
Black Clover: The True Knight

This is black clover x OC fanfiction. I'm writing this because there is not any fanfic of my liking. The story follows the anime manga so keep it in mind. That'sall. Enjoy..

Firesight · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

chapter 2: The Grimoire and Magic

Grimoires flew from the stands and went to their respective owners. Everyone started comparing their grimoires and debating what they would do with them.

"Ummm..." Everyone started at Asta, who was extending his hands at the sky. "My grimoire is not coming," he said, looking around the room.

"Er...try again next year," the tower master said with a sympathetic smile.

"WHAT!!??" Asta exclaimed, looking around the room in disbelief.

People started laughing at Asta until a sudden glow came from Yuno. He had received a four-leaf clover grimoire, the same one as the first Wizard King had, and the attention of everyone in the room quickly shifted to the dark-haired teen.

"I'm going to become the wizard king," Yuno declared, his voice strong and confident. The room was filled with awe, as everyone stared at him in amazement.

"I won't be too sure about that, Yuno." Everyone stared at Rowan, who was surrounded by bright blue light as his grimoire floated right next to him. His grimoire also had a four-leaf clover. "I'm not going to let anyone become the Wizard King before me," he said, his voice filled with determination. The room was filled with a mixture of awe and anticipation, as everyone watched the two teens, both determined to become the Wizard King.

Asta stood up from the ground, "You guys, just wait. I'll catch up to you guys in no time since I'm your rival!" he exclaimed, which once again caused the room to erupt into laughter. Yuno stared at him, unsure what to do, but decided to walk away.

On the other hand, Rowan grinned and put his hand on Asta's shoulder. "Let's see who will become the Wizard King," Rowan said, looking Asta in the eye. "Let the best man win," he added before walking off.

Asta smiled and nodded before saying with determination, "I won't let you two beat me. I won't lose, no matter what!" He then followed the two of them out of the room, determined to one day become the Wizard King.


Meanwhile, Yuno had been surrounded by two of the guys who had looked down on them when they first arrived. They were both staring in awe at the four-leaf clover in his grimoire.

"Oi, you don't have to go that far," one of them said to the other one.

"We should have been stars today. And yet... This peasant received a four-leaf clover?! It doesn't matter... I'll just have to turn it into Ash!" he spat before using his fire magic in anger.

Yuno didn't even open his grimoire and created a tornado around him that held back the flames. Just as the attack stopped, chains emerged from the walls and bound both guys and Yuno.

"I can't let you burn that," a voice dripping with sadistic pleasure said Yuno tried to struggle but was stopped by the voice. "Don't even try to move," he said. "My [Creation Magic: Magic Binding Iron Chains] restricts the magic and movements of those it captures." The voice belonged to a man with pale skin and dark hair.

"Who are you?"

"Me? Until recently, I was pretty well known magic knight called Revchi of chain magic, but I got kicked out, so now I'm a wretched thief. And with that, he reached his hand out towards Yuno's grimoire. "And I'll be taking that grimoire," he cackled.

"It's pointless for you to steal that. The only one who can use -" Revchi didn't let Yuno complete his words as he laughed maniacally and said, "The only one who can use a grimoire is the one it chooses However, underground collectors are buying grimoires at an insane price. A grimoire with a four-leaf clover may have chosen you, but you only just received it. It's unfortunate for you because I'm here to take advantage of it."

"[Ice creation magic: Ice dragon]" An ice dragon no larger than a lion appeared in the air, making the surroundings colder. As Revchi turned to look at it, the ice dragon crashed on him, sending him flying. Rowan arrived at the scene.

He then looked at Yuno. "You okay?"

Yuno nodded, but before he could say anything, more chains erupted from the ground and tied Rowan too. Revchi, who had recovered from the ice dragon attack, smiled and said, "It looks like I'm in luck. I was coming for you next but now I can take two four-leaf-grimoires and sell them for double the price!" He then began to cackle again as he approached the two bound targets.

