
Black Clover : The Last Legacy

What if there was a clan that could go toe to toe with devils and elves but forgotten with the passage of time . What if the history of the world is not what its told about. Join the adventure of a boy who is reborn in the world of magic and figure out the true history of the world. Note :Mc will join the Black Bulls Mc in the story only has knowledge till the end of elf arc. Story focuses mainly on the adventures of the protagonist so don't expect romance. (I am writing a fanfiction for the first time so there will be a lot of mistakes)

Immortle_diablo123 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs


Wizard king started the meeting. He gave me a glance , but for a moment I thought I saw his eye brow wrinkle for a moment .Did he see my future ? or did his magic didn't work on me .

We were asked to wait outside the room while the captains started their discussion . Yami had told me earlier that every captain had some report regarding various things like budget , health, reports from borders , crime situation and major incidents etc .

After 2 hours of discussion , The dungeon exploration came up and we were called in . He took out a device and my fight against the dungeon was played in front of every captain.

" Now the overview is given I would like everyone to share their experiences ."

One by one everyone gave their experiences in the trials and the way they passed the trials to them fainting .

Lastly was my turn . I described the details they missed along with the detailed description of the boss and fight . I didn't mention about sharingan and only said that it gave me a new spell which enhanced my senses and firepower .


Nozel : ( inner thought ) "Sure enough he was chosen by the four leaf grimoire. His level of skill is not something a newly joined magic knight should have. I should have brought him to my squad when it was time ."

Fuegoleon : ( inner thought ) "Looks like sister trained the right seed . He has already unlocked mana pressure , if he is raised properly he can perhaps act as Yami's successor "

Rill : ( inner thought ) Soo cool ! I didn't know someone of that age can fight like that . I should become his friend at the end of the meeting as I feel something will go wrong if I say something now .

Jack openly said " Looks like the brat of your squad has some ability Yami ".

I got to know that after we entered the gate to the dungeon closed . Reinforcement tried to open the gate but failed .

In the midnight the gate opened and Finral exited with 3 fainted people and a pyramid of gold which had jewelries embedded in them on every step .

Inside the pyramid where some special stones which can act as source of energy by absorbing mana from the surroundings .

Julius continued " Now for the distribution of the reward , 50 % of that will be used for the kingdom , 20 % will go the Black bulls for their contribution and 8 % to golden dawn , 14 % to the family of deceased and lastly 8 % to the Purple orca . I hope no one should have any problem with it ."

William :" They saved the lives of my men after all , Black Bulls deserve that .

Gueldre( purple orca) : "Wait how come we get so less , my men died , we should get compensation "

Nozel :"Do not step beyond your boundary , compensation has been given to their families . Don't forget they died of their own negligence . "

Yami seeing this thought " Oh ? the silver head stood up for us .Is he planning something "

The meeting ended and everyone went to their duties .

As expected wizard king stopped me after everyone went away . He asked me to show him my grimoire .

" So this is a four leaf grimoire , SO NICE !, I heard that your fire magic is very versatile what else can you do , tell me tell me " He said with stars in his eyes . Looks like his nerd mode activated .

" Here he goes again " said Yami while Finral didn't knew what to say .

Marx interrupted and said " Julius sama stop wasting time , you have a mountain of undone paperwork " .

" Sigh , you don't even let me take a break . I have to return to my duties . I am expecting great things from you Julian .

See you latter Yami"

No matter how good this man appears , I was always suspicious of him . This man always seems to have a plan as if he could see the future .

As I exited the place with Yami , Rill ambushed me and filled me with questions like the wizard king . He wanted to be my fried so I agreed , knowing another captain wasn't bad.

After receiving the reward Yami bought bottles of alcohol and I brought some food from the local restaurant ,the rest of the money was kept as emergency funds which I am pretty sure is going to be spent either on Gambling or alcohol .

Finral teleported us to the base after shopping spree.

The rest of the night was spent celebrating . Due to the terrible headache I received after drinking alcohol , I decided to drink less .


Golden Dawn Base

A group of girls were watching the recording of the fights in the dungeon .First was the fight against magical beasts and then the fight againt Zinogre .

"Kyaa! That's so cool !! As expected someone from who received the four leaf grimoire " -girl 1

" Did you see the red flames ?they looked dangerous . " – girl 2

" Ne Letoile why are you watching as if your eyes will bulge out? did you develop a crush on him or something ? " -girl 3

" Wh-what are you talking about ..its nothing like that " said Letoile with embarrassment .

" Don't worry as your friend I would support you ." girl 1

" Stop saying such things !! I got a wakeup call from this incident so I am watching if I can learn something from this fight ."

"heh our girl grew up "


Everything returned to normal .

Rest of the month was spent of me patrolling the streets of common realm solving some small issues like catching thieves ,helping in repairs , solving disputes , stop harassment of girls at night etc .

I was glad that we don't get escort missions for nobles because of our bad reputation which was improving after my arrival .

At the end of the month I received income , a sum of 10,000 yuls according to my rank .That's why Yami resorted to the hunters guild as the pay was more . I heard the the royal squad gets more monthly income because of their waste treasury .

It was sufficient for me as I didn't spent much except for different food and new cloths as they get destroyed often while training . I have a private supply of cloths from Vanessa so a lot was saved .

I decided to send 2,000 Yuls each to both the churches every month. My pay should increase with my rank so I wasn't so worried about it .
