
Black Clover: The True Knight

This is black clover x OC fanfiction. I'm writing this because there is not any fanfic of my liking. The story follows the anime manga so keep it in mind. That'sall. Enjoy..

Firesight · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

chapter 3: The Capital

"The leaves of a Clover are said to each contain one thing. In the first three dwell integrity, hope, and love.

The fourth leaf is given over to good luck. And in the Fifth...Their lives a devil"


For the past six months, Rowan, Asta, and Yuno had been training with their grimoires, using their magic to become stronger and more powerful.

Rowan nodded, his hands glowing with energy now as he channeled his magical powers. "Are you ready?" he asked as he created an ice sword with a wave of his hand. Asta nodded in agreement, his grimoire glowing with energy as he summoned his heavy sword.

Rowan and Asta looked at each other before they charged forward, their swords colliding with a loud clang. Rowan's Ice Sword was quickly destroyed, but it was not something he didn't expect. He quickly leaped back and dodged Asta's attack, sending some ice spikes at him in retaliation. Asta was quick to react, blocking the spikes with his sword.

He then retaliated with an Ice Blast that sent Asta flying backward. Rowan quickly followed up his attack with a flurry of Ice Shards that quickly engulfed Asta.

Reinforcing his body with mana, Rowan increased his speed and agility, allowing him to dodge Asta's attack and launch a counterattack.

With his enhanced speed, Rowan quickly sent a flurry of punches towards Asta, the mana reinforcing his blows to make them stronger and faster. Asta managed to dodge the first few, but eventually, he was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of punches and was sent flying back into a nearby tree.

Steping back, Rowan smiled and said, "Good work. You're getting really good with your sword."

Asta slowly picked himself up, feeling the aches of the impact from the punch. He looked at Rowan with admiration.

"Ugh, that was disgusting," Asta said, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He had just finished gulping down a bottle of moguru juice, a strange green liquid.

Asta offered Rowan the bottle. "You want some?"

Rowan shook his head and made a face. "No thanks."

"Hey Rowan, I have been meaning to ask. Where have you been sneaking out of the church? You've been doing this since the last five years. "

"What do you mean by sneaking out? I was traveling around the country," Rowan frowned and then said, "I've been to many places, and I even been to the capital."

"It's like a wild desire that I just can't contain," he continued, a distant look in his eyes. "I always feel like someone has cut my wings, and I have to find a way to take them off and soar again."

"Oh, wait, you've been in the capital before?" Asta asked, ignoring the last part. "What was it like?"

Rowan smiled and then explained, "The capital is a very beautiful place. There are lots of shops and things to do. You would love it there."I even made some friends there," he added.

"Yes, that's where I start my journey to become the wizard king, but why didn't you take me with you when you were going there, you jerk? I would have also seen the capital," Asta said, a bit of anger in his voice.

"Dream on, you have to surpass me first," Rowan said with a grin on his face. "And if I had taken you with me, I surely would have been caught by Father and Sister Lily."

Asta eagerly listened, asking questions about what he had seen and experienced. Rowan spoke with enthusiasm about the different cultures, customs, and foods he had encountered. As they talked, it became clear that Rowan had a strong sense of wanderlust and a passion for experiencing new things.

After an hour of talking, they both made their way back to the church.


"Well, I can understand Yuno and Rowan. But are you really considering allowing Asta to take the exam, too?" Father Orsi asked, the grimoire tower's master.

"Well, he's saying that he wants to do it," the long bearded master replied.

"Again, I believe that Yuno can handle the exam, but Rowan is too reckless. Are you sure he'll be okay?" Father asked, emphasizing his point.

"I think he will be fine," the tower master said.

They threw ideas back and forth, debating the merits and drawbacks of allowing Asta to take the exam.

Father Orsi sighed and shook his head. "I just hope they'll be okay," he said.

The tower master and Sister Lily just smiled at him and nodded in agreement.


As the day of departure finally came, they celebrated their last day in church. While Father Orsi praised Yuno and lectured Rowan for not being reckless, he also said to Asta that the church is his home and he should come back if he fails in the Magic Knight Examination.

As the night went by and the sun rose again, the time of departure had come. They all gathered their belongings and said their goodbyes, wishing each other the best of luck on their journey.

"Take care of each other."


"You better write to us."


"Good luck!"

"Come back soon!"

"He'll be back soon... Asta, that is,"

"Nash!" Asta frowned.

