
Chapter 20: back to sclavus urbs

I returned to sclavus urbs with the rising sun. The first rays mingling with the cerulean hues. I wonder if I simply didn't pay attention to it when I was at the mansion but I think the sunrise looks much more beautiful here, in the slave district.

I wonder if that's nature's way of comforting us, by staying on our side.

But am I part of that? I don't exactly live here. I don't belong…here…nor there…I have no place.

I wore simple clothing that day, so I could blend in, because I didn't want to be seen as an 'outsider' to the people of sclavus urbs. But I think it didn't help. Cause when I stepped into the gates, I realized I'd been away for so long, I'd forgotten how poor the conditions of this place actually were.

Guilt filled every fiber of my being as I watched the 'slaves' toiling away, working and working and working. While I'd been living a pretty comfortable life at the mansion and now I'd come back here, I entered with Maurin and Velaris on either side and two more guards welcomed us inside.

I wanted to run away and hide. I did not want to be seen as someone who's on the villain's side, as a traitor.

We entered the office building of sclavus urbs where they manage all things. Maurin had something to take care of so Velaris was personally in charge of distributing the supplies I had brought. The other terrorists were opposed as to why the slaves were to be given more food and blankets (as if they already had enough). But Maurin and Velaris said it was a donation from some sponsor (they make it sound like a nice charity act) And since saying that I, a slave, donated this all would raise some uproar among them, they simply settled by telling it was an anonymous donation. They, themselves, didn't really mind this so-called donation I made. And they made it seem like they had something to gain from this 'charity act', so of course the others didn't dare question any further.

One of the men questioned, 'who is she?' as he pointed at me. And his fellow whispered, "The crimson queen."

"Oh really? So that's her! The devil's partner!"

I hope my friends don't hear either of these nicknames. That might raise many questions I wouldn't want to answer. I had a scarlet band on my left arm which symbolized I worked directly with Maurin. It helped keep the others away from me. Since they wouldn't touch someone who was directly linked to Maurin and Velaris.

I was allowed to go out and do whatever I wanted, "just come back to the office before curfew (which was 12am)" Maurin had warned me.

I stepped out and wandered amongst the run down and impoverished town. I tried to observe and see what else I could do to make this place a little better to live in for the population here.

The slaves worked til sun down so I wouldn't get to spend some free time with my friends til then. So I decided to go where they worked and perhaps help them out with their work.

So I visited the mess hall where Jay, Vivi and Liz worked (at least while I was still here) and hoped I'd cross paths with them.

I helped around at the mess hall, served plates of food and stuff. But I noticed I 2as given a lot of stares. And the slaves were awfully wary of me. Probably because of my clothes (I didn't have the slave uniform) and the scarlet band. I guess everyone knew I worked with Maurin. But I had the slave mark on my wrist and the scarlet band too, which was one of the strangest combinations, I guess. Since they kept staring at it.


A plate of food fell and shattered, catching everyone's attention. I turned to look and a blond guy was getting scolded for it.

'Blond? Is that Jay?' I wondered since Jay too has blond hair.

(I'm brunette but Jay's blond. Because Jay looks more like mom and I'm more like dad, I was always envied Jay for his beautiful golden locks when I was a child. But with time I began to love my dark hair too).

One of the men slapped him so hard he fell on the ground. I quickly went over and hesitatingly said,

"Hey, I think that's enough."

The giant man, furious, was about to slap me too for daring to stop him. But his fellow quickly grabbed him by the arm and pointed with his eyes to my scarlet band. And he instantly stepped away.

I turned to look at the young man and it was Jay!

He looks at me, at a loss for words. But his eyes spoke and welled up with tears. I'm sure he probably thought I had died.

After a second, he mustered the courage to speak.


"Yea, it's me" I smile.


After sundown…

We met in the run down cottage which was now their home. I met with everyone. They were all surprised to see me. They were happy and my heart swelled with relief and happiness at their contentment.

But Vivi was still as callous as always although I knew she was relieved and glad to see me too.

After meeting everyone, we sat around a fire outside the house. "So are you back for good now?" Vivi asked me, looking me straight in the eyes.

Everyone wanted an answer. I could feel the pressure crushing me. They probably want me to say yes.

"No. I have to go back. Even tonight I have to return to the office. But I'll be here for a few days at least." I dare not look at her eyes. I stare at the fire. Letting the crackling sound calm me down.

"You know, we thought you were probably dead somewhere. We didn't expect you to return."

