
Black Dark Villains

a group of villains is powerful anti-heroes from different universes are recruited to duel with other groups, who win the championship can command the entire galaxy

senhor_do_gamer1 · Action
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13 Chs


Chapter 3

now it's the fight between Awerkok vs Black,everyone goes to the stands to watch the fight, there is an area where villains can land, the arena is big enough for the whole audience to see everything.

the fight about to start between Awerkok vs Black,Awerkok dashes to hit Black with his fist Black dodge Awerkok's fist that hits the ground breaking the whole floor and sending pieces everywhere.

A couple seconds later Awerkok starts to feel dizzy and tired, but he refuses to fall, instead he uses his quirk to move around in a circle making his attacks stronger.

Black blocks his attacks trying to find openings to punch, but Awerkok moves around avoiding them. Black looks around and sees an opportunity to punch Awerkok, he runs towards him, punches his stomach, and then kicks him in the ribs. But before he can attack he gets knocked down by a powerful kick. Awerkok recovers quickly and attacks Black who tries to block the attack.

Awerkok use your speed its garrs to scratch Black's skin

. Black grunts as the damage is done, but doesn't seem affected. Awerkok punches him repeatedly, but the hits never seemed to faze Black.

Black grabs Awerkok and flips him over his shoulder then picks him up and throws him across the arena

Once Awerkok lands, his leg catches on a piece of broken tile, causing him to twist sideways as he falls. Black picks him up and holds him upside down using Awerkok's arms as a rope to climb into the air

The crowd cheers for Black

Black climbs down the ropes and tackles Awerkok pinning him down, he begins to choke him.

Awerkok:hey!! Stop it!

Awerkok gets yellow animal eyes and starts growling like an animal

Awerkok taking Black's arm is lifting his body with a very strong force.

Black:you bastard!!! Let go of me!!!

Awerkok lifting Black's arm is throwing him against the wall with surreal strength. Black screams in pain

Awerkok lifts his arm and throws Black through the walls with incredible force. When Black falls back to the arena he hits the ground with such tremendous force that the impact is enough to break his bones. After the dust settles, Awerkok takes a deep breath then walks toward Black who lies unconscious on the floor.

Awerkok approaches him carefully, he bends down beside Black to take a closer look at the injuries

Awerkok:this is pretty bad... he's gonna wake up in a few hours, but you're not coming back.

Awerkok kneels next to Black's side and gently places his hands around Black's throat trying to keep his mouth open

Suddenly he starts choking him. Awerkok continues to squeeze Black's airways slowly, then he suddenly lets go letting Black's lips slide apart. He closes his mouth over the opening and starts sucking on his wind pipe.

When he finishes his last sip, he removes his mouth and lays Black in a comfortable position on the floor.

After a few minutes, Black slowly wakes up

. Black tries to say something, but Awerkkok interrupts him by saying

Awerkok:You're in trouble, I didn't expect you to actually win the match...but now you'll die, and it',Awerkok walk away leaving Black behind with a groan.

He reaches the bottom of the ramp and sees the crowd looking around at themselves, some confused others surprised, he walks up the stairs to the arena where all the people from other battles had been waiting for him and his teammates to defeat the opponents.

"What the hell just happened?" A boy asked as he looked up at Black "Did you knock him out? Is he okay?"

"Well I'm fine. Now come on, before we forget, this is why we are here," a boy with short black hair said

"Yeah, but he's kinda scary..." another boy said "what should we do?"

"We should leave, I don't want to fight anyone else...not today anyway." Said a blonde girl

"I'm so sorry you guys, but he's our best bet to beat the Villain League. They're probably gonna try to recruit us now too, I heard that they're recruiting the entire class!" A red headed boy exclaimed

"Oh great, I thought I finally made some friends!" Said a tall blond boy

The group began to walk away but then one of them stopped walking, he turned back to look at Black.

the next fight will be between Victoz vs Alina

Alina was a girl with long brown hair tied up in pigtails and green eyes,she looked kind of shy and shy at first glance,but once you know her well you will see that she's extremely smart. She has super fast reflexes that help her win in almost any battle.

