
Black Clover: Undefined

Beliefs, religion, and culture helped humanity thrive. They helped build societies, civilizations, and kingdoms. However, we cannot say that they are indeed morally good. This fanfiction tells the story of a young man who became the victim of such beliefs. After finding out the truth, he sets out to be what society thought of him to be. The one and only, devil child. I don't own the cover picture. Of course the same goes for Black Clover. --------------------

BlankPage0201 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Chapter 82

After setting everything up, Hisashi takes out a couple of weapons out and stocks some apples from the original tree in the dungeon. He eats a couple and decides to rest for a couple of hours.

At the Shogun's residence, Ryuya and Jozou are tending to the former's bruises. The latter advised to call for a healer but Ryuya refuses as he shrug it off.

"It's just a bruise. No need to make a big deal out of it." Just then, the door opens and Ichika is standing on the door with Kezoukaku behind her. She was shocked to see Ryuya full of bruises and ran to him.

"Ryuya-dono! What happened to you?! I left your side for a day and this happened." Ryuya just laughs.

"Again, it's just bruises. Ya should see the other guy." Jozou simply coughed at his statement to which Ryuya winked at him.

"Who did this? Who did you fight?" Ichika asks and requests Kezoukaku to call a healer which the shogun dismisses.

"Is it Yosuga-dono? Did he ask to fight you again? No wonder you lost!" She screams like an angry mom.

"No, it's not Yosuga. And no, I didn't lose. It was a tie and it was a friend from someplace else."

"But why did you fight him? You don't even have yoryoku to protect yourself! Even Yosuga-dono doesn't want to fight you calling you nicknames such as a frail lizard."

'Ichika, don't remind me of how I almost lost even when yer brother wasn't even usin' his yoryoku. I know I'm not usin' zetten too, but still.' Ryuya said in his mind as he smiled pitifully.

"Don't worry about it. Okay, you get to be my bodyguard along with Jozou for a week. Just chill out. Kezoukaku's getting scared of you again. As for you Kezoukaku, please wait for Daizaemon to come back and inform me as fast as possible. Thank you." Ryuya said as Jozou hit him in the back and it cracked.

"Yes, Ryuya-dono." The timid girl said as she gripped tightly to her sword.

The culprit behind this little quarrel has just woken up from his long nap inside the dungeon. He trains and exercises for a few hours with different weapons before eating and taking a break by reading. After finishing so, he once again entered the special chamber and said his goodbyes to the sleeping Koyori before packing his things out and leaving.

As he was about to leave, he looked at the apple bracelet key in his hand. He smiles for a bit before wearing it on his right arm. The door then slowly opened as he left the dungeon breathing the fresh air. Just then, he felt someone's ki leaning by a tree.

"Wanna see me leave?" Hisashi said as Jozou with his mask showed up.

"Ryuya told me to tell you to not leave yet. Your boat is also prepared. He also told me to tell you that you know what to do." Jozou said as he fixed his mask and walked away with Hisashi. With that, Hisashi concealed his ki and tied his hair up before fixing his hat's position, concealing his face.

"He got some troublesome guards, didn't he?" Hisashi asks.

"I didn't expect you to be someone who starts a conversation. Anyways, he did. I'm still curious about your relationship with Ryuya-dono, as I've never seen any mention of you nor has anyone heard of you, but I won't ask." Jozou said as he wasn't really expecting a reply. Hisashi also doesn't have any intention of answering such a question.

Later on, they reach the shore where three people are waiting for them. It was Ryuya, Ichika, and Kezoukaku who were holding her long sword. Ryuya simply smiled as Hisashi talked first, not minding the other two.

"I see that you've really savored the bruises. Should I give you more?" This made Ichika look at him angrily and even put her hand on the katana and Ryuya stopped her.

"I should be the one saying that. Ya covered your with somethin' or did ya heal them?" Ryuya said. "Too bad for you, I didn't even get one. I'd like to test your… Ryuzen's strength. But I have to get going. It seems that they're lucky. I doubt they can protect you. It seems like your eye isn't that special."

What he said made Ichika's eyes widen in shock and anger. Not only did the stranger insult her and the other Ryuzen, he also insulted Ryuya and his one-of-a-kind ability. Veins appeared on her head as she gripped tightly on her sword. Ryuya managed to stop her though as Hisashi rides the boat.

