

3 cargo ships approached the shore of the countries of Zeden , Fyuri and Plasmayin in which there was absolute silence soldiers armed with guns but none who were Baku's and for a moment when the ships came to a halt it was complete silence and then death , blood everywhere gunshots rained but the peculiar thing is what was being shot ? This went on until all the soldiers died and after that an inhuman looking beast appeared it had humanoid features except for the 8 eyes it possessed two where their supposed to be and the others were all hideously place and the most disturbing thing was the giant scythes that it had. Blood slowly dripped from its mouth a head in its mouth slowly being crushed by a tentacle like appendiges that came from within its mouth inorder to fit it in. The camera that had captured that event was then crushed by something else , humanity didn't get the chance to panic because as soon as that camera was crushed , death started spreading like a virus , these monsters these nightmarish beings were to fast to be seen but not to fast that humans couldn't adapt , they were rather sadistic by nature all of them preferring different ways to end you and all of them fundamentally being unique one could be big another small , one could like eating a specific gender another the other , one could prefer a certain age , but all that was the same was how they seemed to enjoy playing with their prey , their speed would've been enough to slaughter every human in the planet but they choose to play , some would only attack when being looked at and others when someone was moving. Their sadistic nature was unproven for some time many thought there were just different variants but when the first Baku appeared and killed one of the nightmares they stopped playing such games , now a nightmare plays such games when it knows it's facing prey unable to fight back and calling humans prey would be misinformation they don't need us to live they just eat us for fun. The first case of a nightmare being born was seen in a camp of unknown location at this point in which a girl who had lost her family due to bandits and was assaulted in what way well I'll leave that to your imagination all that is known was she was found bare in a building weakly breathing grasping on to life. For the first 3 weeks there was no response from her and all of a sudden she was fine she would happily help , doing all that is needed meanwhile people would start going missing only a week after she had awakened. The culprit was quickly found and it was the girl , she had claimed to have no memories of what happened before she came there but after that night everyone understood why. Out of a hundred and twenty eight residence only 10 people survived and the nightmare escaped with only an injury , the girl was with them alive and well.

Ok for those who don't understand why exactly I named the chapter " unborn " , its because the girls trauma transformed into a nightmare , either way I believe you can make speculations onto how these particular entities are made either way I hope y'all enjoy. Another thing is I wanted to ask is I've asked Chatgpt to make it's own version of my story and I was wondering if you wanna see that.

Pure_White_3105creators' thoughts