As soon as Victoz sees her,he knows he has met her before, he also knows that he must defeat her in order to pass and be accepted by the League

Win or fail. That's what Alina wants him to believe.

Victoz vs Alina to fight is about to start and the crowd is sitting in the stands to watch the fight again.

All the students stand at the ready ready to fight.

Alina:so what do you think of the fight so far?

Victoz:its very boring, no offense, but why do you keep talking? Why don't you just give up already?!

alina:that's because I'm enjoying this so much! This is my destiny, my chance to prove myself, to get recognition!

the fight begins is Alina using her agility is her intelligence to hit Victoz, but Victoz uses her speed to dodge Alina's attack, Alina being shocked by how fast Victoz is

dodging her attacks tries to catch Victoz, but Victoz avoids all of her attacks successfully.

Victoz:well played bitch! Your fighting style was so good but I guess that's why you couldn't make it to the Heroics Academy...

Alina:you really think I am only good at fighting? I am more than just good, I am amazing!

Victoz:whatever you say, let's continue shall we?

alina:of course

The match goes on, Victoz is still able to dodge every attack that Alina throws at him, although Alina is losing stamina, Victoz is not showing any signs of exhaustion.

The two have gone at it for about 20 minutes,and Victoz keeps winning the fight. But Alina is exhausted and she is struggling to keep herself awake. Victoz can tell that she is getting weak.

Then Victoz says :

Victoz:well you can stop pretending now that it is time to end this thing

Alina:really? You mean it?

Victoz:yeah I am not going to lose to someone like you,

Alina:oh please, you've been defeated by the likes of me countless times. Just give up already!

Victoz:I will never give up...

Suddenly Alina's body starts moving erratically

Victoz using your speed is running around Alina, it's making a hurricane around Alina, and it doesn't stop until Alina is thrown to the wall. Alina fell on her back unconscious

Chapter 11

Everyone was cheering when Awerkok stepped in the arena, the crowd clapped and cheered for their hero.

"That guy is pretty cool...what do ya think?" One boy with short black hair says

"Ya! He is pretty strong! And he did the whole thing without even activating his quirk!" A red head added

"And he got his ass kicked by a girl!" Another boy exclaimed

"Yeah, he really is a tough opponent to beat!" A girl chimed in

After hearing all of the praise, Awerkok smiles proudly and puts his hand up high in the air, the whole place gets silent and awerkok walks down the steps. Everyone gives awerkok a round of applause.

Once he reached the front of the arena, Awerkok notices the rest of his teammates, and everyone else from his team congratulating him with a warm smile and a nod

"I won, I was able to show you guys what I could do, and today proves that I can win against All Might!" He said happily.

Awerkok turns his attention back to his teammates, he hugs them and says :

"Thanks guys"

One by one they hugged him and congratulated him.

Huguel: congratulations Awerkok

Andres: congratulations Awerkok

Victoz: congratulations Awerkok


Andres: well done Awerkok!

Winston: Congratulations Awerkok! I'm glad you survived!

Winston hugs awerkok

Awerkok smiles and walks back down the steps.

teka show the finalists of the competition Huguel,Victoz,Awerkok

Victoz: well... that went pretty fast!

Victoz looks around the stadium and sees all the faces from the other matches watching their battles.

Victoz:so what does everyone think? Who's going to win?

Teka:everyone has given their opinion on the tournament! There are four finalists who are going to participate, but one will have to wait until later tonight to compete against our favorite Champion, Awerkok!!

Victoz:well, that's good news... I'm sure we are all going to win. I am undefeated and I have been the champion since I was 7 years old. Even if I lose to Awerkok, I am confident that I can still come out victorious.

Teka:very well... if you are confident, then you must be prepared.

Teka shows them a sign telling them they need to return to the stands where they were supposed to be watching the final fights.

A boy with black spiked hair approached Awerkok

boy: hey Awerkok, that was amazing! How did you become the Champion of the Tournament??

Boy:I mean, I knew you were stronger than normal people, but I didn't realize how amazing you were, I would LOVE to train under you! What do you say?

Walking past awerkok to the stands

the seminals of the competition will be between Huguel vs Victoz vs Awerkok the talking voice says

Huguel and Awerkok and Victoz go to the arena to fight the winner goes to the final