
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Look at him

As the cacophony of screams and panicked sounds reverberated, Xia Ming and his companions within the presidential suite were consumed by escalating anxiety. Gripped by fear, Xia Ming instinctively drew his second pistol, clutching it tightly in his trembling hand.

The tension within the room became palpable, and the stunning female secretary couldn't suppress her nervous glances towards Su Chen's locked room. In a hushed tone, she whispered to her colleague, Xiao Song, her voice laden with apprehension, "Is it true that Su Chen dispatched a monstrous creature with a single blow? Why hasn't he emerged yet, despite the escalating chaos? Are we being deceived? And why are those cowards running towards us?"

Just then, Su Chen emerged from his room, fully equipped with a gravity war hammer firmly grasped in his left hand, while his right hand held a sleek pistol. His Miao Dao knife was sheathed and affixed to his waist in an unconventional manner.

Surveying the room, Su Chen sought to find the right words to assuage the anxieties of Xia Ming and his companions. However, his own jittery nerves impeded his ability to speak, fearing that any utterance might exacerbate the already tense atmosphere. Instead, he endeavored to conceal his own apprehension and maintained a composed demeanor as he strode purposefully into the corridor.

Su Chen understood that he could not afford to wait passively for the encroaching monsters. Time was of the essence, compelling him to act swiftly and discern the nature of the impending danger. Though fear threatened to overwhelm him, reason dictated that he confront the looming threat head-on. He resolved to exploit the labyrinthine and expansive corridors to his advantage, utilizing them to assess the unfolding situation.

Even before he stepped foot into the corridor, his hand clutching the gun was already slick with perspiration.

In the eyes of Xia Ming and his companions, Su Chen's confident and fully armed appearance exuded strength and self-assurance. The stunning secretary was convinced that Su Chen possessed formidable power and capabilities, having discerned a resolute calmness within his gaze. Her excitement peaked, compelling her to grab Xia Ming's hand and exclaim, "We were right! Su Chen is unquestionably a force to be reckoned with! Did you witness his unwavering composure just now?"

Having just ventured into the corridor, Su Chen was met with the chaotic and horrifying sounds that emanated from the adjacent safe passage. The crescendo of screams and clamor intensified with each passing moment, signifying the proximate encroachment of the monsters upon the uppermost floor.

As he made his way towards the safe passage, Su Chen observed that the door lock had already suffered damage, an undeniable indication that the first monster had breached its confines and ascended through this very passage.

Upon reaching the staircase, Su Chen activated his flashlight, casting its beam downward to illuminate the tumultuous scene below. The corridor lay in disarray, a frenzied exodus as individuals fled in a panic, their wavering flashlights flickering in the darkness.

Suddenly, a distraught woman caught sight of Su Chen and pleaded desperately, "Save me! Save me!" Tears streamed down her face, and she was part of a group of four individuals who raced frantically up the stairs towards him.

Ignoring her plea, Su Chen remained focused. His trembling flashlight revealed the presence of two elongated apparitions lurking ominously behind the fleeing group.

The darkness seemed to writhe and contort around the monsters, their bodies coated in a fluid, black substance that undulated akin to living creatures. The quivering beam of the flashlight cast eerie shadows upon the walls, creating a nightmarish and surreal tableau.

Sinister growls emanated from the depths of the creatures, resonating through the corridor, leaving no doubt that these abominations relied on their victims for sustenance, driven by an instinctual need to kill in order to survive. It was a chilling reminder that no human could hope to outrun them.

As Su Chen laid eyes upon the menacing apparitions, his heart raced within his chest, yet his trained instincts swiftly recognized the advantageous position offered by his elevated stance on the staircase.

Calming his racing heart, Su Chen steadied himself, the grip on his pistol unwavering. Drawing upon his familiarity with virtual gunfight experiences, he utilized the handrails at the corridor's corner to stabilize his aim. With unwavering determination, he sighted his target, taking careful aim at the head of the foremost spectral figure. The surge of adrenaline fueled his resolve as he squeezed the trigger, unleashing a resounding gunshot that shattered the silence. A brilliant burst of flames erupted, briefly illuminating the darkness. However, to his dismay, Su Chen's shot missed its mark, the bullet embedding itself into the wall, a mere two meters above the creature's head. The chasm between virtual shooting and the grim reality before him was a stark realization, causing Su Chen to curse beneath his breath.

In the midst of the chaos, the trio of fleeing individuals had ascended to the 23rd floor, the leading woman rushing past Su Chen, her desperation consumed by the need to secure the door behind her. In her nervous frenzy, she failed to register the already compromised lock.

Aware that the potential danger they faced upon reaching the 23rd floor remained severe if the two spectral entities were left unchecked, Su Chen knew hesitation was a luxury he could ill afford. Adjusting his aim, he swiftly fired another shot, this time targeting the more accessible midsection of the lanky apparition.

The bullet struck true, finding its mark within the creature's torso. Enhanced by the mystical modifications to his pistol, the force of the impact momentarily stunned the spectral foe. A gaping cavity formed upon its back, releasing a thick, ebony flow of viscous fluid. Yet, the dark substance exhibited an uncanny resilience, flowing akin to living entities as it swiftly sealed the wound, mending the damage within seconds.

Undeterred by the creature's swift recuperation, Su Chen unleashed a third and fourth shot in quick succession, effectively impeding its advance. The elongated specter contorted, its sinewy limbs convulsing as it desperately clasped its head, attempting to stifle the relentless barrage. The creature's regenerative abilities were pushed to their limits, momentarily restrained by the repeated onslaught.

Su Chen's awareness sharpened, recognizing that the elusive killing blow could only be delivered to the creature's head. Yet, time and opportunity dwindled, his mind racing with apprehension as he urgently sought a viable plan. Amidst the maelstrom of panic, an absurd thought flashed across his consciousness—how he regretted not having devoted more attention to marksmanship at the firing range.

Meanwhile, the panicked woman continued her futile efforts to seal the door, while one of the survivors, gripped by horror, restrained her. Another survivor, a portly man, cowered on the ground, trembling in abject fear as he bore witness to Su Chen's perilous engagement with the abominations below.

Within the crucible of tension, Su Chen's body was drenched in a cold sheen of perspiration, his heartbeat thundering in his ears as he readied himself for a fifth shot. Yet, in a sudden, chilling twist, his pupils contracted as the second elongated specter surged forward, utilizing its fallen companion's body as a springboard, propelling itself more than three meters into the air. Its blade-like appendages poised menacingly, the creature lunged with lethal intent, poised to deliver a fatal strike upon Su Chen.

As the specter of death loomed in Su Chen's thoughts, an icy grip tightened around his heart, reminiscent of the chilling embrace he had experienced during the head-on collision in the ill-fated truck.

Yet, amidst the shadow of impending doom, a flicker of hope ignited within Su Chen's core. He had come prepared, armed with knowledge and a strategic advantage afforded by the terrain.

Suppressing the encroaching tendrils of fear, Su Chen fortified his resolve, refusing to succumb to their paralyzing grip. He had to transcend the confines of mere survival; he needed to shatter the confines of this perilous game.

Drawing upon an indomitable wellspring of determination, Su Chen harnessed every ounce of his strength. In a cataclysmic display of force, he unleashed his gravity warhammer, hurtling it towards the approaching monstrosity with a ferocity that defied its deceptively lightweight appearance.

The trajectory of the hammer, guided by Su Chen's unwavering will, intersected with the elongated ghost, colliding with a resounding impact that belied its seemingly frail nature. The force behind the blow reverberated through the corridor, an explosion of kinetic energy meeting spectral resistance.

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