"yea…must be quite surprised to see me here huh…" I replied awkwardly.

"Surprised?" Vivi said coldly. "You have no idea of how we felt!"

I'm not sure how I should feel about this comment. Is she being like this cause she was worried or is she pissed at me.

"I haven't exactly had the easiest life either." I finally replied softly.

"Then you shouldn't have left!" She raised her voice.

"So, what sort of work do you do?" Arien interrupted before Vivi could make another comment.

"Translation. I work as their translator during meetings and negotiations." I made sure to leave out the part where I also carried out an assassination. I'll make sure I keep that a secret.

"I see."

The chilly wind blows, sending shivers down my spine. And just at that time Liz returned with Nox, they brought along blankets (the ones I had donated but I didn't tell them that).

"We finally have some nice little blankets for the winter." Nox exclaimed happily. And it warmed my heart to see the smile on everyone's face over some somfy blankets.

"Although they are probably donated by some murderous psychopathic criminal, I'm still glad we got something." He said as he laughed silly.

And so did others. They were completely ignorant of the fact I was the one who arranged this and I let it stay that way.

"Hey sis?...can't you come back?" Jay asked.

I looked at him and almost let my emotions show. I almost said that I wanted to stay with them but I couldn't, I can't.

"Nope. I'm just here because there was some work and I just gotta stick with it, so…I have to return eventually." I said as I felt my heart crush. "I wish I could stay longer. But I can't, I've got something I need to do over there."

The mood was awkward but I didn't really mind it because I missed everyone, I'd been feeling lonely.

And as if to remind me that I can't stay here for long, he appeared.

The mood turned gloomy, like a calamity had hit the place. Everyone suddenly stood up, alert, afraid and on guard, I was the only one sitting. And Maurin had popped out of nowhere.

"Hello there~" he said playfully. "It's alright, no need to be so wary of me. I ain't gonna bite." He chuckled.

I hadn't realized how much everyone was afraid of him. After all, I guess it's the first they've seen him from so close after the night Eve died.

And I guess I'm the only one who wasn't as surprised or afraid since I've been around him for quite some time.

"What the hell? What's he doing here? He never comes down to the town himself!" Nox whispered and Arien elbowed him to shut up.

"I'm just here to take your pretty little friend." He pointed at me.

And instantly Jay and Vivi tried to cover me, to protect me. Everyone was alert and afraid. They probably thought he would hurt me. Or perhaps that I'd end up as Eve.

"Haha, how adorable! Trying to protect her, huh? Don't worry, If I wanted her dead she wouldn't be here right now." He chuckles and calls out to me, "Adrenaline, c'mon dear, tell your friends Cinderella needs to leave now."

I move Jay and Vivi out of the way. "It's alright guys, I work with him and I need to go now."

"Wait what? You actually work with HIM???" Jay blurts out.

"But he's the one who led Eve to her death! Why? Ray? Why?" Vivi sounds betrayed. Right, I guess they didn't know I worked directly under Maurin.

"It just turned out that way."

"But there's still time till curfew." Jay said. "Must you leave now?" Liz joined softly.

"Oh please, you guys are being annoying! Slumber party's over now. We gotta leave. And who is that Goldilocks, Adrenaline?" Maurin asked as he pointed at Jay. "Your boyfriend?"

"Ew, no!" I said at once. "That's my brother."

"Wait what? You look nothing alike. How does that work?"

"Genetics, Maurin, genetics. They work in mysterious ways." I replied.

"Ohhhhhhh." he mused.

And I noticed the expression on everyone's faces, I could tell they were flabbergasted by our casual interaction.

And then just before we left, Maurin had to say something stupid,

"Don't worry, Goldilocks. I'll take good care of your sister." He smirked.

"Shut up." I gave him a dirty look.

And just like that. We left.


The next few days, I spent some time at the office translating some documents and letters. And I spent the evenings after sundown with my friends. During that time, the big boss called Maurin for an urgent private meeting.

Something happened during that meeting, something that changed my plan to rise to power drastically. Something that made Maurin walk down the path of rebellion. It was also the reason I ended up choosing Maurin over my friends at the cost of their trust. This one private meeting Maurin had with the big boss changed everything, literally.

If I do say so myself, that day things changed and change is always hard and rough. But just like the changing seasons, our situation changed and it brought along harsh winters, summers, autumns, and blissful springs.

But there was still a long and rugged path we needed to walk to get there.