
Birth of the Ultimate Megarion

Masahiro thought he was just a normal boy who lived a normal life with his mom Masako until he was attacked by monsters in his school which made something awaken inside Masahiro which made him a Megarion, a warrior sworn to fight for decency and protect the innocent

rath200203 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


"What's the situation?" asked a very muscular man in a black suit walking towards a couple of researchers who answered "The oracle of Zuran sir...It has been awakened.

"Any idea why this awakening happened?' asked the man again to the researchers. "We are still searching for the reason for this occurrence sir," answered another as they walked through a dark hallway, and at the end of the hallway lies a ragged wooden door leading to the Oracle of Zuran.

"Inform Megarion Textron and Minima immediately and tell them I will handle this matter. Now go! This could get messy," ordered the man. The researchers then nodded and hurriedly exited the hallway, leaving the man alone to deal with this occurrence.

Seeing that all of the researchers had left, the man reached for his pocket, pulled out a talisman, and held it high as he shouted "BENKEI!!!". A gleaming light appeared from the talisman as the man's body was covered in a white and red suit with a little stroke of blue. After the suiting up was complete, the bright light faded and the talisman vanished from the man's hand.


The man then continued his path towards the ragged door. Reaching the ragged door, he gently opened the door, which gave out a loud screeching sound.


The man then examined the room to know more about the situation that he was facing. The room is so unsanitized, which can be seen by the cobwebs on the walls and the ceiling and the stench of the room, which made the room look like it was abandoned for years. And in the middle, there was a very old wooden chair where a person who wore gray and ragged clothes was sitting on it peacefully as if he had never left the chair. The man then entered the room and tried to get closer to the person to communicate with the mysterious person.

As he got closer, the person's head suddenly moved and his body followed suit as it tried to get up from the chair. The man saw what it was trying to do and offered it his help, which it ignored.

"My name is Tendou Ida or you can call me Megarion Benkei. What is the purpose of your awakening O' oracle of Zyuran?"Tendou introduced himself in the hope of making contact with the oracle.

"He who has lost the path of the Megarion will return and he will destroy all Megarions until none are left...", said the oracle in a soft voice.

Hearing this, Tendou was shocked and lost for words....'a Megarion who has lost his way...who could it be?'

"O' Oracle, would you tell me who this lost Megarion is?" asked Tendou, curious about this mysterious Megarion. He had never heard of a Megarion who lost his way, which meant that this particular Megarion had sold himself to the dark. See, Megarions are warriors of light who lay down their lives to do their duty to fight evil and protect the innocent. That is how it always has been. But never in all his life had he heard about a Megarion who swore to protect the people, would turn against them.

But his question was not answered by the oracle, as the oracle had already gone back to its original position as before. Seeing this, Tendou gave out a huge sigh and left the room where the Oracle would still be there until its next awakening to give another prophecy.

*********************************************************************************************************"A Megarion who lost his way?" asked Minima, after Tendou told him and Textron everything about his meeting with the Oracle of Zuran. "Impossible!" Minima continued, " No Megarion has ever turned to the dark, at least not that I know of,".

Megarion Minima or, as people normally called him, Dyanama, is a man who is so full of himself which always makes him think that he is the best Megarion warrior, but is often bested by Tendou, whom both of them agreed not to talk much about it.

"Ah, Minima.....your foolishness and ignorance are showing again," said Megarion Textron, a Megarion full of wisdom and knowledge who often proves his intelligence time and time again. "There is a Megarion who had turned....But the higher council has ordered everyone who knew of this to not say a word. His name is Megarion Kowpizer. A cunning warrior. Smart, talented, and brave. He was a friend of Megarion Ultra, who then betrayed him in order to gain more power and sold himself to the dark and became Exkowpizer. Last I heard of him, he was captured and defeated by none other than Megarion Ultra himself and it was a fierce battle, that was. But from what the Oracle had envisioned.....This is bad news indeed. I will inform the higher council of this."

Tendou nodded as he got up from his chair and went to leave the room where they discussed this matter. Textron interrupted him and asked, "How is Masahiro? Is he showing any signs of a Megarion yet?"

Tendou looked back and hooked his head and replied " I do not understand why Masahiro hasn't shown any signs yet. I already knew what I was destined to be when I was his age. But perhaps he is not cut out to be a Megarion. Plus, I worry that he is not ready for it. ,". Textron walked towards Tendou and gently placed his hand on his shoulder, and said " Patience Benkei, I'm sure that Masahiro will know what he is sooner or later. You just have to believe in him as I did for you. When the time comes, you must be the one supporting him all the way, as the path of a Megarion is all but an easy one and not for the light-hearted," as he patted Tendou's shoulder and left the room with Minima, leaving Tendou lost for words in the room.

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