
Bismarck • King of The Ocean [Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

A battleship that brought fear and despair with just the mention of its name. A pride of a nation, a beast made of steel. A sign of power, a show of force. First built by Germans in 1939 as the flagship of the Kriegsmarine. Built to annihilate any opposition, sink any adversary and spread terror across the seven seas. The rightful owner of the throne, the king of the ocean... Bismarck... A war machine with a reputation that precedes its fierce power. But the throne now lays in lonely silence, awaiting the king's return. Many ships have come and gone to sink the defector, but all failed. His guns have not gone silent just yet...

Braggski · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

[Christmas Truce]

"It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles."

—Eleventh Doctor, Doctor Who


The chilly weather of the last month of the year soon arrived for everyone across the globe. December, the 12th and the last month people would have to endure before the new year begins. But before the celebration of New Year's Eve could begin, people would go through another extremely popular worldwide tradition, Christmas Eve. A symbolic day for Christianity that marked the birth of Jesus Christ. But enough about the boring history, nobody cares about that! People celebrate it for gifts, family dinner time and a good mood! The so-called "Christmas fever" didn't miss one household of Fog mental models, a child and a dog as everyone could be seen outside in thick warm coats.

Puff-Puff rolled and played around in the snow with Kirishima as everyone else rolled small and medium snowballs in the background. A thick coat of fluffy snow fell just last night, colouring the entire landscape in bright and cool white colour. Makie immediately wanted to go build a snowman, and so everyone went outside to do so. Even Bismarck seemed to be into it, although not nearly as much as everyone else. The concept of holidays was still a little foreign to him, never less, he tried to enjoy it as much as he could considering it only comes once a year. He didn't want to ruin anyone's mood by being grumpy, so he silently built a snowman that resembled him. Three snowballs made up its body, the largest one at the very bottom was almost as big as Puff-Puff with the second snowball being noticeably smaller, finally, the head of the snowman was actually normal-sized, roughly the same size as his own. So as was the tradition, Bismarck smacked a carrot into the snowman's face to give it a nose, placed a few pebbles to add eyes and a happy smile. It was a basic run of the mill snowman, for now. He then materialised a hat, the same hat he always wore and placed it on the snowman's head before also giving it his signature trench coat.

Viola, Snow Bismarck has been completed. Bismarck actually felt a bit proud of himself with how it turned out, it looked awfully goofy and cute, yes but it fit the part so he didn't mind. Looking to the side saw Makie already done with her own snowman which was much smaller than his but a thousand times cuter. She gave it a carrot for a nose, as it should be, her pink beanie and her scarf to make it look like her. So adorable, so precious, must protect.

"You shouldn't undress in this cold Makie," gently chastised the male mental model as he gave Makie another pair of exactly the same beanie and scarf, except this one, was warmer because nanomaterial is a miracle thing.

"But snowman Makie would get cold too!" ah how adorable this child is, Bismarck couldn't help but pat her head and pinch her cheek, making the girl whine lightly.

She quickly scurried off to go play in the snow with her two other non-human friends. Only then did Bismarck hear the faint but distinct sound of female voices bickering between one another. Sighing, already knowing well who the culprits were before he so much as turned around. And, of course, Haruna and Kongou were once again having a fight about something. These sorts of verbal brawls were becoming too common between the two blonde women. And somehow, by some miracle, they were always, and I mean ALWAYS centred around HIM. Who gets to sit next to him on the couch. Who gets to go on a walk with him and Puff-Puff. Who gets to help him cook. Hell, one time he overheard them talking about who should go SLEEP WITH HIM. That... was taking things a bit far. So, like many times in the past, it was time for him to be the mediator and resolve whatever life-threatening crisis the two were bitching about.

"I reserved that spot," came Kongou's voice, the very attractive female mental model being dressed in a thick dark purple winter coat with black fur around the hood, collar and sleeves, it was mostly cosmetic as these temperatures hardly posed any threat to her systems.

"I don't care," this was Haruna stoically yet still venomously retorting to Kongou's comments, she wore a modified version of her usual black coat which now had yellow fur around its large collar and sleeves.

