
Black Dark Villains

a group of villains is powerful anti-heroes from different universes are recruited to duel with other groups, who win the championship can command the entire galaxy

senhor_do_gamer1 · Action
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


treat him like royalty. "Sounds like fun. You go ahead and eat while i put these away." Andres placed the pizzas on top of the fridge before heading back into the kitchen, and Red Hood followed. Once Mary returned from the living room carrying a small box, they took a seat at the table. After taking a slice of each pizza, they began to munch on their meals. "So, what happened with Red today? Did everything go smoothly?" Mary asked once they finished eating. Andres looked down at his lap for a moment, hesitating, before answering, "Yeah, it went okay. Well, except when i told him that i wanted us to break up." Mary gave him a confused look, "Why would you do that?" "Because, I don't deserve him," Andres explained, "We've known each other for such a long time, I love him more than anything in the world, but he doesn't feel the same way, and he never will. I want him happy, not just because of me, but also because of the relationship that we are going to build together." Mary smiled slightly at him, "You don't deserve someone who is unhappy, Andres, especially not after everything that you've done to try and win Red's heart." Andres frowned as Mary continued. "He deserves better than you can provide, Andres, but you have to keep fighting and try to get him to fall in love with you again." Andres looked up at Mary, confused. What did she mean by "fall in love"? Wasn't Red already in love with her? She was married, not to mention pregnant by Red. He didn't know what to think. "I... uh, I really need some air, I'll be right back," Andres said quickly, standing up and rushing upstairs without waiting for an answer. Mary sighed loudly. Why couldn't Andres just accept the love that Red was giving him and move on? Why wasn't he listening to her? How had things gotten to this point? Was there anything wrong with Andres? She felt so bad for the poor boy. As soon as Red Hood arrived home that night, he noticed the lack of light from upstairs and immediately ran up there. Red Hood stopped in the doorway and watched as Andres paced back and forth in front of the window, his face was covered with tears, and he kept crying out to himself. Red Hood felt incredibly guilty seeing his boyfriend in pain. His boyfriend who deserved to be loved unconditionally, not treated like a criminal for existing, unlike himself. "Hey Andres, i'm back," Red Hood said quietly. Andres turned around in surprise when he heard his name. He wiped the tears off of his face and attempted to smile. "Hey. You had dinner? Where did you get food from?" He asked with a nervous tone, his eyes flickering between his boyfriend and the floor. Red Hood raised an eyebrow in response to the question before walking further into the house. "The pizza delivery guy," He answered simply before sitting down in his usual spot across from Andres. Red Hood looked at the older man carefully, noticing that his shoulders were tense, his fists clenched, and he seemed anxious. "What's wrong?" Red Hood asked, placing a gentle hand on Andres' thigh and rubbing small circles with his thumb. Andres swallowed nervously before answering, "Nothing." Red Hood frowned at his boyfriends behavior, but decided that he would wait until he knew the full story, before interrogating him. "Can we talk about it over dinner?" Red Hood requested. Andres hesitated for a moment, before nodding. After the two sat down and ate in silence for a few moments Red Hood decided to ask the questions, "Are you angry that I went out with another girl earlier?" He asked cautiously. "No!" Andres replied quickly, "No, I'm not angry. I'm actually really glad that you're dating someone else. It means a lot to me that you've found someone you love and are ready to share yourself with. That's amazing Red, and I'm sure you and that girl will make each other very happy." Red Hood smiled at his boyfriends words. It meant a lot that Andres was supportive of him getting a girlfriend after everything he did. He really was the most wonderful boyfriend that Red Hood ever had. Andres cleared his throat before continuing. "I guess I just have my mind wandering sometimes and I feel guilty. Like maybe I should be the one comforting you and keeping you safe rather than letting you comfort me." Red Hood tilted his head, puzzled by Andres statement. "How does me not being able to comfort you make you feel guilty?" Red questioned. He had a feeling there had to be a reason behind Andres' behavior. Something more to it that was bothering him. Andres looked up and shook his head, "It's nothing, I just feel like I'm not enough for you." He admitted softly, dropping his gaze to the ground and twiddling his thumbs, avoiding Red Hood's intense stare. Red Hood leaned forward and grabbed Andres' cheeks gently, forcing him to look at him, "Don't say that! Of course you're enough for me, and if I weren't enough for you then you wouldn't be mine.