
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Sacrifices to the gods

The old professor's demeanor betrayed an overwhelming excitement, oblivious to the potential repercussions his words could ignite. Fortunately, his aged voice carried a subdued cadence, preventing a full-blown riot from erupting. Su Wenhao, however, couldn't mask the deepening concern etched across his face. With the military's recent defeat and subsequent retreat, they found themselves back at this location. Though cut off from mobile phones and web content, the rapid spread of rumors among the survivors seemed inevitable.

Yet, in this critical moment, Su Wenhao couldn't afford to be consumed by such thoughts. Fearing the worst, he hastened to welcome the arrival of the enigmatic Professor Chen and his team, his voice laden with urgency. "Professor Chen, what is happening? What do you mean by 'sacrifice'? Explain it to me!"

By his side, Su Chen maintained a stoic silence, his keen perception detecting an unsettling discrepancy in the unfolding events. The military's glaring lack of manpower was painfully apparent: a paltry few soldiers manned the underground outpost, while an influx of survivors surged in, outnumbering the military several times over. Such a dire shortage suggested that the gathering of survivors hadn't been orchestrated by the military authorities. And given Su Chen's firsthand witness to the battlefield's defeat, he found it inconceivable that such a vast multitude of survivors could have coincidentally converged within the span of a mere ten hours.

It was then that Professor Chen, an enigmatic figure of unknown origin, uttered the chilling words, "We are all sacrifices."

Those words instantly summoned to Su Chen's mind the haunting echoes of the elongated ghost's cryptic message from the Skyview Hotel.

Recognizing his lapse in composure, Professor Chen swiftly regained control, modulating his tone to a calmer pitch. He presented Su Wenhao with a plethora of inscrutable data, attempting to elucidate the inexplicable. "We find ourselves directly beneath the spatial rift overhead. It appears we have recently arrived here. Have you noticed the intensifying luminosity? It's not a mere optical illusion, a result of our eyes adjusting to the surroundings. No, it signifies an authentic alteration in our environment."

"The spatial crack above us is undergoing a volatile surge of energy," Professor Chen expounded, his words fraught with urgency. "Though currently limited to the blood-colored fissure within the Cloud City store directly above, its frequency and wavelength fluctuations align closely with our previous observations leading up to the darkness. While its energy response steadily approaches our recorded peak, it has yet to breach the critical threshold. It seems to lack some crucial elements necessary to reach the pinnacle."

Pausing briefly, an expression of grave concern etched upon his countenance, Professor Chen continued, "Only moments ago, a horde of elongated ghosts brazenly bypassed our defense line, disregarding our soldiers entirely. They ascended to the rooftop, performing peculiar rituals that triggered a widespread disturbance in dark energy. Synthesizing this with our prior data, we have conclusively ascertained their intent—to harness the dark energy contained within us, the 'sacrifices,' to fortify the blood-colored rift atop their heads. By attaining the anticipated zenith in energy fluctuations, they seek to fulfill their sacrificial objectives, thereby precipitating unforeseeable consequences."

Professor Chen's revelations unraveled the enigma that had tormented Su Chen's mind, as the truth became increasingly evident. It became clear to Su Chen that a significant number of survivors had been deliberately lured to this location, and the once bustling Cloud City store had been transformed into a malevolent altar for these abominable creatures.

Amidst the mounting tension, Su Wenhao, grappling with the complexity of the situation, beseeched Professor Chen, "Please, spare me the convoluted details. Speak plainly. What is the true nature of this predicament? What are the repercussions we face? What measures do you suggest we undertake? And how do they intend to sacrifice us?"

Professor Chen's revelations dispelled any lingering doubts that had plagued Su Chen's mind. It became evident that the convergence of survivors at the Cloud City store was a deliberate ploy.

Su Chen's unwavering gaze remained fixed upon Professor Chen, acknowledging that the enigmatic professor held the key to understanding the cataclysm and the abominations that now plagued their world. Su Chen yearned to unravel the mysteries that shrouded this reality, knowing that knowledge and strength were the only paths to survival amidst the relentless pursuit of the monsters.

Moreover, Professor Chen exhibited a profound comprehension of dark energy, space, and the creatures themselves. Perhaps in his wisdom, Su Chen could find the inspiration needed to breach the second level of his abilities. The gate to the second level beckoned him, promising an extraordinary transformation that could grant him an edge against the encroaching darkness.

With his battle armor now complete, Su Chen recognized that gaining access to the second level was his utmost priority. He had briefly grazed the threshold before, sensing the tremendous potential that awaited him if he could breach it.

Deep in contemplation, Professor Chen furrowed his brow, his thoughts dancing in a delicate balance. After a moment of reflection, he spoke with a measured tone, unraveling the grim reality before them.

"Very well," Professor Chen began, his voice tinged with concern. "It is as you suspected. Those monsters have intentionally gathered us here to serve as sacrifices. Remaining in this place is a death sentence. Their sacrificial rituals are not mere senseless acts; they harbor a genuine purpose—to summon their gods into our realm."

"However," Professor Chen continued, "if my calculations are correct, their true objective lies in harnessing sufficient dark energy. As humans, our stores of dark energy are meager, requiring them to gather vast numbers of individuals to achieve their goals. The sheer magnitude of their sacrificial rituals aligns with their fanatical belief in these malevolent deities."

