
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Scream in the dark

After negotiating the terms of their agreement, Su Chen reluctantly accepted the responsibility of protecting Xia Ming and his small group for the specified three-day period. However, he made it clear that his commitment beyond that time was not guaranteed and would depend on his own discretion.

To reassure Xia Ming of his capabilities, Su Chen decided to demonstrate the power of his gravity air hammer. With a swift motion, he summoned the hammer into existence, showcasing the raw force it possessed. The air around them seemed to tremble as the hammer created a powerful gravitational pull.

Impressed by the display of strength, Xia Ming's eyes widened in awe. He couldn't help but admire Su Chen's abilities, realizing that he had indeed made a wise decision in seeking his protection.

While Xia Ming held considerable trust in the military and the federal government, Su Chen's priorities were different. He was primarily interested in acquiring Xia Ming's pistol, as firearms were valuable assets in this chaotic world.

The pistol offered by Xia Ming was a standard 9mm firearm with two magazines, each holding 15 rounds of ammunition. Su Chen accepted the weapon, appreciating its reliability and versatility in combat situations.

With the exchange complete, Xia Ming and his small group settled into Su Chen's presidential suite. Su Chen designated specific areas for their movement and made it clear that his own room was off-limits to them. He valued his privacy and personal space.

Observing Xia Ming's group, Su Chen noticed the limited number of individuals accompanying him. There were only two security guards and a female secretary. The woman who had sat beside Xia Ming during the auction appeared to share a close relationship with him, sparking Su Chen's curiosity and causing his mind to wander.

Although Su Chen maintained a professional demeanor and fulfilled his contractual obligations, he harbored reservations and did not fully trust Xia Ming. The protection he offered was within the confines of his own abilities, and he would not risk his life for their sake.

Reflecting on his situation, Su Chen pondered the mysterious regressor who had placed him in close proximity to Xia Ming. Despite his initial reluctance, he acknowledged the practicality of having a resourceful and well-connected neighbor during these challenging times.

As Su Chen retreated to his room, he locked himself in and began practicing with the acquired pistol. He aimed to become proficient with the weapon and save his limited energy units for more critical transformations, such as his imitation of Thor's Hammer.

However, as he focused on his training, a piercing neigh reached his ears from outside his room. Curiosity piqued, Su Chen glanced out of his window and caught sight of a massive shadow passing by. The creature possessed a dark, colossal body, bat-like wings, and intimidating blood-red eyes that seemed to threaten anyone who crossed its path.

After the creature disappeared, Su Chen let out a trembling breath, feeling the cold sweat clinging to his back. The realization of the danger he had narrowly avoided sent shivers down his spine.

The colossal bird he had witnessed was even larger than he had initially estimated. Its immense wingspan stretched at least thirteen meters, while its body measured around seven meters in length. Su Chen couldn't help but imagine the catastrophic consequences if that creature had crashed through the floor-to-ceiling glass window—his life would have been instantly extinguished.

The vulnerability of the presidential suite's living room became apparent to him. The once imposing and luxurious floor-to-ceiling windows now seemed like a flimsy barrier against the monstrous threats that roamed the outside world.

The silence within the suite was palpable, as if everyone present shared the same fear and trepidation. Questions haunted Su Chen's mind—where did these creatures come from? How had they emerged so suddenly?

In an effort to steady his racing heart, Su Chen took two deep breaths, consciously calming himself. He resumed his training, focusing on absorbing the available positional energy in the room. He utilized the power of the Ring of Anovar to transform the energy and channel it into his own body. Only when necessary did he interrupt his practice to nourish himself with a couple of packs of biscuits.

During his training, Su Chen maintained a cautious vigilance, periodically checking the surroundings from his position by the window. Every half an hour, he would survey the area, ensuring his safety and remaining ever watchful for any impending threats.

As time passed, the once-thriving blocks surrounding the Tianjing Hotel lay deserted, their former vitality replaced by a haunting emptiness. From his elevated view, Su Chen witnessed the chaos that had engulfed the nearby streets. Burning vehicles and shops cast eerie shadows, reminiscent of flickering phantoms haunting the desolate landscape. In the darkness, elusive figures roamed aimlessly, their ethereal forms resembling spectral apparitions haunting the city.

The bustling metropolis had devolved into a nightmarish realm, devoid of life, where only the undead wandered the streets in search of prey. People had retreated into hiding, clinging to whatever meager supplies they had managed to gather, waiting for a miracle, a glimmer of hope to rescue them from this living nightmare.

The number of shadowy figures lurking in the streets appeared to multiply with each passing day. However, from his vantage point, Su Chen could not ascertain their exact count. In the distance, the relentless echoes of gunfire served as a constant reminder of the peril that awaited beyond the hotel's boundaries.

Despite the chaos that reigned, there was no sign of any organized military presence. Only a battered police car stood as a grim testament to the authorities' futile attempts to contain the outbreak.

