
Black And White Immortal God

Being a young gifted lad with an eccentric father and a superficially jealous mother. Xiao Ming grows up to discover that he is a possessor of a powerful ancient physique- THE ANCIENT DAO BODY. Bearing it in mind that his existence like the other pre-possessors of his physique was either a huge threat or a blessing to his society and it's members. He and the Chaotic Sword forge their way through the disasters of the world to establish their existence. Finally as the solemn and one true Dao Emperor, he fixes a family issue and builds the one true Holy Dao Universe. Read the tell tale of the journey of a true hero as he ascends from a 'mere mortal' to an Emperor at the peak of the Ninth Heaven through his domineering and overbearing will.

Praise_Kalu_7393 · Eastern
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38 Chs

The Domineering Might of Aura

"Father, our prayer have been answered and our luck was indeed great as for half a millennia from now on, we shan't have any issues affecting the expulsion of the clan.

We might even grow soon to the level of those Bai clans of Immortal emperors and all these is simply because of the little child in my arm now". Bai Qing narrated with a slight chuckle.

Bai Yunxiao looked on and scoffed at this ignorant son of his that was blurting out his dreams.

He was beginning to doubt if this matured youth was still the same hot-head he was in the past. Did he really think that such heights were easy to achieve even in a few centuries?

For such to happen, the branch clan would definitely have approximately the same resources with the main clan.

And as for security, the Bai clan will have to train soldiers within themselves or resort to all forms of external help which could only be temporary.

Even if they successfully expanded, there was no guarantee to the security of that extent.

For Bai Qing to say this proved that he had his head stuck with dung or he probably rammed into steel before making his way here.

"How impudent"? Qing'er you came all the way hurrying and blabbering into our residence just because of an estranged child. He's is not even the child of Crown Prince Mu Fenghai that I believe could clear the way out of this problems caused by that bastard Wu Dao Shi (Emperor). You really are turning sillier as the days go by aren't you? Bai Yunxiao scolded with a disdainful look seemingly terrifying.

"Tsk....Tsk" a snickering laughter seeped from Bai Qing as he continued fearlessly.

"It's rather a good thing he is not the one... Crown Prince Mu Fenghai's son is not even worthy to take off the shoes of this little child. Father, if I may ask, who should be more noteworthy? A mortal prince or the direct descendant of a divinity?" Bai Qing continued recklessly as he gave a begrudging chuckle towards his father

There was a light rumble in Bai Yunxiao's mind as he felt the entire word black out in an instant.

Just now he had been hollering on the fact that the child that Bai Qing had brought was estranged.

Thinking back to then, he wished it was possible for the ground to open up and swallow him wholly.

The gods had practically remembered the weak Bai Clan after all their distraughtly spent year and he had almost sent that blessing out of his own reach.

"Wh...Wh...What did you just say?" he stuttered with the last shred of dignity left in him as the Clan Ancestral Patriarch.

He grabbed at Bai Qing's clothes with glittering teeth from extreme excitement.

Besides, who would be that calm if they were placed in his shoes? Nobody right? At least, it should be one whose cultivation surpassed those of gods and that was an unimaginable existence.

"If you need to clear your doubt, you could easily resolve that with this" Bai Qing said coolly but with a serious expression on his face.

He immediately willed one of the 'Golden Crow' imprinted talisman given to him earlier by Xiao Yunhai to appear on his outstretched palm.

This golden talisman had the outline sketch of the divine Golden Crow, making it look thrilling and profound to the sight.

Bai Yunxiao calmly took it, but as he felt the aura within, his face changed and he grabbed Bai Qing's hand with his Half Immortal energy.

Slightly levitating, he shot violently like a comet into the distance with Bai Qing.


The wind caressed their faces and threatened to unknot their well 'bunned' hair.

The space was re-sealed tightly as soon as they left.

Right now, even if one looked from afar, they could only view three old-fashioned houses belonging to the Ancestral Patriarch and the other ancestors.


Far away, the space was torn off like tofu as Bai Qing and Bai Yunxiao dashed into another mysterious space hidden within the ancestral residence to discuss.

This space was very much similar to Xiao Yunhai's Sound Diminishing Domain but was much inferior in terms of tensility.

Although covered in the mysterious space, Bai Yunxiao had a grim expression.

At this time, he had an unusual yet genuine bearing of a clan's ancestor.

"What could this possibly be Qing'er?" Bai Yunxiao whispered in a panical manner as he held onto the dangling talisman engraved with a 'Golden Crow'.

"I don't know either, the child's father gave me a few spatial rings loaded with tads of them but he requested I specifically gave this to you" Bai Qing replied awkwardly.

He did not understand how in the world that a talisman would be this special to give solely to his father.

Why being so mysterious about it?

Bai Yunxiao had a firm resolve as he closed in on the talisman slowly with his hands that had been enclosed into a tight grip.

While he seemed to be folding the talisman, he was igniting his qi as well to crush the talisman and get the 'result' from the Divinity Realm senior.

One... Two... Three...

It was counting continuously and then suddenly...

There was a sudden faint boom in the environment and the severed space distorted for a few seconds.




The world in the severed space shook slightly and even the father and son duo felt their internal organs rumbling from the extremely ancient aura and pressure bearing on them.

An apparition of Xiao Yunhai appeared in the previously cloudy skies that slowly became clearer.

His appearance was likened to the rise of the sun. He gave off a bright golden light that made the surrounding light of day to shiver and hide.

This apparition was filled with a more condensed aura. He seemed more holy and divine compared to his usual cold-self.

The aura it emitted was boundless but then it swiftly shrunk within the entire severed space.

Bai Yunxiao had a heated gaze as he looked into Bai Qing's eyes, however, there was no trace of emotion on his face.

Although they were in slight danger, it further approved that Bai Qing had truly met with an extremely important powerhouse from another realm world.

They gritted their teeth with pain as they welcomed the incoming pressure head-on with domineering will.

However, the next scene shook the two were feeling numb already to the presence of Xiao Yunhai's apparition.

The intense aura ceased it's suppression field and even retracted itself by a great amount retracting the environment to peace. It was surprising and yet blissful.


A relieved sigh rung out from Bai Yunxiao's mouth as he finally raised up his eyes, to meet the brilliant Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai looked completely deified as he watched from the skies with a cold glance.

"That aura just now was likely comparable to the Great Emperor Mu Yifeng of old. But I doubt it is even that... it's possibly higher than the Essence Emperors but definitely not on a divine-level yet.

If it were, even a wisp of its energy was more than enough to crush us into sludge." Bai Yunxiao muttered to Bai Qing who had a pale face.

The latter was not yet a Dao Master and his Yang Spirit was about to destabilize itself due to the extreme pressure.

Thankfully, he had been able to escape its over all field, but his injuries were not negligible since he paid a huge price.

The static apparition had a faint trace of admiration on the father and son duo who could withstand half of his full blown might.

They were the right candidates for Xiao Ming's upbringing as he thought earlier. If those two figured this out, they'll probably bleed to death from anger.


A calm but vicissitudinous sigh sounded and the duo looked at themselves in shock and found the apparition changed its coordinates. They were struck numb with innate fear.