
Chapter 21: change

Maurin was called back to headquarters. Turns out the big boss finally got news of how Maurin had Mayonaka killed, the man the big boss needed to create an alliance with the Japanese mafia.

"The Hell Were You Thinking?!" He yells out as he taps his fancy walking stick fiercely on the ground.

"Boss, I couldn't possibly let him live. Do you not realize how many of our men he killed in Japan?!" Maurin, frustrated at the big boss, tries to reason with him.

"You really think I give a shit about that?! YOU killing Mayonaka cost me a fortune! It cost me an alliance that could have earned us a fortune. But YOU just had to get all emotional about your men, and just make all my efforts go down the drain!" big boss gestures with his finger pointing at Maurin, making him aware of how ridiculous he's been behaving.

"Boss, but…"

"NO BUTS!" He shouts at him. "I gave you everything! I made you my successor, let you run wild, do whatever you want. And what do I get? Huh?" He pauses and stares at Maurin like he could devour his very soul and says, "A DISAPPOINTMENT!"

Maurin stands there in the middle of this fancy office, stunned by what he had said.

"Boss…um…listen, we can still form an alliance. There will be another way to do so…"

"Another way? What way? You ruined it! So don't appear before me until you find that so-called another way! Until then, I will remove you from being my successor. And I'll find someone who's actually capable of that position."

"What?" Maurin stood there, feeling his world shatter. "No wait, you can't do this. I…I've done SO MUCH for this organization! You…you can't simply cast me aside like I'm trash!" Maurin stumbles on his words and yells at the big boss.

"Oh you were great, Maurin. You had great potential, the perfect man to take over this organization. Cruel and cold hearted. But in the end, you had to be easily driven by your emotions. And that makes you weak."

"Weak? Me? Oh please, don't make me laugh! You think I'll just sit by and let you throw me away!" Maurin slams his hands on the desk, making the boss furious and further says, "I may make reckless decisions based on my whims but in the end, I'm like you, father. You took me in. You raised me. You know that very well. I'm just as crooked and rotten as you are."

"This is what I meant when I said you are too emotional. See how you get shaken up so easily!" He sips from his fancy wine glass, as he stands by the window behind his desk. "You DARE raise your voice at me, boy?!"

"Yes, I do! Let's be real, I'm the one who's been leading this organization. You are just a pathetic old man slowly reaching his death."

The big boss might have been an old man but he was not pathetic. He was not someone to be messed with. He did not climb to the top of the crime world by being a pathetic old man. He was a true villain, someone who thought absolutely nothing of others suffering. He was emotionally crooked, someone whose very soul was rotten to the core. He only ever made choices that benefit him. Power and money was all he cared about. And if someone were to get in his way or infuriate him, he would blink twice to punish them. Even if it were his beloved son.

And he really loved Maurin. But for villains like him love is nothing but a stepping tool. Another thing they can use to their advantage. And that love only lasts as long as the benefit they gain from it.

"You have crossed the line, Maurin." The big boss in his black suit stepped forward, with a menacing look on his face.

"I considered you my son, but I think this is as long as it lasts. From today, you lose your status as my successor and your place as the one who manages the slave district. You will be nothing more than a mere low level soldier for as long as this pathetic old man lives!" He mocks Maurin with his own words, shaking his finger at his face.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Maurin yells.

"OH REALLY? Watch me!" He challenges and calls out. "GUARDS, throw Maurin into the dungeon."

Maurin stands there flabbergasted. He couldn't believe the big boss would do that. To him! He served under big boss his entire life. Maurin had a great hand in the uplifting of this organization and now he was being thrown away. Abandoned.

The guards come in and are confused by the situation. They were to arrest and throw Maurin into the dungeon. Maurin? The devil? They couldn't bring themselves to do it for a second because Maurin was well respected and feared by everyone. And why would the big boss want to throw away Maurin? Everyone knew the big boss favored Maurin a lot. Even more than his actual son, Velaris.

"What are you doing? Did you not hear me?"

The big boss asks them, staring right into their souls.

"But…that's…Maurin, the devil. You want us to throw him in the dungeon?" One of the guards asks, confused.

"And I am LEVIATHAN! So, who's the boss here?" The big boss tilts his head reminding them who actually rules here.

And the guards grab Maurin by the arms and drag him out of the room. Maurin fights them off and yells,

"Let Go Of Me! I can walk on my own. I know the way to the dungeon." He then turns to look at the big boss and says, "Trust me, you will regret this."


And just like that Maurin was sent to an underground dungeon where he stayed in a cell like a prisoner for one night and one day.

When he didn't return, Velaris went to check on what happened. And right then, the big boss called to meet him too. The next night, when Velaris had finished his meeting with the big boss aka his biological father, he went to get Maurin out of the dungeon.

Maurin seemed quite at home in the dirty old dungeon as he laid back by the wall, ruffling his hair. Even though he was badly beaten up. It looks like the big boss made sure they punished Maurin properly. He was beaten harshly, his face and body covered in bruises and dried up blood.

"Took you long enough, prince charming. This damsel in distress almost thought you'd abandon her."

"Can't believe you still have the energy to joke in such a situation, Maurin." Velaris extends his hand to Maurin to help him get up from the floor.

"How'd you get permission to get me out of the dungeon?"