What were the two arguing about? Why who gets to build their snowman next to Bismarck's! ...That's it. These childish and overexaggerated rants between the two have become commonplace after Bismarck's trip to the mall with Haruna, a day still fresh on his mind. It was almost a shame and a big disappointment to him that nothing much happened after that between him and the girl he nearly undressed in public. But enough about that! Read the previous chapter, dummy-dumb-dumb!

"Sigh, what are you two bickering about this time?" he hasn't so much as interfered until now and Bismarck already sounded that he was just about done with this whole argument, "Stop acting like children, the dog gets the spot."

A bit of an unnecessary teasing comment for sure, but it seemed to amuse Bismarck the moment a look of horror and clear jealousy shrouded the two women's features. They didn't so much as give him a verbal reply, instead, they turned to where Puff-Puff was playing in the snow with Makie and Kirishima and harshly glared at the poor unsuspecting canine.

"...Let's trade him for a cat," a slight shiver ran down the dog's spine as if his animal instinct told him to NOT LOOK BACK under any circumstances, and so Puff-Puff, now rather reluctantly, continued to play with his two friends.

Bismarck's understanding of women didn't increase, in fact, he believed it was decreasing as days rolled by and these two strange yet unreasonably attractive blondes fought and argued. Now the two looked at Puff-Puff like they wanted to turn him into hot dogs, something he wouldn't allow them to do with all his might. It was strange and convoluted to think that these two, otherwise rational killing machines were directed so much unadulterated jealousy towards an animal that could probably hardly understand them. Sighing, Bismarck just quickly knelt down to make Puff-Puff a snowdog(?) of his own. The two blondes could only look as their prized spot was taken by someone, or rather something else. Jealousy, that's the feeling they felt yet they couldn't do much about it. Turning to each other and as if having a mental conversation with one another, Haruna and Kongou nodded at each other with a determined look in their eyes. Looks like they are going to have to work together if they want this to go anywhere... for now. A shaky alliance either of them was willing to break at a moment's notice, alas it was formed anyway.


The days rolled by as Christmas Eve drew near and Makie's excitement grew with each passing moment, her merry and joyous attitude seemed to infectious. Quickly, the other members of her circle of close friends grew excited with her. Even Bismarck himself felt a small tingle of the so-called "Christmas mood". Makie wanted to decorate and decorate they did. Only a few hours until Christmas came and everyone, even Puff-Puff, was decorating the whole exterior and interior of the house they lived in. They even dressed up accordingly with Makie wearing an utterly ADORABLE onesie of a reindeer with a red nose. Kirishima had a pair of antlers on the top of her head and changed the colour of her teddy-bear body from pink and white to red, green and white. Kongou wore a classic, a mostly red dress with a few white puffy details, the skirt on it was... well, tiny, barely reached the middle of her thighs. And then there was Haruna... Makie took the liberty of decorating her like a Christmas tree thanks to the massive coat she always wears. And Bismarck... he was rocking the whole fucking outfit like a boss!

The colours weren't quite something Bismarck would wear, but with the festive mood making rounds around the household he might as well just wear the damn outfit. He only has to wear it for like a day or two, so it wasn't really all that annoying. As of now, Bismarck was decorating the outside of their humble abode with various types of Christmas lights, Haruna was inside with Makie, Kirishima and Puff-Puff while Kongou was on the roof placing down a bunch of reindeers harnessed to a large red sleigh.

Stealthily, Kongou took a glance at what Bismarck was doing and quietly huffed in silent preparation for what she is going to do next. She's going to need some luck and Bismarck's cooperation for her plan to work, but she's willing to risk humiliation just to get on even grounds with Haruna.

Quickly, faster than a human could perceive, Kongou moved. She rushed to the main entrance of the household and quickly hung something on the top of the door frame before returning to her original place. After reassuring herself that Bismarck didn't notice her momentary departure, Kongou did her best to calm her beating heart and finished decorating the roof.

Around the same time, Bismarck finished hanging the plethora of lights around the exterior walls, letting out a silent exhale in appreciation for his own work. Their home would look wonderful once the night comes around and the lights get turned on. He glanced at the family of snowmen they built just days prior, a heartwarming sight for sure. Shame it would eventually melt... Well, there's always next year! And to immortalize the scene, Bismarck took a picture and embedded the file deep into his system memory. Welp, time to help decorate the inside!


