
Birth of the Abyssal King

Heavenly_author · Urban
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2 Chs

The Necrotic Dominion Art

The discovery of the book, "Necrotic Dominion Art", was a turning point in Benjamin's life.

 The book was old and dusty, its pages yellowed with age. It was bound in black leather, with the title etched in silver.

 The book was filled with complex diagrams and cryptic text, detailing a cultivation technique that was unlike anything Benjamin had ever seen.

The Necrotic Dominion Art was a cultivation method that granted the practitioner the power to manipulate the dead and control the domain of the underworld. It was a formidable technique that required a strong sense of morality and a great deal of responsibility. Benjamin was intrigued by the power it promised, but he was also wary of the potential dangers.

The book described the intricate steps of infusing his attacks with the essence of death, causing continuous harm and weakening the vitality of his foes. Benjamin practiced the technique on a training dummy, observing its gradual decay as the Withering Death Effect took hold.

Despite his apprehensions, Benjamin chose to delve into the study of Necrotic Dominion Art. He devoted innumerable hours to the book, interpreting the enigmatic text and practicing the methods. His resolve was unyielding, driven by his ambition to validate his worth and secure his position in the Abyssal Demon Sect.

In the meantime, word of Benjamin's clash with Lennox had circulated within the sect. Benjamin's audacity left many disciples taken aback, while others admired his bravery. Lennox, however, was boiling with rage and scheming his retaliation.

The following day, while Benjamin was engrossed in his studies, a knock on his door broke his concentration. It was Corey, who had come to check on him.

"Ben, are you alright?" Corey inquired, worried. "You've been cooped up all day."

"I'm okay, Corey," Benjamin responded, not lifting his eyes from his book. "I'm just busy studying."

Corey entered to find Ben concealing something behind his back.

Corey looked at Benjamin. "What are you hiding?" he questioned.

"Nothing," Ben answered.

"Alright… well, let's get going."

"Going where?"

"Don't tell me you forgot, we have access to the abyssal archives today, remember?"

"Oh yeah, just give me a minute," Benjamin responded.

Corey exited as Benjamin retrieved the book from behind him.

He stared at it with a penetrating gaze.

"I'm aware it's perilous," Benjamin contemplated, his gaze unwavering. "But it's also potent. And I need power to survive in this sect."

"Let's go, Corey," Benjamin said, exiting his room. "Let's head to the Abyssal Archives."

Corey looked thrilled. "Let's go."

"Now remember, the Archives aren't exactly welcoming."

"I understand," Benjamin replied. "But I need to learn more techniques."

"The Necrotic Dominion Art is potent, but I can't depend solely on it." Ben pondered.

Corey nodded, comprehending Benjamin's perspective. "Alright, let's proceed then."

The Abyssal Archives were situated at the core of the Abyssal Demon Sect, contained within a magnificent, ancient tower that stretched towards the heavens. The tower was decorated with elaborate demonic engravings and enveloped in a perpetual, eerie fog.

Upon entering the Archives, they were met with the sight of countless bookshelves, each brimming with ancient manuals and scrolls. The air was heavy with the smell of aged parchment and a faint, underlying whiff of demonic energy.

Benjamin and Corey headed to the Cultivation Methods Section, where they began to peruse the various manuals. Benjamin was in search of a technique that would supplement the Necrotic Dominion Art, while Corey was intrigued by fire-based demonic arts.

After several hours of exploration, they finally discovered what they were seeking.

"This is perfect," Ben thought as he selected a book titled Shadow Veil Technique.

"Shadow Veil Technique," a movement skill that enabled him to merge with shadows and offered stealth and evasion capabilities.

Corey, conversely, opted for the "Phantom Strike," a martial skill that generated deceptive attacks to bewilder the adversary.

"Let's see who can master their art the quickest," Corey proposed.

"You're on," Ben responded.

After leaving the Abyssal Archives, Benjamin and Corey decided to head to the training grounds to start practicing their new techniques. 

As they traversed the sect grounds, they noticed a throng assembling near one of the training arenas. Intrigued, they decided to investigate.

Approaching the crowd, they heard applause and gasps of admiration. Navigating their way through the crowd, they finally had a clear view of the arena.

In the middle was a young man, nonchalantly wielding a demonic sword with a fluidity and elegance that concealed the strength behind each blow.

"That's Charles," Corey murmured, identifying the young man. "He's a prodigy, one of the most gifted disciples in the sect and the son of the demon lord."

