
Black Dark Villains

a group of villains is powerful anti-heroes from different universes are recruited to duel with other groups, who win the championship can command the entire galaxy

senhor_do_gamer1 · Action
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13 Chs


Chapter 2

Huguel and Andres and Victoz and Awerkok were sent to a room where there are other villains and anti-heroes from other universes. They are going to defeat some super villains on a mission to free people from another universe

Awerkok:we've never done something like this before, where exactly is the plan?

Huguel:there will be five of us against one villain, and if I can control the whole situation, then that's good, as long as we're outnumbered we'll be fine

Andres:what if they don't want to talk with us? What if we don't even get their help. We're just kids, we'll probably die if we meet another supervillain who hates heroes or thinks that they should never exist.

Huguel:well it wouldn't be the worst way to die, believe me, I have seen it too many times, it's always the same ending, people get hurt and die.

Andres:but what if this time someone gets hurt instead of me?!

Huguel:it'll turn out okay Andres.

Victoz:hey, why do you two care about others if you hate them so much anyway? Aren't you heroes?

Andres:that's just it. Our world is different than yours, the world of our planet has heroes in it, while yours is villains, but you can still get injured or killed. I just don't want to put anyone else through what I went through.

Huguel:It seems like it's like a duel to beat the strongest villains and anti-heroes from other universes, but how will we win?

Victoz:it's simple, we just have to stay alive.

awerkok:so how do we fight these guys? I mean they can shoot lasers out of their hands


andres:how do they use their quirks?

Victoz:their quirk is called electricity, they use it to blast us away with lightning, the villains are stronger than the heroes they have weapons, which include guns

they also can breathe fire from their mouths and can create flames from it

andres:oh yeah they mentioned guns but what are you suppose to do with the weapon.

Victoz:they can shoot it with lightning, they will also throw it with fire

andres:oh yeah that works out, but do you have enough bullets?


Awerkok:is it really necessary to carry around a gun when you can simply punch a hole in a wall and smash a door open?


Andres:I have to admit that I'm scared, I don't know if I can do this...

awerkok:don't worry, you can do this! All you have to do is be yourself and you'll be great! Don't forget, we'll be with you.

Andres:I guess it'

a microphone voice speaks stop all villains is anti-heroes of the room go to the arena to fight

them, but beware they have some weapons they can use to blast and burn you

The four teens head to the arena

As they enter they see some guy holding a gun and talking on the microphone.

"You may call me "The Collector", I'm the boss around here, so listen well! As you know I have a quirk called "Collectors Touch". I can use this metal ball from my wrist, called my weapon, and when I touch the target, I can touch their DNA and get information from their cells.

"Now I know what kind of weapon is the thing you have on you right now, but let's be honest, I already know you three guys came prepared with the best possible weapons. Now here's my offer, I give each of you a single chance, and I'll tell you how to get rid of every villain on this base, if you agree we will let you continue doing whatever you're doing, and you can leave peacefully.

"But don't think you're going to get the upper hand, we'll kill any hero, no matter what their weapon."

All of them nod, they all got the impression of a villain, the only difference is that their costume was purple and black while theirs was blue, gold, orange, yellow, pink, green, and gray.

A woman walks into the arena

the woman says you will be drawn with that sign above the arena to battle other villains is anti-heroes, whoever is not drawn will sit on the arena benches watching the fight of the two opponents until they are drawn again

Then two robots appear on either side of them saying you have 15 minutes to fight the enemies you will be pitted against and that's all. They walk out of the arena and towards the stage

They get in the middle of the ring

Andres:wow, this place sure is big. What do we do now? Should we split off?

Victoz:No No That won't be smart. You should stick together, we have two teams now, you and me will team up and try to overpower each other.

Awerkok:why does that sound like such a bad idea? How are we supposed to stand a chance if we're stuck together?

Victoz:well, it's simple really. If you're in a group, the enemy can easily surround you, then when we go after them we'll be able to cut them all down.

Victoz:anyway, are you two ready?

Andres:Yeah. I need to warn you though, I don't think this is a very good idea, we've got more strength and we haven't even tried to learn a new skill yet.

Huguel:then we better start now!

Awerkok:okay, but remember, don't be afraid to get hurt, you will have plenty of chances.

only the voice says again: the fight will be one against one, and the first to lose will be eliminated

the first duel will be between Huguel vs Anastasia,the other competitors are in the stands of the arena watching the fight between Huguel vs Anastasia

Huguel vs Anastasia are in the arena, the fight is about to start

Huguel throws his fist forward, Anastasia throws a knife toward him, he dodges it effortlessly then hits her straight in the stomach with his elbow causing her to stumble forward

Anastasia turns around quickly and sends her fists flying at Huguel causing him to fly backwards and hit the wall, he falls to the ground with his back still against the wall.

Huguel is to get up from a back flip and pick up his gun and shoot Anastasia

in the back, she turns around and grabs the gun out of his hand and fires her own shot hitting him in the chest, he falls back down,when everyone thinks that Huguel lost Huguel get up as if nothing had happened.

Anastasia points her finger toward Huguel and fire a bolt of lightning

When the lightning strikes Huguel, Huguel feels nothing and calmly walks towards Anastasia. He grabs her by the neck and punches her face twice in a row

He puts the gun to her head and pulls the trigger, it shoots directly through her head, she falls to the floor without a single trace of blood or brain matter remaining on her body.

Victoz:Victoz! Are you alright?

Andres:are you okay Victoroz?

They approach Anastasia and check if she is dead, when they look at her they realise that she isn't dead but she isn't moving either

the mask doctors take Anastasia and take her to the hospital

. The crowd cheers for both heroes as they exit the arena