Bismarck blinked in surprise as a very attractive blonde woman fell from the roof into a pile of snow just in front of him. Looks like either Kongou slipped, forgot that a ladder exists or just wanted to... fall, I guess. The male had to quickly look elsewhere though as the fall ended with the blonde beauty's butt pointing up, and with her already tiny skirt... yeah, the view was nice though, very nice~

"Er... are you okay?" Bismarck desperately looked everywhere except at Kongou's exposed bubble-butt, a difficult endeavour indeed.

"Peachy..." came the muffled voice of the blonde as she unstuck herself from the pile of snow and stood up before patting her red dress free of any leftover snow.

"Right... that should be everything as far as I am aware," to get rid of the awkward feeling swelling in his chest, Bismarck did the age-old tactic of changing the subject, an effective strategy it would seem as Kongou nodded in response.

"Then let's go inside, the snow gets everywhere," with that being said and done, the two made their way back to the main entrance of their home with Kongou doing her best to avoid smirking to herself like an overly excited school girl.

They made it back shortly, and just as Bismarck's hand touched the doorknob he abruptly stopped all movement. The reason? Well, Kongou's hand suddenly shot from behind him and firmly clasped his hand which still held the doorknob. Confused and a little flustered on the inside, Bismarck turned to the blonde to ask what she was doing only for his personal space to immediately be invaded by the gothic beauty. She turned him around and gently yet forcefully pushed his back against the door.

"...What are you doing?" Bismarck once again found himself in very close proximity of a very, and I MEAN VERY attractive member of the opposite sex, only this time it was not by an accident.

Kongou had deliberately intervened her fingers with his with her face just barely any distance away from his, if she came any closer then their lips would surely...

She leaned closer, but instead of pressing her lips against his she leaned into his ear and sultry whispered in a hushed tone that actually managed to send a shiver down Bismarck's spine, "Mis~tle~toe~"

A small hue of pink appeared on Bismarck's cheeks, and before he could verbally respond to the surprisingly flirty blonde, the girl sealed his lips with her own. Both of them blushed, Kongou noticeably more than Bismarck but the pink hue was clearly visible on both of their faces, especially with such beautiful and lush white background that the snow-covered landscape provided. Despite their inability to really feel terribly cold in these winter temperatures, the soft warmth of their respective bodies pushing against one another provided a strange feeling of contempt. Kongou wasted no time as she wrapped her arms around Bismarck's neck, prompting him to do the same around her waist. As their kiss continued, it evolved into something more than just a show of affection. Kongou moved her hands to Bismarck's cheeks before pushing her tongue into Bismarck's mouth.


The two only ever separated to readjust their angels of attack, not for oxygen. They had no need for it after all. Bismarck found something strangely addictive about this notion, kissing, as humans called it. It forced a strange feeling to wrap around his whole, coupled with the warm and wet taste of a woman he found extremely attractive and his hormones were off the charts. He'd lie if he said that after the incident with Haruna in the mall he didn't want to experience it again, although under more preferable circumstances. This was his chance, a chance he took. The fact that the two of them would be caught dead in the act if someone so much as opened the main door was completely lost to the two as wet sounds and soft moans came from their touching lips. Kongou... was ecstatic at finally being able to do this, to show her love in the most ironic human way possible. A mental model that followed the Admirality Code to the last letter, now in a human settlement making out the Fog's worst traitor. And she couldn't care less~

Unfortunately, the two couldn't exchange spit forever, no matter how much they wanted to. Eventually, they had to pull away from each other with a string of saliva briefly keeping their mouths connected to each other. Through half-lidded eyes they stared at each other, tempted to resume what they just finished.

Alas, they wouldn't be able to as Bismarck fought back his urges and looked to the side first, "We should get inside... before someone gets suspicious."

An almost disappointed whine escaped past Kongou's lips, their moment of love ended far too soon for either of them to be satisfied, alas, she had much more in store for the unsuspecting male mental model, "Okay... but, let's do that again sometime."

"...Yeah, that sounds lovely..."


