
Black Clover: Tenno

Through a twist of fate a 16 year old boy is reincarnated into the world he admires most, Black Clover.

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Arrival and Royalty

After Kuro's eating contest and Asta's extreme baseball game, they were now officially part of the Black Bulls, Yami allowed everyone to celebrate the recruitment of the new members which undoubtedly was accepted.

Currently, Kuro was having another eating contest with Charmy, the sheeps never stopped coming which worried Kuro a bit but he ignored it, right when he took the last bite of his food Mori interrupted saying something like he's here but before Kuro could realize who this 'He' was, he felt a connection.

"Hello, Operator!"

Those words alone made Kuro choke causing Charmy to look towards him. "You alright there?

"Y-Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about me I'll be right back!"

As Kuro was leaving Magna and Asta blocked his path. "Let me show you guys to your rooms!"

Without waiting for Kuro's response he put his arm on his shoulder and started taking him towards the sleeping quarters, Kuro's room was right across from Asta's making him feel as if he'll have many headaches in the future.

'At least I have my bedroom in the orbiter..'



"You don't have a bedroom in the orbiter at the moment, you didn't make the key for it"



-Next Day-

After putting on his clothes Kuro stepped outside his room only to see Asta face first in a pillar that wasn't there before.

"Hey, I'm pretty sure this column wasn't here yesterday!"

"Cause it wasn't, morning Asta"

"Oh hey, morning Kuro!"

While the two started talking to each other, mostly Asta ranting about the column that appeared, Magna showed up. "Morning newbies, how's it going?"

"I'm good thanks"

"Same here"

Asta started questioning Magna about the pillar being in its current place but as it seems it was nothing since the whole building shifts around.

"Alright let's go, you're lucky enough to have me as your tour guide, there's no one better to show you all the secrets of the Black Bulls hideout!"


The group arrived in a huge room with tables spread apart from each other, charmy was eating like always at one of them.

"This is the dining room, whatcha think?"

"No kidding it's enormous!"

"Feels like I'll be here often"


"And this is the bath!"

They were all naked spread apart from each other, even Gordon was there. The water was extremely hot for some reason but as Magna says everyone in the Black Bulls could withstand this kind of heat.


Exiting the bathroom in towels the trio turned towards a certain hall that screamed death.

"And over there is where woman's rooms are, when a guy goes in the trap magic will kill em"

The corridor had a terrifying amount of traps which had more traps upon them.

"Wow serious security"

"Wait, can I give it a shot?"

The guys stared at him for a few seconds before Magna slapped him on the back.


"Here is the bathroom!" Magna opened the door to see Yami in all his glory taking a dump.

"You're dead" Yami let out casually


After quickly escaping the bathroom area they walked into a dimly lit room with purple lights, the trio could see in front of them a weak-looking cage that held many beasts behind them.

"What's in there?"

"That's the beast demon cage, it's Yami's little hobby, and Asta" Magna turned towards him with a sly grin on his face.

"Yea.. what's up?"

"I've decided to keep you in charge of our little furry friends"

Kuro could clearly tell this was Magna's way of escaping responsibility, The two of them watched as Asta moved closer towards the cage with some meat on a stick.

"Here little buddy" Asta held out the meat towards the wolf-looking one, it quickly stuck its head out of the cage, and Asta's upper body disappeared into its mouth.

"AHH" Asta broke free and started running away like a madman with Magna and Kuro laughing behind him.

The tour continued from a library, to some type of torture room. After a few more stops everyone started running around happily laughing until they ended up pausing for some reason causing Kuro to bump into Asta a bit.

"Oh looks like the other newbie arrived" Magna spoke looking at a girl with silver hair and pink eyes walking towards the group with an indifferent expression on her face, and like always Asta got excited and rushed towards her holding his hand out. "Hello, I'm Asta from Hage village, lets give this all we've got, what do you say?"


The silver-haired girl slapped his hand and looked at him with disgust. "Don't speak to me so casually you little insect of a commoner with barely any mana"

"My name is Noelle Silva, a member of house Silva of the Clover Kingdom's royal family"


Leaving Asta stunned she turned her head towards Kuro. "And you, don't you know how to act in front of Royalty? Truly insects.."

"Kuro shut her up or I'm going to cut her tongue out-" Mori of course, wasn't liking the girl's tone.

'Fine, just don't do what you did before at the exams, you can see where that got us'

Noelle continued to stare at Kuro getting more frustrated by the second. "Pink Insect are you listening or is the simple human language too much for you to understand?"

'Pink insect? Is it because of my hair?'

For some reason, Asta started bowing towards the Silva girl before quickly realizing what he was doing. "HEY, WE JOINED THE MAGIC KNIGHTS AT THE SAME TIME, WHO CARES IF YOU'RE ROYALTY?!"

"Foolish commoner, I guess simple words are too much for you to understand" she opened her hand pointing it at the three. "The difference in our magic power should prove a point"

Before she could launch the spell Kuro with haste came up and slapped her wrist causing the spell to disperse. "I get you're royalty and all but we're all magic knights here, if you care so much for status I suggest you leave, considering this is the worst squad at the moment, and if you keep going like this I can't guarantee that your life would be safe" Kuro said the last part quietly so no one could hear.

