
Black And White Immortal God

Being a young gifted lad with an eccentric father and a superficially jealous mother. Xiao Ming grows up to discover that he is a possessor of a powerful ancient physique- THE ANCIENT DAO BODY. Bearing it in mind that his existence like the other pre-possessors of his physique was either a huge threat or a blessing to his society and it's members. He and the Chaotic Sword forge their way through the disasters of the world to establish their existence. Finally as the solemn and one true Dao Emperor, he fixes a family issue and builds the one true Holy Dao Universe. Read the tell tale of the journey of a true hero as he ascends from a 'mere mortal' to an Emperor at the peak of the Ninth Heaven through his domineering and overbearing will.

Praise_Kalu_7393 · Eastern
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38 Chs

The Eccentric Bai Yunxiao

With an overjoyed mood, Bai Qing hastened his way towards the Bai Clan.



Not long after he left, a few bestial roars sounded as the situation of the demonic beasts' hide had been resolved.

The dread of Xiao Yunhai was etched deeply into the very depths of their bloodlines.

They were usually not scared and were arrogant in this 'domain' of theirs for a long time now. It was only now that they truly withstood true terror from their rivals, the cruel human race.


Bai Qing's usual aloof demeanor he usually had long been instinctively put away after seeing a 'god'.

He could barely sustain the excitement in his heart. It was so radiating that everyone noticed it when he entered the clan.

They whispered in hushed tones and gave sneaky glances to be sure that who they were actually seeing their clan leader and not some clone.

They wondered what must have caused the indifferent clan leader to be so jovial today.

"Could it be that the clan leader possibly discovered a Dao Soul Merging Pill? It should explain his state of heart since he had been stuck in the bottleneck of the Yang Spirit stage for a long time now. It has been his longtime dream to earn the title 'Dao Master' you know ha-ha!"

"No way, such pills are quite rare even in the entire Blue Sky Province. I guess he must have restored our clans' White Tiger Armor in this his last visit" someone chirped in disagreement.

Few years ago, some group of bandits infiltrated into the clan under a disguise.

They were devastated by this as that encounter was unforgettable to the Bai Clan. They had lost a few spiritual artifacts and the White Tiger Armor happened to be part of the loot.

That had caused a retrogression in their statuses and reduced them to their present state. The only requisite they needed to fulfil was to get at least one more Dao Merge powerhouse apart from their 'deceased' ancestor.

"That must have been so! That explains his joyful expression and his outburst of smiles" a young elder known as Bai Tianwu said in chuckles.

Bai Qing naturally heard this but was unconcerned with it. He scampered away towards the direction of the clan's ancestors crazily.

It seemed hilarious until someone found out the wailing Xiao Ming in his hands.

"This… why is the clan leader holding a child. Could Clan Leader Qing's excitement be from him?"

Immediately after, surrounding grumblings began as they brainstormed on the possible identity of the child.

The middle aged man who asked the question gave an inquiring look to Bai Tianwu.

"Brother Yangjue… strangely, none of us are aware of the history of that brat" Bai Tianwu replied with feigned worry.

A cold, malicious sheen passed across his eyes as he stared at the leaving silhouette.

"It appears Cousin Qing is seeing the clan ancestors with this estranged child… Now this is getting interesting" a cruel smile plastered on Bai Tianwu's lips as he reined in his thoughts.

The Clan Leader had actually lured in a total stranger to the clan and was heading towards the ancestors. 

It was evidently a foolish decision based on the unusual reactions of the ancestors especially his father- The Grand Patriarch.


After several minutes of non stop 'prowling' Bai Qing had an expression filled with extinguished strength.

He was swaying recklessly as the wind continuously tossed at him from all sides.


With panting, he knocked thunderously on the ancestral region's doors.

A stream of red light unfurled itself around the door.

Bai Qing jumped in without hesitation but concerned about the sleeping Xiao Ming he carried against his shoulders.

The red light devoured him totally and he was soon out of the spatial region of the Bai Clan's grounds.


In his demise, a large creaking happened in the other space which we later knew of as the ancestral region.

A middle aged man dressed in gray robes embroidered with concentric circles appeared. His hair was a tint of black and white, with a bit of facial whiskers.

His eyes had a slight crimson glow hidden within.

Rather, than a ferocious outburst, he gave one a good impression of a typical mercenary. He was none other than the wildly bad-tempered Bai Clan's eldest patriarch--- Bai Yunxiao.

"Qing'er although you claim to be the clan leader, you neglect the order of the clan. You ought to follow the precepts and commandments of the clan. Rather, you barge into the tranquility of your elders like this.

Now, what brought you here?" Bai Yunxiao hollered furiously before Bai Qing could even utter a phrase.

"Father, it's..." Bai Qing tried to explain but Bai Yunxiao's reaction almost reared his head.

"Nonsense! This old man wishes to know what was interminably urgent to force you into breaking in here.

Are you crazy to think you can just risk the lives of your uncles in their secluded cultivation through this?" Bai Yunxiao cut in and scowled furiously again at Bai Qing before the latter could put his words together.

Bai Yunxiao was famed for his extremely harsh temper and even his son who had gotten accustomed to this was still taken aback by the behavior of his father.

This father of his was growing more intolerable by the day but there was nothing he could do under his Demi Immortal father's aura alone even though he was notably a true Yang King.

Sensing some truth behind his father's eccentric outburst, he immediately kowtowed respectfully to ask for his father's forgiveness.


"Forgive your unfilial son, Father, my joy could not be suppressed and I barged in decisively when knowing that the Senior Uncles were in seclusion to attain the Dao Merge realm". Bai Qing said and kowtowed thrice in succession.

This way, he could possibly avoid the ensnaring of his father's wild temper for the mean time at best.

Bai Yunxiao finally assumed a soft expression and signaled him to get up.