25th of December rolled by like a truck and Makie's happiness reached an all-time peak. The rest of her friends appeared to be in a festive mindset as well, although Haruna couldn't help but glance at the only male of the group and the only other blonde. Kongou and Bismarck appeared awfully close... too close. That's when the idea hit her. The gothic beauty must have made her move. But when?! Couldn't have been today, could it? Judging by their still not too chummy behaviour, she guessed Kongou used the old mistletoe trick she wanted to use. But when? Again, today it couldn't have been possible as they were together throughout the whole day. The day before yesterday they acted normal, so the only logical answer would be that Kongou locked lips with Bismarck yesterday. The coat-wearing blonde couldn't help but wish they haven't gotten further than the kissing stage, she couldn't afford to be left behind. As a woman and a competitor for the same man as Kongou, Haruna knew that her sex appeal paled in contrast to her rival. Don't get her wrong, she knew she wasn't that far behind, but with the oversized coat, she constantly wears she knew she would be left in the dust if Kongou decides to... seduce the man she desires.

So she came prepared, or rather, she dressed appropriately. Of course, on the surface, she still wore her signature black coat which was now decorated like a Christmas tree thanks to Makie, but underneath... Let's just say that Haruna was quite confident. But she still felt embarrassed and nervous to boot. She knew that if someone (Makie) decided to steal her coat on a whim she will be left in an outfit unfit for a child to see.

A beautifully decorated Christmas tree took over most of the living room, it was placed in such a position that it HAD to be decorated from all sides equally otherwise it would look weird. There were no presents yet to be found as it was still just afternoon. Alas, the lights on the Christmas tree were in full swing, blinking brightly in colours ranging from red, green and white. It also had a large and bright golden star at the very top, it was of course placed there by best daughter Makie just the previous day. But now was not the time to gawk at the staple of Christmas decorations. No. Now... was the time to cook!

And cook did everyone do. Puff-Puff was of course more of morale support than anything, occasionally being given some leftovers as a treat. Surprisingly, Bismarck took command of the kitchen like a blonde overly angry gourmet chef from the USA. Everything had to be perfect, and even perfectionist machines like Kongou and Haruna struggled to keep up while Makie happily helped at her own pace and Kirishima just snagged a few treats for herself without really doing anything helpful.

So they cooked and baked until the sun had set and the evening came. On the large table was an assortment of top tier culinary masterpieces, turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and some Haruna-despised vegetables. It was quite adorable to see her try and pass the peas and carrots over to Kirishima. Puff-Puff got his own version of Christmas dinner in the form of a large pile of meat, he quite liked that. The time they spent together was, to put it simply, the best. Joy and festivity were at an all-time high and even Bismarck was smiling most of the time. Stealthily, a figure crept into the living room while everyone was distracted. The figure was a man and had the exact same features as Bismarck with the exception of a large white bushy beard and the number 1 on its forehead. No-1 Bismarck then quietly placed a few neatly wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree before quickly vanishing in a spur of silver dust.


Naturally, the loud yell came from the overly excited child that started this whole Christmas frenzy. Although it was soon joined by the voice of an equally excited woman in the body of a large pink teddy bear. Makie and Kirishima were the first to rush to the presents underneath the Christmas tree with Puff-Puff following soon after them, leaving only Bismarck, Haruna and Kongou at the table.

"-GASP- LOOK YOTARO, IT'S YOU!" true enough of the many wrapped gifts was an almost identical teddy bear to the one Kirishima was using, except this one was brand new, "Now you have a friend!"

So while the child and her two non-human friends happily unboxed the gifts with their names on them, Bismarck and the two utterly stunning women just sat back and relaxed. The two blondes flanked the man from both sides so he had nowhere to turn. This is where their temporary alliance would come into play, where the one thing they wanted for Christmas would hopefully be theirs. Both now standing on nigh equal terms, the two blondes shared a quick look before they simultaneously grabbed each of Bismarck's free arms.

"Huh?" was all that the poor man managed to say before being unconditionally dragged from the table, the overly excited group consisting of a human girl, a Fog teddy bear and a dôg didn't even notice them disappearing upstairs.

They carried him like a child but with the speed and efficiency of a top-class machine. They were quick, but where were they carrying him? And most of all why? Bismarck wanted to ask these and more questions as the two blonde beauties threw him into his room like a sack of potatoes.

