

I grew in a village of 35 but by the time I left there was only me and a little girl called Sayu she's 10 and I'm 30 at this point , I've never been emotional and so I was given the name Black and yes I weared all black because it is my favourite colour , it's a good colour especially because of how the nightmares themselves react to it. They seem to have a favouritism to this specific colour , their prone to be more tame , tame enough for those monsters anyway , they won't attack immediately when your wearing black which in itself is terrifying. The village was a beautiful place , kind people and very loving neighbours , I don't know how I ended up there just that I was found near a corpse of a woman who was assumed to have given birth to me , she possessed white hair just like me , but the red eyes are something we didn't have in common. " Sayu are you listening " " Yes big brother " Anyway as I was saying the village was a beautiful place , very hidden too but in some occasions a nightmare would come along , even one weak nightmare would be enough to desimate an entire village. If I remember what uncle Suito once told me about the days the nightmares were born , he told me it was a normal day everyone was minding their own business until out of nowhere everyone blacked out , for an entire week all of humanity was asleep and they dreamt of a being of pure light who bestowed abilities to only a few of humanity and the being announced " Just like the Baku I bless all I've chosen to destroy the darkness to come. " After that everything seemingly went back to normal until the continent of Asphelia was covered by complete and utter darkness with no lught being able to shine the way. At first then no one noticed until a distress signal was sent by the military of Asphelia and the footage recovered was unbelievable , humans capable of super human abilities and creatures that could only be described as nightmares. While the government did try to hide what had happened it only took one phone call to reveal the situation. At first it was quite and then it was complete panic everybody wrote of the one week incident thinking that they might have been some kind of chemical accident that caused it but no longer could they deny the truth the planet Transpheria was now under attack. People with relatives in Asphelia demanded rescues for their families and a few rescue teams were sent and unfortunately they all came back. CHAPTER 1 : THE BEGINNING I grew in a village of 35 but by the time I left there was only me and a little girl called Sayu she's 10 and I'm 30 at this point , I've never been emotional and so I was given the name Black and yes I weared all black because it is my favourite colour , it's a good colour especially because of how the nightmares themselves react to it. They seem to have a favouritism to this specific colour , their prone to be more tame , tame enough for those monsters anyway , they won't attack immediately when your wearing black which in itself is terrifying. The village was a beautiful place , kind people and very loving neighbours , I don't know how I ended up there just that I was found near a corpse of a woman who was assumed to have given birth to me , she possessed white hair just like me , but the red eyes are something we didn't have in common. " Sayu are you listening " " Yes big brother " Anyway as I was saying the village was a beautiful place , very hidden too but in some occasions a nightmare would come along , even one weak nightmare would be enough to desimate an entire village. If I remember what uncle Suito once told me about the days the nightmares were born , he told me it was a normal day everyone was minding their own business until out of nowhere everyone blacked out , for an entire week all of humanity was asleep and they dreamt of a being of pure light who bestowed abilities to only a few of humanity and the being announced " Just like the Baku I bless all I've chosen to destroy the darkness to come. " After that everything seemingly went back to normal until the continent of Asphelia was covered by complete and utter darkness with no lught being able to shine the way. At first then no one noticed until a distress signal was sent by the military of Asphelia and the footage recovered was unbelievable , humans capable of super human abilities and creatures that could only be described as nightmares. While the government did try to hide what had happened it only took one phone call to reveal the situation. At first it was quite and then it was complete panic everybody wrote of the one week incident thinking that they might have been some kind of chemical accident that caused it but no longer could they deny the truth the planet Transpheria was now under attack. People with relatives in Asphelia demanded rescues for their families and a few rescue teams were sent and unfortunately they all came back.