Jozou then uses his wind to propel him with his wind along with Hisashi's wind and gets the move moving in the black seawater. As they watch him leave, Ryuya just laughs making Ichika angry.

"Ryuya-dono! Is that the man that beat you up? Who even is that man!? You shouldn't have stopped me." Kezoukaku, who was simply listening, flinches at her display of anger.

"Even if we gather all of the samurai we know, including Yosuga, and take him on all at once, I doubt we can defeat him. Also, he didn't beat me up! It was a tie." *Cough* Jozou simply coughs at his statement.

"Then who is he? If he's a good-willed person, then he doesn't need to hide his face, doesn't he?! Why did he even need to insult us and even you?"

"Don't worry. He just loves provoking people. As for who he is? …he's also a Ryuzen. A hidden one. As for a nickname or a title… Just call him, 'The Crawling Chaos'."

Hours of sailing later and using his wind to blow the small sails, Hisashi finally has the Hino country out of the horizon. However, that wasn't a good thing as the waves were starting to get bigger and the clouds were getting thicker. The temperature is starting to drop and the humidity is rising. Not only was his small boat on the verge of capsizing every wave that hit it, but the novice sailor was lucky enough to survive.

Using his wind magic, he slices the big wave apart before it reaches the boat making it significantly weaker. But it didn't last long as minutes later, the waves had become a couple of meters tall, some even bigger.

The dark cloud also started pouring strong rains as the lightning struck the water left and right, with almost no interval. Sometimes even four or more at the same time. Accompanied by that are strong waterspouts and tornadoes hundreds of meters away from him.

"This is a disaster! How did brother even survive this? How lucky can he be? Is all the diarrhea just an accumulation of his luck for this very moment? Oh shit, there's an incoming wave!" Hisashi's eyes widened as he saw a 50-meter-foot-tall wave coming his way.

Without hesitation he jumps upward, destroying his only boat as collateral. But that jump launches him hundreds of meters in the air, specifically inside the dark clouds. In there, he sees all of the lightning accumulating as he decides to spawn his wind wings which are more like a glider, and glide through the clouds.

He was successful in the first few seconds before he saw a lightning bolt come his way. With a little maneuver, he quickly dodged it and cautiously watched out for more. Deciding that the clouds are a pain in the ass, he gathers all of his mana in his hand as the wind condenses on his hand.

He then pushes his hands forward, blasting a condensed beam of wind, pushing the clouds away. He swipes his hand sideways clearing even more area of cloud. But Hisashi was shocked again as five seconds later, the dark clouds reformed once again.

"Are these clouds made of fucking mana? How did they reform that fast?" Hisashi gathered his hands for another beam of wind. This move was an original that he made on the spot. Because of the scroll, his mana has experienced qualitative and quantitative improvements. However, just because improvements were made doesn't mean that Hisashi knew its fullest capability nor can he use it to its fullest extent.

Just as he prepares to blow it once again, his body is suddenly pulled by some strange force making his eyes open wide in surprise. He was dragged downwards without a care in the world as he hit one of the waterspouts which in turn consumed him. The only thing he was able to see before being consumed by the water tornado was a vacuum-like suction sucking the water in the middle of the ocean.

As he was pulled in, he discovered that the waterspout's suction force was also stronger than normal. Not only can he not escape but he can't even move his body. He was holding his breath while trying to do everything he could to escape the water spout.

He was about to freeze the waterspout when he sensed danger instinctively. A second later, the waterspout's form was destroyed but not because of Hisashi. It was because a 100-meter-tall wave hit it. Inside the wave, Hisashi was panicking, swimming as hard as he could but all he could see was water and the dark depths of the ocean.

Finally, after minutes of repetitive struggle of being consumed by tall waves, pulled by some mysterious force, and consumed by waterspouts, he finally got a chance to swim upwards. He didn't miss the chance to do so as he swam upwards as quickly as he could. But before he can even take a breather and relax. He saw the dark clouds light up dangerously.

"Shit." That's all he can say before hundreds, if not thousands of lightning bolts simultaneously hit him. It didn't stop after just one barrage of strikes as a second, and third hit him before his body finally gave up and forcibly passed out.

For the last time, Hisashi was pulled once again by a mysterious force down the water. There, a faint light was glowing. And if someone can see it, they'd see it sucking the water around it. It wasn't long until Hisashi's unconscious body was swallowed by the mysterious light and at that time… Yami Hisashi disappeared from the world.