus far ignored him.

"And what heavy weaponry do you possess? Tanks? Armored vehicles?" Lin Mo's words carried an intention to assist. He harbored a sense of personal responsibility, believing his presence had drawn the monsters, triggering the dire circumstances. Though inwardly aware that his relocation wouldn't have altered their ultimate objective, it might have shifted the location of the sacrifices.

Moreover, if he attempted to leave now, the monsters that previously paid him no mind might suddenly impede his progress.

The atmosphere hung heavy with despair as Su Wenhao's gaze fell upon the bleak surroundings. Their battalion had been decimated by the relentless onslaught of the black-scaled monsters, leaving them devoid of heavy weaponry. Without the means to counter these formidable adversaries, their chances of survival dwindled to nothingness. Each infantryman was acutely aware that a single black-scaled monster could effortlessly slaughter a dozen of them. With over fifty lives at stake, they lacked the audacity to confront their impending doom head-on.

Unspoken words filled the air, pregnant with the knowledge that Professor Chen and his team, burdened with invaluable scientific research, were of utmost importance. Even the soldiers assigned to protect these experts wore somber expressions, fully cognizant of the dire situation. However, their resolve remained unshaken.

"Deputy Battalion Commander, we have fought against these monsters before!"

"Death does not daunt us. We must fight with all our might, even if it means sacrificing ourselves outside. We shall not serve as fodder for their sacrificial rites!"

"We must fulfill our duty, ensuring the safety of Professor Chen and the survival of the other survivors!"

Such were the words of these valiant warriors who had faced the black-scaled monsters head-on. They acknowledged the insurmountable gap between their forces, yet, apart from a few glimpses of panic, they spoke words of defiance, ready to fight until the bitter end.

Witnessing this display of unwavering determination, Lin Mo clenched his teeth, his resolve firm. "I may be of assistance. I have slain a black-scaled monster myself... and it could be argued that I bear some responsibility for this calamity. I am willing to contribute."

His proclamation stunned everyone present. Amidst the chaos, numerous individuals with extraordinary abilities had emerged, but few could claim to have personally vanquished a black-scaled monster. Su Chen stole a glance at Lin Mo, intrigued by his revelation. He recalled Lin Mo's mention of a related incident, suggesting that he had devoured one of the black-scaled monsters while in an uncontrollable state.

Professor Chen regarded Lin Mo with astonishment, sighing with a mixture of surprise and understanding. "No wonder you were chosen as the main sacrifice... Killing a black-scaled monster indicates that you possess at least a level B ability!"

However, Su Wenhao, instead of losing hope, found a glimmer of possibility in his eyes as he turned to Su Chen. He understood that Su Chen might not be a match for the black-scaled monsters, but his talent remained undeniable.

Empowered by the presence of these two extraordinary individuals and the current scattered positioning of the black-scaled monsters, there existed a slim chance to ensure Professor Chen's escape, as well as the survival of their group.

Suddenly, Su Chen posed a question. "Do we still have access to heavy machine guns? I require one. Additionally, I need the corpses of a few black-scaled monsters or elongated ghosts, as well as some time..."

Silent for a prolonged period, Su Chen had been contemplating a plan. Although facing over a hundred encircling monsters seemed insurmountable, the reality was that only a dozen would engage them at any given moment. With his newly acquired armor, he estimated that he could handle three black-scaled monsters simultaneously. If he could modify a heavy machine gun and harness its potential, he might just carve a bloody path for their escape.

However, Su Chen found himself in a predicament. The energy required to activate his battle suit was sorely lacking, leaving him unable to wield its formidable power. Moreover, the prospect of modifying a heavy machine gun seemed insurmountable given the scarcity of resources. It was a colossal hurdle, threatening to undermine their desperate bid for survival. Nevertheless, Su Chen refused to succumb to despair. He understood that taking action was imperative, not only to safeguard Professor Chen and extract crucial information from him but also to thwart the monstrous ritual from reaching fruition.

Vividly etched in Su Chen's memory was the haunting phrase, "Our lord descends." The specter of an unimaginable deity or a horrifying creature descending upon them loomed large. Could he possibly endure such a cataclysmic event? It was akin to the slow boiling of a frog, where inaction only led to a gruesome demise.

The world around them deteriorated with each passing moment. Adopting an ostrich-like approach, burying one's head in the sand, was a surefire way to court an untimely demise. Su Chen was not one to passively await his fate. Success or failure mattered little; he was determined to give it his all.

Su Wenhao, taken aback by Su Chen's resolve, couldn't fathom the purpose behind his request for a heavy machine gun at such a critical juncture. Before he could seek clarification, a sudden eruption of chaos erupted on the first floor, shattering the already fragile calm. The panicked cries and frenzied commotion reverberated through the air, piercing their ears.


"The black-scaled monsters have infiltrated!"

Under the harsh glare of the searchlights, the crowd surged backward, propelled by sheer horror, toward the escalator. Within the tumultuous clamor, several abominable black-scaled monsters descended upon them, slashing and hacking indiscriminately. Their ruthless onslaught painted the scene crimson with blood.

Yet, their goal was not immediate death nor the consumption of flesh, as before. Instead, they sadistically severed the survivors' legs, eliciting a gushing cascade of crimson. A grotesque tableau of suffering unfolded, as escape became an arduous feat.

The splatter of blood upon the searchlights cast a macabre reflection, plunging the entire sublevel into a nightmarish abyss. Darkness swallowed the farthest reaches as a searchlight met its demise. An expanse of shadows crept forth, accompanied by the desperate cacophony of human screams and panic.

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