As the clock inexorably approached 16:17 on May 7th, Su Chen's arm throbbed with fatigue from the strain of continuously channeling energy through the Ring of Anovar. Through his personal experimentation, he had discovered that actively swinging his arm could enhance the absorption efficiency by up to 15%. Fueled by desperation, he vigorously shook his arm within the confines of his room, desperately seeking to absorb every possible ounce of energy. In this nightmarish city teeming with the undead, Su Chen knew that every last trace of energy could mean the difference between life and death.

If Xia Ming were to witness Su Chen's frantic arm-shaking, a mixture of fear and suspicion would likely fill his heart, causing him to regard Su Chen as yet another monstrous creation of the disaster that had befallen them.

Unbeknownst to Xia Ming, he had already harbored doubts about Su Chen's peculiar behavior and idiosyncrasies. He had observed the destruction of the presidential suite's furniture and the discreet stockpiling of supplies in one corner of the room. These peculiarities had sparked Xia Ming's curiosity and led him to ponder whether Su Chen possessed some foreknowledge of the impending catastrophe.

The mystery surrounding Su Chen only deepened in Xia Ming's mind.

Despite his innate curiosity about Su Chen's strange weapon and the secrets it held, Xia Ming refrained from prying too deeply. He recognized the immense value of having such a skilled and enigmatic ally in a world overrun by monsters. As a profiteer driven by self-interest, Xia Ming understood the importance of maintaining a beneficial alliance and had no intentions of betraying Su Chen. He couldn't shake off the feeling that Su Chen was not an ordinary individual, and with each passing day, his fascination with the enigmatic figure grew.

Xia Ming found himself plagued by a persistent confusion. He was aware that the Federation possessed special forces equipped with advanced weaponry, but why would they choose to disguise themselves as ordinary civilians? And why did Su Chen, whom Xia Ming suspected to be part of these covert forces, not carry a firearm?

As Xia Ming's mind raced with these unanswered questions, the enigma surrounding Su Chen deepened. He couldn't help but sense that there was far more to Su Chen than met the eye.

Unbeknownst to Xia Ming, almost all of Su Chen's advanced equipment had been acquired through dubious means, courtesy of his clandestine dealings with the enigmatic Monk Zhang Er.

With the cessation of internet connectivity, the interruption of water and electricity supplies, and the absence of any communication, Xia Ming had no choice but to engage in continuous speculation about Su Chen's true identity while anxiously awaiting the arrival of the military forces. He encouraged those around him to foster a rapport with Su Chen, even going so far as to offer him a firearm. However, Su Chen remained hesitant, further fueling Xia Ming's intrigue.

Meanwhile, Su Chen was consumed by the urgent task of accumulating energy points, fully aware of the necessity to fortify himself against the relentless onslaught of monsters lurking beyond the hotel's fortified walls, including the colossal black bird that had recently vanished from sight.

As the massive black bird disappeared from view, an overwhelming sense of urgency gripped Su Chen. He knew that time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to waste a single moment. Pouring every ounce of his energy into the task at hand, Su Chen tirelessly accumulated mysterious energy points. Despite the brevity of his reprieve, he managed to amass a significant seven units of energy, which he promptly utilized to transform his humble pistol into a formidable weapon of unparalleled power.

The transformation process proved to be a laborious endeavor, consuming a significant portion of Su Chen's energy reserves. After nearly twenty minutes of intense concentration, he successfully completed the arduous task, albeit at great cost. The process drained six precious energy units, leaving Su Chen feeling physically weakened and vulnerable.

Aware of the dire need for additional practice and mastery of his newfound energy manipulation abilities, Su Chen yearned for more time to refine his techniques. However, his contemplations were abruptly shattered by an ear-piercing, blood-curdling scream that tore through the air, originating from a location beyond the confines of the presidential suite.

The scream did not emanate from within the suite itself but rather from a distance, amplified by the darkness that enveloped the world outside. It reverberated with sheer terror, causing a chilling sensation to snake its way down Su Chen's spine.

Within moments, the alarmed cry was joined by a cacophony of terrified voices, their collective echoes filling the air, further heightening the sense of imminent danger. Su Chen strained his ears, acutely attuned to the sounds that unfolded, each one serving as a foreboding note in the symphony of chaos.

Above the rising cacophony, the distinct sound of hurried footsteps reached Su Chen's ears, intermingled with the unearthly wails and growls of pursuing monsters. It became evident that a group of survivors was desperately fleeing, their lives hanging in the balance as they raced towards the relative safety of the 23rd floor.

Caught in a state of apprehension and anticipation, Su Chen had no choice but to wait and listen, his senses attuned to the rapidly approaching chaos. The crescendo of fear and desperation drew nearer with every passing second, making it clear that a life-or-death struggle was unfolding just beyond the confines of the presidential suite.

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