"HOLD IT!" With a shout, Asta appeared out of nowhere, jumping into action, before hitting the wall head first. But he quickly recovered and pointed his finger at Revchi and said, "What do you think you're doing?" That's Yuno's grimoire! Why do you have it?! You thief!"

Revchi laughed and said, "Aren't you the pathetic little one who wasn't even given a grimoire?"

"Oh, remember me!? Yeah, I'm that pathetic little brat! A grimoire is precious to the person who received it. Give it back to Yuno, you jerk!" Said Asta while Revchi laughed.

"Run Asta!" Yuno shouted as he struggled against his bonds.

Asta ran at full speed towards Revchi, who invoked even more chains in an attempt to stop him. But Asta was too quick for him and managed to dodge them.

Asta was only inches away from reaching Revchi when a new chain erupted from the ground and stabbed him in many places, sending him flying back and knocking him out.

"I'm not done yet..." Said Asta in a low voice as he slowly got up, his eyes blazing with determination.

Revchi then invoked another chain that flew towards Asta. He managed to dodge it, but the chain had enough force to send him flying back and crashing into the wall, knocking him out.

Revchi laughed as Asta lay drained in blood, "I'm able to see the magical power of whoever I warp in these chains." As Revchi said that, he put his leg on Asta's shoulder, who was sitting on the ground with his back against the wall. "And let me tell you, you don't have any, not even a drop. You have it from birth. I'm sure the two prodigies over there mock you. You were born a loser!" Revchi cackled.

Asta closed his eyes as if accepting his defeat. While all this was happening, Rowan was surrounded by a blue magical power. The chains that warped around him started to freeze, and the surroundings became colder. But suddenly, he was stopped by a voice. It was Yuno's voice shouting, "Shut up!" Yuno shouted. "Asta is anything but a loser! He is brave and courageous, and he never gives up! Asta, it's true you won't be able to become the wizard king, no matter what!"

"You see, even your friend laughs at your petty dreams." Revchi laughed.

"But that's only because I will be the wizard king!" Yuno exclaimed. "Asta is my rival! He is no loser."

Those last words seemed to activate something in Asta, and he slowly opened his eyes, and a bright light began to shine from within him.

"I'm sorry you two had to see me like that, Rowan, Yuno. Now relax, I'm gonna kick this guy's butt!" he shouted. A red-black five-leaf grimoire appeared in front of him, and he rose to his feet, summoning a heavy sword. He then glared at Revchi and said, "I may not have been born with magical power, but I've worked hard to get to where I am today. That's why I'm here to fight you now. You can mock me all you want, but I'm not going to give up.

"Wh-what is that a grimoire? The sword?!" Revchi yelled in shock. "What kind of power is this?! You can't have this kind of power without magical power!"

The shadow of Asta changed form and reassembled into a devil. Revchi was in shock but quickly conjured more chains and directed them towards Asta. However, Asta was able to cut them off with his sword with ease. Revchi looked on in disbelief, unable to comprehend how this was possible without magical power.

Revchi was overwhelmed with fear as Asta charged towards him. He tried to use his chains to stop him, but Asta easily cut them with his sword. "My magic... IS NEVER GIVING UP!!"

Asta yelled before smashing into Revchi and sending him crashing into the wall. With one final strike, Asta knocked the thief out, freeing everyone from their chains in the process.

Next, Rowan locked Revchi's unconscious body in an ice block and walked towards his brothers.

Hey, Rowan, I have my grimoire now!" Asta exclaimed as he looked at his brothers. Yuno and Rowan smiled back at him. Asta had finally obtained a grimoire of his own.

"Well, at least now we can be considered equal - I think," Rowan said with a smile.

"What do you mean by 'I think'? I'm definitely equal now!"

"We'll see about that," Rowan said with a mischievous smile.

Yuno watched the sunset, memories of the past coming to his mind. He smiled and looked at his two brothers, "Hey you two, you remembered our promise?"

"I thought you had forgotten that!!" Asta exclaimed.

They all smiled and bumped their fists together. "Let's see who can become the wizard king!" the three of them exclaimed.