
Black Clover: Undefined

Beliefs, religion, and culture helped humanity thrive. They helped build societies, civilizations, and kingdoms. However, we cannot say that they are indeed morally good. This fanfiction tells the story of a young man who became the victim of such beliefs. After finding out the truth, he sets out to be what society thought of him to be. The one and only, devil child. I don't own the cover picture. Of course the same goes for Black Clover. --------------------

BlankPage0201 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Chapter 5

Koyori's timing was really good. As she opens her eyes and her blurry vision opens, she saw Hisashi's smiling face. She was unable to hear what he just said, but the figure of his rare smile is enough to make her smile too despite what is happening right now.

"Hi-Hisashi? What is happening?" Koyori said with her trembling voice.

Hisashi didn't look at her but just gave her a smile while looking at Taoru. He knows that the moment he gave an opening to him, he and Koyori is dead.

"Everything is good now. You don't have to worry. Can you stand?" Hisashi asks.

"I think I can." "Good. I'd let you down. As soon as I did, RUN, okay?" Hisashi emphasizes intensely.

Hearing this, she looked around only to see a big man that she faintly recognizes. "Hisash-"

"I know. Just do what I say." Koyori just then nods. There, Hisashi slowly let Koyori down.

Taoru, who was just observing the two children with deadshot eyes, suddenly sprung to movement as he slashes one of his daggers onto Hisashi's head.

Hisashi of course, saw this and counters with a reverse grip defense above his head. 'ARGHHH!' Even with his adrenaline and the mysterious boost on his strength, it wasn't enough to stand against a physically more powerful foe as he felt his muscle ache.

As Koyori saw this, she immediately freed herself from Hisashi's hold and stood up quickly.

"NOW! RUN!" Taoru then slashes his right dagger towards Hisashi's neck in which he ducks. Taoru saw this opening and sends a knee to the face of the kid as he's within the range.


As the knee hits, Hisashi was knocked back. However, suddenly, a massive clump of dirt was suddenly coming to Taoru's face. Unable to dodge it, Taoru was blinded by the dirt. This gave Hisashi an opening to attack himself as he slashes upward towards Taoru's left hand.


"ARRRGHHHH!" Taoru screams as he felt that some of his fingers were cut clean. Along with that, he lost his dagger on his left hand.

When Hisashi was about to make another blow to Taoru's chest, he was met with a blind slash from his left side by Taoru. He fails to dodge and he receives a slash on his face.

Koyori, hearing Taoru's scream, looked back only to see Hisashi getting a slash on the face. However, she didn't stop after seeing the determination from Hisashi's red eyes.

As Taoru recovers from getting blind, Hisashi didn't stop from attacking. He felt his lungs ache just from breathing and knows that if he stop, he might faint on the stop.

'I need to make sure that Koyori can flee first.'

Hisashi was about to reach Taoru when he sensed a danger coming from his right. There, a fast wind blade just brushed his side. Thanks to being faintly blind, Taoru just missed a critical attack.

'He almost got me!' Hisashi thought. Without missing a beat, he looks at Taoru who just finished taking out his scroll that was floating now. His whole body is reeking Yoryoku and bloodlust from losing his fingers.

"Do you really think that it would be that easy?" Taoru looks at him with an angry but smiling expression. Before he can say another thing to Hisashi, he saw the kid run towards the other dagger that he accidentally lost earlier.

Without hesitation, he sends a big wind blade towards the direction of the knife. This made the knife fly away to the nearest tree and making Hisashi's attempt fail.

"HAHAHAHA! I told you, I would kill you. I could've killed you painlessly if you requested. But now, I'll spare you. But for a different reason."

Failing to get the other weapon, Hisashi has no choice but to attack him sending an attack with his right hand. There, Taoru was able to catch it with his right hand with his dagger before speaking.

"I'd make sure you watch as I take my time with her! WAHAHAHAHA!"

Hearing this made all hair in Hisashi stand up as his eyes widens. His bloodlust was unleashed which made Taoru as stiff as a stone for a second before HIsashi's dagger start to cave in on Taoru's.

"Oooohhh. I just hit a soft spot. Is that all it took?" Taoru suddenly unleashes a point blank wind blade. However, he was surprised when he wasn't able to release it. After looking at his left injured arm, he saw it releasing red mana and red lightning. It also enveloped his scroll for a second but none of the two noticed.

His eyes darted to Hisashi who's both eyes turned red. The same red color as the mana and lightning enveloping his hands before. It returned back to original quickly and Taoru felt his mana is back to normal.

Realizing this, he starts to cast another wind blade from his hand as his scroll lights up green.


This managed to successfully hit the enraged Hisashi as a sprout of blood came out of his arm. Stump of the remains of the arm to be exact. His right elbow and below was now on the ground lying and a slash on his chest was present.

However, an unexpected situation arose for Taoru as his left arm was also suddenly missing.


The sound of the wind blade that cut him was late to tell him what happened. Oblivious of what was happening, what consumed him was a mix of anger and fear. Anger for his injury, and fear for his lack of understanding of what is happening.

The more he fights the kid in his eyes, the more he saw a monster inhabiting a human child.

'WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! HOW DID HE DO THAT?!' After trying to analyze what just happened, his brain's response was one and only. To panic.

[Wind Sorcery: Fengiu] Taoru chanted as a surge of wind blades start to come out of his body slicing everything. This includes Hisashi as several wind blades are coming at him at a different angles.

The still enraged kid was oblivious of the danger that he is facing his body was about to be sliced.


I would use Yoryoku for mana or magic power but when a character is using a spell, I would use either Magic or Sorcery cause this chapter for example, "Wind Yojustyu" sounds less natural than "Wind Sorcery".

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