Benjamin observed as Charles skillfully parried the attacks of his sparring partner, a muscular disciple who was evidently struggling to keep pace.

Charles was one of the sons of the sect leader. He bore a striking resemblance to his father. He had a royal and commanding presence, with a tall and robust build.

His dark brown complexion mirrored his father's, and his neatly groomed black hair was streaked with silver, echoing the sect leader's own hair.

He typically wore traditional and formal robes, carrying himself with the same air of authority as his father.

Despite his laid-back demeanor, there was a sharpness in Charles's eyes that indicated a sharp mind and a profound comprehension of martial arts.

After a few more exchanges, Charles finally concluded the spar with a quick strike that propelled his opponent across the arena.

The crowd burst into cheers, but Charles merely sheathed his sword and departed, seemingly indifferent to the acclaim.

As he walked past Benjamin and Corey, he paused, his gaze falling on the book in Benjamin's hands. "The Necrotic Dominion Art," he stated in a low voice.

Benjamin was the only one who seemed to hear "how he could know" Ben thought.

"Interesting choice."

Benjamin was caught off guard. "You're familiar with it?"

Charles shrugged. "Perhaps."

Charles nodded, then turned to depart. But before he did, he glanced back at Benjamin and Corey.

"If you ever require assistance with your cultivation, don't hesitate to ask."

With that, he strolled away, yawning, leaving Benjamin and Corey gazing after him in astonishment.

They had just met one of the most talented disciples in the Abyssal Demon Sect, and he had offered to help them. It was an unexpected turn of events, but one that they were more than willing to take advantage of.

As they resumed their journey to the training grounds, Benjamin couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

He was eager to start practicing the Shadow Veil Technique, and now he had a potential mentor in Charles. Things were looking up for him in the Abyssal Demon Sect.

Upon reaching the training grounds, Benjamin wasted no time. He sought a secluded corner, away from the intrusive gazes of fellow disciples, and settled down cross-legged.

He unfurled the manual of the Shadow Veil Technique and immersed himself in its contents.

The Shadow Veil Technique was a movement skill that enabled the user to meld into shadows, offering stealth and evasion capabilities. It was an intricate technique demanding profound comprehension of one's own energy and the finesse to subtly manipulate it.

The initial step was to cultivate a deep sense of awareness. Benjamin shut his eyes and concentrated on his breathing, allowing his mind to descend into tranquility.

He could sense the energy coursing within him, a consistent surge of power pulsating with his heartbeat.

Once attuned to his energy, the subsequent step was to extend his consciousness outward. 

He needed to perceive the shadows around him, sense their cool, silent existence. It was an uncanny sensation, akin to touching the ethereal, but Benjamin persevered.

After several hours, he finally managed to perceive the shadows. It was a faint sensation, like a murmur against his skin, but it was present. He could sense the shadows, and crucially, he could manipulate them.

The final step was to blend into the shadows. This was the most challenging aspect of the technique. It demanded a delicate equilibrium of energy manipulation and mental focus. Benjamin had to intertwine his energy with the shadows, become one with them.

He commenced with minor shadows, those cast by his own body. He extended his energy, gently merging it with the shadow. Initially, there was no response.

But after numerous attempts, he finally felt a shift. It was akin to submerging into cool water, a sensation of being enveloped and concealed.

Benjamin opened his eyes and glanced down. To his astonishment, his body was partially transparent, merging into the shadow beneath him.

He had succeeded. He had effectively executed the Shadow Veil Technique.

It was a minor step, but it was a beginning. Benjamin was aware he had a lengthy journey ahead before he could completely master the technique.

But for the moment, he was content. He had taken his initial step into the realm of shadow manipulation, and he was eager to delve deeper.

As he persisted with his practice, Benjamin could feel his comprehension of the technique intensifying. The Shadow Veil Technique was not merely about concealing oneself in shadows.

It was about understanding the essence of shadows, the tranquil stillness, and the subtle transitions. It was about becoming one with the darkness and utilizing it to his advantage.

And Benjamin was resolute to master it, regardless of the time it took.

Simultaneously, Lennox was growing restless. He had been biding his time, awaiting the opportune moment to retaliate against Benjamin.

 And that moment finally presented itself when the Abyssal Demon Sect announced a competition for the outer disciples.

The competition was an opportunity for the disciples to display their skills and earn recognition from the elders. It was also an opportunity for Lennox to exact his revenge.

As the competition neared, Benjamin continued his training, oblivious to Lennox's schemes..