
Black Clover: Undefined

Beliefs, religion, and culture helped humanity thrive. They helped build societies, civilizations, and kingdoms. However, we cannot say that they are indeed morally good. This fanfiction tells the story of a young man who became the victim of such beliefs. After finding out the truth, he sets out to be what society thought of him to be. The one and only, devil child. I don't own the cover picture. Of course the same goes for Black Clover. --------------------

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88 Chs

Chapter 7

--49 days later--

Hisashi slowly opens his eyes. He felt a slight pain in his eyes and brain for a bit but it adapted quickly. He then saw the ceiling of the room and he felt his body is weak. He looks around only to see no one. He tried to recall everything he can remember and stitched everything up. He was hospitalized.

Seconds later, his brother, Sukehiro enters the room. Even after seeing Hisashi awake now, not a tinge of surprise can be seen. He just sat down on his chair.

"Just finished taking a dump?" Hisashi teases.

"You shouldn't have woken up now." He said calmly.

"What? I'd tell mom you said you wish that I never woke up." Hisashi said, with ticks on his temples.

"I meant you woke up at the wrong time. Koyori wants to be by your side when you wake up. She'd hit me if she knows that I accidentally took her chance." Sukehiro explains.

"Right! Koyori! What happened to her? Is she okay? Where is she?"

"She's at school. On the first week of your coma, she didn-"He interrupts his brother immediately.

"I was in a coma?" "Let me finish first or I won't call her. On the first week of your coma, she didn't leave for a second. Only after some talking from mother and father did she become accepting and started to return to her usual life." Sukehiro says. He stood up and takes an apple from a basket beside his brother's bed.

"After classes, she always goes straight here. She also frequently brings apples like this. It's tastier than normal, you should take one. Later on, she'll come here too after classes so don't worry and just stay there."

He then left to call their parents who are at home. Hisashi takes an apple by his side and took a bite.

'I already know that.'

Minutes later, a Mizuya enters the room and smiles at Hisashi. "How are you feeling Hashi?"

"It's Hisashi, Mizuya-dono. I currently feel weak. Am I okay?"

"I'll refer to you as Hashi as long as you keep calling me Mizuya-dono. Just like your brother Sukiro and his friend Yuya. You should learn from Ichika, she's calling me Sister like she's supposed to. Anyways, you're okay. However, you need to take things slowly for months. You can't over-exhaust yourself again before your heart and lungs are back to condition. Most importantly, control your yoryoku as soon as possible."

"You're mother's best friend, we can't call you such a term for a youngster." Immediately, a clipboard hit his face.

"Next time you come here, treat yourself. Also, I'd tell that to your mom. Control your yoryoku or your brain is going to hurt again. You're already okay so I'll leave you now." The shrewd auntie doctor left him alone.

Without anything to do, he tried to recall everything that has happened before he passed out. Based on what Mizuya said, he realizes that he indeed used and awakened his yoryoku, even earlier than his brother.

He closes his eyes and tries to remember the sensation in his memory. After just a millisecond, his eyes glowed gray for a bit before a green hue envelops his hand. He opens his eyes to see the yoryoku and the breeze in his hands.

Hisashi aims his hand toward the chair and released the yoryoku in his hands. He tried to lower it down given the events in his memories and he was able to do it. The small wooden chair his brother was using before, was now split into two.

"I copied that bastard's sorcery." Then, he tries to remember the events even further. The moment the man unleashed his attack.

-In his memories-

The moment that Taoru's attack was about to hit Hisashi, he ducks and grabs his shadow. A black wall of darkness covered him. Taoru, seeing this, was surprised not only to see his sorcery being used but also the same person using another sorcery type.

After the wall disappears, a big bubble of water was summoned and floats toward the direction of Hisashi's arm. Confused, Taoru can do nothing but watch. He watches as it floats through Hisashi's cut-off right arm. It reconnects and heals immediately the severed arm of the kid.

"You! You're a monster! A demon! DIIIIIEEEEE!"

Taoru screams as he charges with his dagger in his only arm and sends wind slashes to Hisashi who counters it with his wind spells.

He jumps aiming to stab Hisashi but then, many wind slashes flew out of Hisashi's body. Mid-air, Taoru recognized it as his sorcery spell.

"Shit…" At that moment, Taoru's reaction was fear. His life flashes in his eyes as the white blade of wind comes closer to hitting his body.


A gust of wind. The wind slashes successfully sliced Taoru in half. As his body falls, he saw his lower half spurt blood everywhere. Hisashi walks slowly to where he is before raising his hand again, and sending multiple wind slashes, again, and again, and again, until the man's body was chopped into more than a hundred pieces.

However, Hisashi never damaged Taoru's head. While his body was being chopped off, his brain continued its function as he saw how the kid with the red eyes brutally thrashes his body. That's the last thing he was able to see in his life.

-Back to the room-

After remembering everything that happened wholly, Hisashi didn't even bother with what he did to Taoru.

"I just used Mizuya-dono's spell and father's move!"

The spells that he used to defend, were a move his father showed him when they were training. The other one, however, was a healing spell of Mizuya which she used before when his brother and Ryuya cut themselves after fighting with a real sword even after being warned that Hisashi is watching.

The two didn't want to be scolded so they secretly asked Mizuya to heal them after bribing her and showering her with praise.

Deducing everything about the possible connections, Hisashi tries to use the two different sorcery types again in which he, again, succeeded. After his eyes glow gray again, two objects appeared on his hands. On his right hand was a floating water ball while on his left hand, was a small tinge of darkness, the sorcery of his father and their family.

This made Hisashi smile while thinking of the possible type of sorcery that he has.

"What is it? Can I copy the magic of others? Or can I just use different types? Would I be reliant on other people later on? Or I wouldn't be? Just thinking about this makes me excited!"

He continues to experiment for more minutes before he hears heavy steps. Someone was running.

"Hisashi!" There, the familiar face that he's been waiting for this whole day.

"Koyori!" She runs immediately opening her arms up as she runs to him. In response, Hisashi opens op his arms too and as she reaches him, the two start two hugs each other… As tightly as possible. The two hug even tighter as though nothing can take them apart from each other again.

Given her uncomfortable position at the side of the bed, Hisashi just pull her into him even closer to which she reacted quickly. Without letting go of him, she climbs up his bed and cuddles up even more to him. There, a tear falls out from her eyes but instead of the cry of sadness before, she was now crying her tears of joy.

Hisashi didn't even feel the heavy weight of Koyori in his slightly frail body and continued to hug her without speaking. Soon, the two families reach the room where they see the two kids hugging each other.

The adults spoke through their eyes and decided not to bother them but a clueless and dense kid destroys their plans.

"Oi, you two, enough with the hugging. Your parents are here."

Some may question it but Taoru is just an expert criminal but still an untrained fighter.

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