"Scheiße! What are you doing?!" Bismarck had to pick himself up from the floor, although he immediately regretted locking eyes with either of the two blondes for one very simple reason, the look in their eyes scared him.

It was the same look of utter determination he had seen before, a few human admirals had such look before they perished. It was the look of someone who was fully committed to their task and believes, although there was a twinkle of something hidden underneath that Bismarck couldn't quite discern.

"Dibs," Haruna stalked towards him like a wolf preying on its next snack, a look of determination in her eyes as Kongou could do nothing but sigh and roll her eyes at the comment.

"What are you-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as he was abruptly pushed into a sitting position at the edge of his bed by Haruna.

And, for what to him would feel like forever Bismarck wouldn't even be able to say anything as any and all words died in his throat the moment Haruna threw away her cloak, a deep crimson hue immediately appearing on her cheeks. For when the coat hit the ground was Haruna's lewd and completely inappropriate outfit revealed to the world. Now, everyone knew that the blonde was... well, curvy and extremely well-endowed when it came to her... yeah let's drop the formalities, Haruna had huge fucking tits and everyone knew it. There was just no competition whatsoever, no human girl could really compete with breasts bigger than their head. And that nice rack was now covered by nothing other than a skimpy red top that was more of an ultra-revealing bra than anything else. All that hid Haruna's soft mounds was this tiny article of clothing, and that was just the start of it. What one could only describe as the world's tightest G-string was, once again, the singular thing that hid Haruna's chastity. It was a couple of sizes too small for her, evident by the article of cloth stretching to its limit around Haruna's child-bearing hips. Lastly, Haruna's utterly thicc drumstick thighs were covered in nothing more than an alluring pair of red thigh high stockings. Haruna with her hourglass figure looked... well, nothing short of sexy in those clothes if you could even call them that. What man didn't love a pair of huge tits and a fat fucking ass?

Both Haruna's and Bismarck's faces were deep crimsons, the shade only grew as Haruna noticed that Bismarck's pants got a lot tighter at the sight. With a small hint of pride, she strutted forward, almost painfully slow with a sway of her wide hips. Then, she sat down onto Bismarck's lap and wrapped her hands around his neck, bringing their faces closer together until they almost touched.

"...I'll be your Christmas present," she spoke in a soft but uncharacteristically sultry voice before roughly slamming her lips into Bismarck's, not wasting any time and immediately pushing her tongue against his.

With nothing but hormones guiding him, Bismarck's hands didn't land on Haruna's hips but on her big ass. Seriously, if a normal human girl could pack a cake then Haruna had an entire bakery. The two had almost completely forgotten that there was one more person in the room, Kongou just scoffed lightly before her outfit changing in a flash of purple light, leaving her in an even more revealing version of her previous outfit. While her breasts were smaller than Haruna's, she more than made up for it with her hips, ass, long shapely legs and thick thighs. Essentially, Haruna was the dream of every boob man with Kongou being the same for every ass man. A skin-tight crop-top covered Kongou's still more than impressive bust, her surprisingly toned midriff was left uncovered for all you fetishists to see. An insanely short skirt barely wrapped around her wide hips, even wider than Haruna's with thighs that could crush rocks between them and an ass that could and probably would create an air-compressed shockwave with its clap. The skirt was too short to actually cover her chastity, and she wore no panties under it so even if she was standing perfectly straight everyone could still see her bare pussy. A pair of black thigh high stockings just barely managed to squeeze around the succulent meat of Kongou's thighs.

In a matter of fewer than two seconds, Kongou coated the walls of the room in a thin but sound absorbing nanomaterial, they were going to need it for what was going to come next~ She confidently walked to the other two mental models who were furiously making out, so as not to be outdone she quickly but surprisingly gently pushed Haruna to the side so that the other blonde was sitting on only one of Bismarck's legs, leaving the other unoccupied. Of course, Kongou gladly took a seat on it before claiming Bismarck's mouth from her blonde rival.

"Don't forget about me~ I'll be your Christmas present if you'll be mine~♥" spoke Kongou in a lewd tone, leaving purple-coloured lipstick marks across Bismarck's face and neck.

The three were certainly in for a night of their lives, unbeknownst to the other three residents of their home who were still unboxing presents.




"...-CLAP- Merry, ugh -CLAP- Christmas~♥"