Maurin asked as he left the cell with him. Maurin was limping. He hurt his leg real bad from the beatings he took in the dungeon. So Velaris offered him his shoulder, and Maurin walked along with his arm around Velaris's shoulder for support.

"Big boss called me. We talked about all that happened. And I managed to convince him to let you get out. After all, they can't keep you here for long. You are an important asset to the organization. You being imprisoned could cause problems. You still need to get out and carry out your work as regularly. It's just that your punishment for the time being is over."

"So did he take back all he said?" Maurin asked as they walked through the old halls of the dungeon, and climbed up the stairs.

"About casting you away, removing you from being his successor and your authority in the slave district? No, he didn't. He still casted you away. You are now officially a mere soldier like any other. Congrats on the demotion!" Velaris mocked him.

"Ha! Very funny, that old man is making a grave mistake by casting me aside. But How'd you get out of this mess?"

"Simply told him I had nothing to do with Mayonaka's death. That Maurin killed him without consulting me."

"Hah, you traitor of a brother." Maurin sighed dramatically.

"It's true, isn't it? I did warn you not to do anything ridiculous. Look where it landed you. If anything you had it coming."

"Meh." Maurin didn't seem regretful of all that he had done. "Well anyway, I don't plan to just go down. I will take that old man's throne! And I bet you'll help me with it right, Vel?! Since you don't have a taste for ruling for yourself."

"Sure, let's first hear out what ridiculous plan you have this time to go against the big boss, who rules it all." Velaris asks sarcastically.

"We'll figure something out, we always do." Maurin smiles.


Meanwhile at sclavus urbs…

Vivi had fallen in love with a man here in sclavus urbs, Kai, was his name. It was the kind of love that is born out of loneliness. They never really made it official that they loved each other since love was a luxury that couldn't be afforded. He simply kept her company, smiled and laughed with her. And they were really close to each other. They say that he was what kept Vivi from falling into despair in this hellhole.

And today, in the afternoon, he was executed. He was caught stealing flowers from the halls. And now his head stands attached to a spear on the wall of fear.

Reina learnt about it from Arien later that night. She had no idea something so heartbreaking had happened because she was busy with some work in the office. And now she had no idea on how to comfort Vivi.

Vivi had isolated herself and refused to speak to anyone. But Liz suggested they take a walk in the forest nearby. After all, there was still time till curfew. They went for a walk and took along some tools that could be used as weapons, like a pickaxe, shovel, and other such stuff they usually use for work. They mentioned that some wild animals simetimes appear so they keep these tools close by, in case they might need them.

They were walking amidst the thick trees, listening to the crunch of leaves as they crushed beneath their feet. And hearing the wind breezing through the trees, whispers of nature keeping them company.

"Hey, Ray…" Vivi finally spoke. "That guy you work for, the leader around here. They call him the devil." She paused.

"Yea, they do." Reina replied.

"Why do you work for him? He's killed countless people. Eve, Kai and many more I bet. He orders the executions around here since he's the one in-charge."

Although Reina wasn't sure on how to reply, she told her honestly.

"I'm aware. But honestly, I see hope. A chance, a possibility that if I work with him, I will reach a position where I can make a difference, a change for the better."

"Even if it means the death of countless people?" Vivi asked with despair and a sort of anger in her voice.

"If I could prevent it I would. But I can't." Reina thought hard before saying the next words but she said it, "People die. It's inevitable."

"Is that what you tell yourself to be able to sleep at night?" Vivi stopped and looked behind at Reina with hatred in her eyes.

"Enough, Vivi." Liz intervened but Vivi didn't listen.

"Couldn't you just kill Maurin?" She asked.

Reina didn't know how to reply. She was conflicted. Because she knew that Vivi would never agree with her ideas.

"Tell me, Ray."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Then make me!"

"Killing Maurin won't solve anything. Another man would simply take his place and the cycle would continue. Right now, I need to work with him to figure out how to…create…a rebellion of sorts…that will allow us to overthrow this cruelty." Reina hesitatingly explains, hoping desperately in her heart that they might understand.

"You dream too much Ray. You've always been that way. Reckless and stupidly brave. You think there's always a solution. A happy ending. That even if there isn't, you can create one. Too optimistic for your own good."

"That's not true. I know there isn't always a happy ending." Reina cuts her.

"Yea? Well then let me correct myself. You are simply stubborn. You still refuse to give up, even if the future is uncertain." Vivi steps closer and grabs Reina by the shoulders. "But the future isn't uncertain right now. It's pretty clear that we are doomed to live as slaves for the rest of our pathetic lives."

Her words left Reina puzzled. She wasn't exactly wrong. Was she? Was she right? Are all my efforts futile? But I can't bear to just lay down and die. I don't want to. Reina thought to herself.

"If I ever come across that man, the one they call the devil, I will kill him." Vivi declares. "When that happens, whom will you choose, Reina?"

The wind blows stronger, like it always does when things go south; and the moon hides behind the clouds. Reina felt alone, truly and utterly alone.

"Stop saying such scary stuff, Viv." Jay spoke, trying to lighten the mood. "No matter what happens, in the end, Reina is one of us. Of course she would choose us, right, Ray?"

And they did cross paths with Maurin, right that night. Maurin was passing through the forest on his way back from the dungeon, taking a walk like he enjoyed. Velaris wasn't with him. And the inevitable happened. Reina had to choose.