"Y-You! How dare you strike me, I'm royalty!"

"And you won't stop talking about it, should royalty really act this way?"

"What do you know about Royalty, lowly commoner" she yelled looking him in the eye clearly angry.

'More than you'd think considering I'm supposed to be the witch queen's son' Kuro let out a sigh knowing this wouldn't go anywhere and subconsciously pat her head.

Noelle looked up at him weirdly and quickly slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me, I'm r-"

Hearing Asta walk towards them, Kuro looked over towards Magna, Magna could be seen upset about the whole situation of almost being attacked and started berating her, eventually, she took off her robe and threw it onto the floor saying she quit the Black Bulls while Asta stared blankly at the robe on the floor.

"I don't get it, what the hell just happened.."


After the tour was over Kuro decided it was time to go to his orbiter considering he left Ordis there all night, but as always things don't go as expected, on the way there a water ball was hurled towards him causing him to move out of the way. "What the hell was that?"

Kuro started to move in the direction where the ball came from, as he got closer he could hear cries and explosions going off. Finally, he saw that Silva girl trying to hit a target surrounded but many holes in the ground, but always missed causing more holes to form.

"Why won't it work? Why won't it ever hit?!"

Watching the scene Kuro didn't feel anything but he already guessed what the problem was. 'If she told me before I could have probably fixed this'

While Kuro was in thought he didn't realize the crow that always followed him and Asta's weird-looking anti-bird was watching as well, letting out a sigh Kuro decided to come out.

"Hey Silva girl"

Noelle's eyes shot towards Kuro with tears welling up in them. "You filthy insect, how long have you been there?"

Kuro stared at her for a bit longer noticing her breathing sped up, he started thinking over the cons and pros of helping her. "Enough to know what your problem is, I can he-"

"No, take this!" she charged up a water spell, it grew larger and larger, and when she was ready to cast it at him the spell backfired swallowing her instead.

Kuro heard rustling from the bushes, and soon he heard a familiar voice coming up behind. "Hey guy's.. what the hell is that?!"

"Her magic backfired" He simply answered watching as the spell continue to grow and create small twisters, eventually the mini twisters started moving towards Asta sending him flying towards the base.

Kuro himself kept avoiding the attacks observing the spell that started moving towards the hideout, inwardly cursing he started to run towards the rest of the team who were outside.

Kuro saw Yami sigh and take out his cigarette. "Hey, Finral, why not use your spatial magic to pull her out of there?"

"Please be reasonable, I can't get close to that!" Finral took a step forward to take a good look at the giant in front of them.

"Yea, okay, man if only there was someone around here who could cancel out magic" Kuro got closer listening to their conversation until magically Asta started falling from the sky.

Yami quickly held Asta by the collar and pointed towards the out of control magic. "You see that? Do something about it"

"Do something? Okay, I'll try!"

"Wait how am I supposed to get up there? I can't exactly fly.."

"I don't want to hear your excuses, just suck it up newbie! Dig deep and push past your limits!" Yami threw Asta towards the magic, Kuro just stared listlessly at the scene before changing his gaze onto the drowning Noelle.

Asta cut through her magic like butter making the rest of the spell disperse, which lead them to falling out of the sky.

Kuro quickly climbed to the top of the hideout and when the two were going to pass him he jumped into the air, catching them both in case something happened.

Noelle opened her eyes only to see herself falling from the sky with Kuro holding her and Asta hanging over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, right when she was about to retaliate a portal opened beneath them bringing the group down onto the ground.

"That so fun to watch, more, more!" Luck started begging while Yami laughed seeing Asta scream.

Kuro put Noelle and Asta down as soon as they landed, Asta kept cheering but the same couldn't be said for Noelle who was on the ground with a depressing look.

"Hey, Silva" Kuro looked towards Noelle who was staring at the ground to avoid the other's gaze, knowing what she was thinking he kneeled to her level and flicked her head.

"Stop being an idiot, you got a lot of magical power to make anyone jealous of you, like Asta for example. The guy would do anything for the amount you have" Noelle looked up towards Kuro then turned towards Asta who was happily nodding his head.

"All you need is some training and control, I could easily help with this problem but it'll take some time, a week at most but if I'm lucky it'll take only 3 days"

Noelle looked up at Kuro and stood on her feet with her face slightly red. "Pink Insec- I mean Kuro.."

Before she could say anything else Asta jumped in talking about how screwed he was and how he'd bump up his training, everyone started to cheer Noelle up and soon she became a Black Bull once more.

"I'm looking forward to working with you.."

(A/N I don't know if many of you read the Author's thought or not so I will add what I want to say here, I'm thinking of allowing him to jump into the warframe world. It won't be anything serious and I don't really have any plans on making this a multiverse story at the moment, so no worries.

You may be asking. "Why let him do this?" and my response is items and maybe a bit of content. People have been asking how he will make warframes or items.

But if you've been paying attention you would have noticed he doesn't need to, his Grimoire summons/creates them and can do much more than that.

That's all I wanted to say and would like your thoughts on the topic, I'm also thinking of updating this faster like I did before so that might be a thing.

Hope you enjoyed the chap.)

Stay strapped or you might get clapped

0BlackRabbit0creators' thoughts