"But here's the key," Professor Chen emphasized, "the situation has not yet reached its direst point. While ordinary humans possess negligible reserves of dark energy, the monsters must first identify individuals with substantial stores—the gifted. These powerful talents will serve as the primary sacrifices, enabling the monsters to commence their twisted rituals. It is only then that the ordinary sacrifices, like ourselves, will come into play. However, they require at least one or even two C-level or higher talents to make their plans a reality."

Professor Chen's revelation sent a shiver down Su Chen's spine. The implications were clear—time remained before the sacrificial ceremony would commence. If they could conceal their understanding of the monsters' intentions, there might be an opportunity to break free.

"Deputy Battalion Commander Su," Professor Chen's voice carried a sense of urgency, "if it's possible, I implore you to find a chance to break through. And, if you could spare a few individuals, I would greatly appreciate assistance in installing sensors and cameras. I wish to observe their rituals and glean any knowledge of their dark energy technology. Even if we cannot discern their technology directly, we may uncover the true forces controlling these monsters."

"Gods, theoretically speaking, do not truly exist," Professor Chen mused, his excitement palpable. "They are a product of misguided worship by primitive civilizations and creatures of limited intellect. If we can establish a deeper connection, we might gain insight into the gods behind these monsters."

As Professor Chen's words trailed off, he noticed the peculiar expressions on Su Wenhao, Lin Mo, and Su Chen's faces. Realizing his oversight, he turned to Su Chen and Lin Mo, his eyes narrowing in recognition.

"You, the gifted," Professor Chen exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and trepidation. "The conversation between Su Wenhao and me... You heard it, didn't you?"

Su Chen's tattered clothing and Lin Mo's partially transformed appearance had inadvertently revealed their true nature. They were not mere passersby but talented individuals caught in the twisted machinations of the monsters. The gravity of their situation weighed heavily upon them both.

Lin Mo's face contorted with a volatile mix of anger and resignation. "I arrived at this accursed place approximately a week ago. The black-scaled monstrosities, the eerie elongated apparitions—they are aware of my presence, yet they have refrained from launching a direct assault."

Bitter acceptance infused Lin Mo's voice as he continued, his words laced with a sense of grim realization. "It seems Professor Chen's assessment holds some truth. I am the primary target, the main sacrifice."

A heavy silence settled upon them as Su Chen absorbed the weight of this revelation. It felt as though he had unwittingly stumbled into a treacherous abyss, where danger and uncertainty loomed at every turn.

Yet, despite the lurking peril, Su Chen remained resolute in his decision to stay. The sanctuary of the Cloud City store had provided him with a rare opportunity to forge his own battle armor—an invaluable asset in this unforgiving world. In this realm of peril and possibility, fairness was a fleeting concept, and Su Chen had grown accustomed to the treacherous game of survival. He accepted his circumstances, recognizing that he now possessed the means to both assail and defend. No longer was he the wretched and helpless Su Chen, constantly on the run.

A faint inkling stirred within him, suggesting that while he might not hold the same significance as Lin Mo among the monsters, he had likely been marked as one of the sacrificial offerings. Otherwise, he pondered, it would not have been so disconcertingly easy for him to traverse back and forth between the Cloud City store and the outside world in recent days.

However, Su Chen refused to succumb to excessive nervousness. He had been tempered by the crucible of blood and fire, his combat prowess undergoing a silent metamorphosis. With his fully equipped battle armor, offering both offense and defense, he firmly believed that unless an overwhelming horde of black-scaled monsters awaited him outside, he could vanquish any foe that dared to challenge him.

Professor Chen, a man of profound knowledge and expertise, visibly paled upon hearing this revelation. "Indeed," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of fear and resignation. "According to our calculations, the required number of ordinary sacrifices has been met, and the main sacrifice is present among us. The commencement of the ritual may be imminent, and escape seems unlikely... However, even in the face of such dire circumstances, we must strive to gather insights into their intentions and the dark energy extraction technology they employ. Perhaps we can leave behind fragments of data and observations that may aid future endeavors..."

Su Wenhao, his countenance etched with a somber expression, shared the weight of their predicament. Though not as versed in the intricacies of the monsters and dark energy as Professor Chen, he had sensed the looming danger. The multitude of black-scaled creatures and otherworldly apparitions numbered close to two hundred, while their own dwindling band consisted of no more than fifty individuals, lacking the heavy weaponry necessary for a decisive confrontation. They had been relentlessly driven to the edge of despair.

As Su Wenhao raised his gaze, surveying the disoriented survivors of Wuyangyang, a deep sense of desperation gnawed at his core. If only they possessed sufficient forces, he bitterly ruminated, they could overturn this abominable sacrificial ritual. Yet now, their very survival teetered on the precipice of uncertainty.

Taking a deep breath, Su Wenhao endeavored to steady his mind, halting the dazed Professor Chen in his tracks. "Professor Chen, there must be a glimmer of hope amidst this darkness. Your expertise in the study of these monsters and dark energy is unparalleled. Can we analyze their vulnerabilities and weaknesses? Is there a path to escape that we can unveil? Rest assured, my comrades and I will exert every ounce of our strength and determination!"

The room fell into a tense silence as they grappled with the impending doom.

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