As he closed his eyes and crossed his hands, Nash continued, "But you know... just an if, and it's a very huge if... If you get into the Magic Knights"


"I'll believe in possibilities. I'll believe I can become anything. And then, one day, I'll get into the Magic Knight, too. No, never mind."

Rowan smiled and ruffled Nash's head. "Don't give up on your dreams. You can do it if you try hard enough. We'll be waiting for you."

"We'll be off!" Rowan, Asta, and Yuno waved goodbye as they set off for the capital.

After walking for some time, Asta came in front of the two and ss Asta ran, he shouted, "Whoever reaches the capital first will be the Wizard King!" Rowan and Yuno looked at each other before sprinting after Asta.


They arrived at the capital's entrance after a few days of traveling. The capital was bustling with people from all over the kingdom. Everyone came for the Magic Knights Exam, an event held once every year.

There were many shops selling magical artifacts, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation.

Rowan watched as Asta went to a food stall set up by an old lady.

"Err... Asta, are you sure you want to eat that?" Rowan pointed at the snack kabab that Asta brought from the old lady.

Asta was starving, and he was so hungry that he bought two kebabs from the old lady.

He offered one to Rowan, who refused, saying, "No, thanks."

"What about you, Yuno?" Asta asked, munching on his kebab.

"I'm okay," Yuno replied.

After some time of wondering, Yuno, Asta, and Rowan proceeded to the exam entrance, which was located in the middle of the capital.

Magic Knight Exam:-

Rowan, Asta, and Yuno have arrived to the Magic Knights Entrance Exam. Examinees around the Clover Kingdom have arrived with hopes of becoming Magic Knights in the near future. All the examinees were in a venue. Anti-Magic birds appeared and peck some of the examinees.

It is known that Anti-Magic birds can detect someone's magic power. The less magic someone has, the more they peck them. When Yuno and Rowan walked, no Anti-Magic birds appeared around Yuno and only one bird flew towards Rowan. The boy gently rubbed his head as the bird landed on his finger. People recognized Yuno and Rowan even from a distance. They discussed how the fourth-leaf clover grimoire picked Yuno and Rowan.

Asta was standing a few feet away, surrounded by a flock of Anti-Magic birds.

With a determined look on his face, Asta stepped forward and yelled, "One of us is going to become Wizard King, Yuno, Rowan! Our legend starts here! I'll show you the results of my six months of training! Owwww!"

Asta felt the sharp pecks of the birds on his skin and felt the pain spread across his body. He started running, flailing his arms trying to shoo away the birds. As Asta tried outrunning the anti-birds, he ran into a tall man with a stern expression on his face.

"Oh, sorry for bumping into you," said Asta apologetically.

"You wanna die, runt?" said the man with a menacing glare.

Rowan looked around the venue, trying to spot Asta. "Where did he go?"

"GWAHHH!" Rowan heard Asta's voice, and his sweat dripped as he heard it. "I know that voice from anywhere." Rowan exclaimed as he sprinted towards Asta.

When Rowan arrived, he saw the large man picking Asta up by his head, like a toy looking down menacingly at him. Rowan recognized him immediately as he walked closer a young man with light brown hair called ouy the tall man, "Ah. There you are. Captain Yami!" said the light brown hair guy. "What are you doing down here?"

"He was annoying me. I'm about to wring his neck." Yami said as he tightened his grip on Asta's head.

"Uh, please don't a Magic Knight's Captain shouldn't be killing examinees," The young man was cut short by Rowan who interjected, "Hello, Mr. Yami, it's been a while since I've seen you. How have you been?" said Rowan with a smile.

"Ah... the old kid, I see you're attending the examination this year. I totally forgot about it." said Captain Yami, still puffing on his cigarette.

"You know him, Rowan?" Asta asked, completely taken aback.

"Yep, he is the captain of the Magic Knight squad, the Black Bulls, Yami Sukehiro. We met while I was trying to save Ms. Charlotte, the captain of the Blue Rose Knights. But I ended up being saved by Mr. Yami, and we went together into the Witches' Forest to save Vanessa."

Suddenly, all the anti-bird birds flew away as the Captains arrived on the scene.

Suddenly, a masked man appeared, seemingly out of nowhere."Thanks for coming, invited examinees. Now that all the captains are here, let's begin the examination." As soon as they saw him, the crowd immediately recognized him as the Captain of the best magic knight squad, The Golden Dawn.

"You're in luck, Runt. You better appreciate your saved life. Or else I'm gonna kill ya." Yami said and took another puff out of his cigarette, waved his hand to Rowan, and got up to where his seat was located.