
Billionaires: Love and Secrets [English Version]

No one would have thought that a broken heart had dragged Darren Ewald Gilbert into a complicated problem that entangled him with the famous supermodel, Flower Carnabel. Distrust of an illegitimate child has made Darren unwilling to recognize the status of Lovely Carlb Gilbert although a DNA test confirmed that he was the biological father. For Darren, all of this was Flow's tricks, who had been crazy about him from the start. Then, what if Love is indeed his flesh's blood? Would Darren be willing to accept her? And would Flow give a chance to the man who had viciously insulted her? Follow the journey of Darren and Flow's problematic love, and Love's struggle to gain recognition from her father.

Yezta_Aurora · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 19

'Oh, baby... how could your beautiful Alexa bite you. No, no... I can't do that unless... bite your firm lips.' Alexa thought while biting the corner of her lip.


Darren was not a massage expert so, it was only natural to give a careless massage.

The corner of his eye then repeatedly glanced at Alexa. "How about I take you to the doctor?"

"No need." Alexa firmly rejected it.

She looked at Darren with a sulky look. "Please, continue the massage. Ouch..." She groaned as she tried to move her legs.

"Miss, I don't want to go wrong in giving a massage."

Alexa carved a smile that looked very soothing. "You're never wrong, sir. Just do it!" She glanced at Darren flirtatiously.

"If you can't stand the pain. Please bite my arm."

Alexa nodded.

Alexa was really a great player. She repeatedly groaned as if in real pain. "Ouch, it hurts… take it easy, sir," she asked.

At the same time, Darren began to slow down his massage. "Now try to move your feet, Miss."

Slowly but surely, Alexa began to move her legs. Her smile grew wider, revealing a row of white teeth. "You really are an excellent masseuse, sir. My leg doesn't hurt anymore. Thank you." And as a thank you, she immediately gave Darren a tight hug.

Without reducing his respect, Darren directly pushed her with full tenderness.

"Your leg doesn't hurt anymore. Excuse me then."

"Wait, sir."

The called one immediately turned around. "Yes, Miss."

Alexa came closer and held out a hand. "We haven't met, sir. Let me introduce myself. I'm Alexa Canberra. You can call me Lexa."

Darren' sturdy lips curved into a characteristic smile as he warmly welcomed Alexa's outstretched hand. "I'm Darren Ewald Gilbert, and you can simply call me Gilbert."

Alexa immediately squinted one eye. "Um, how about I call you Mr Darren? I think Darren is more familiar."

"I don't like repeating a sentence a second time. Excuse me." Darren put on a smirk.

'Not just anyone can call me like that. I only allowed those closest to me to call me Darren.' He continued in his heart.

"A firm man like you is amazingly attractive, Mr Gilbert, and I can't wait to have you, pampering my body, sinking between your strong arms and, of course, feeling your warmth," Alexa whispered with a smirk.

Darren's departure from there coincided with Obsen's arrival. The man rushed over to the woman. "Baby, what are you doing here, huh? I almost went crazy because I couldn't find you anywhere."

Alexa's lips curved into a cynical smile. "Oh, really?"

"What do you mean by saying that?" Obsen then caressed Alexa's cheek with tenderness, but she immediately slapped his hand roughly. "Keep your hands away!"

"What's wrong, baby? Why don't you want me to touch you?"

"Just touch those shameless women. Aren't you so happy to be touched by them that you forget me by your side tonight, huh?"

Obsen immediately narrowed one eye. "Don't tell me you're jealous. Remember, we are only date partners but not in a real relationship. So, it's up to me if women surround me.

Alexa's gaze sharpened."Then I'm also free to pursue another man." She replied along with her footsteps swinging away from Obsen.

"Baby, wait! "Unfortunately, he was ignored.

Upset? Of course!

Obsen did not like being denied, rejected, or ignored, especially by the models under BM Magazine. For him, all models under BM Magazine must obey his orders and satisfy him in bed.

"You have to pay dearly for your impudence, baby. Tonight, I'm going to make you moan over and over again until you forget how to walk."

Meanwhile, Alexa had drowned herself among the crowd of guests. Her gaze darted around for Darren's whereabouts. Unfortunately, who she was looking for was nowhere to be found.

"Oh, has Mr Gilbert left the party?" She asked someone because, in fact, among the many guests, she did not know anyone.

Alexa seemed to be inching backwards with a glance around. Out of caution, she bumped into something really hard. She immediately turned her face, so her gaze met the man she had been looking for all this time.

The corner of her lips lifted slightly with a happy glow. "Oh, I didn't think we would finally meet again, Mr Gilbert."

Darren didn't answer except to give her a faint smile, so thin that Alexa didn't even know he was smiling.

Seeing Darren's closeness with Alexa had forced Borneo to squint as he gently touched his stocky shoulder.

"Is this beautiful lady your lover, Mr Gilbert?" He whispered right in Darren's ear.

"No." Darren firmly answered.

"That's impossible. You two seem very close."

"Then, feel free to think as you please, Mr Borneo," Darren replied, lifting the corners of his lips.

At the same time, Obsen came over with an arm around Alexa' slender waist. "Baby, you're here."

"So, this beautiful lady is your lover?" Borneo asked with a glance looking for an honest answer from Obsen's handsome face.

"To be more precise, a dating partner," Obsen answered with a tighter hug. After that, his gaze turned to Darren.

Borneo immediately introduced him as if he understood. "He is Mr Gilbert." He then looked at Darren.

"Let me introduce this annoying man. He is my cousin. His name is Obsen Brossom, the owner of BM Magazine."

"And this beautiful woman is one of the models under BM Magazine," Obsen replied.

"BM Magazine is already famous. Even the magazine is already trendy in neighbouring countries."

"All thanks to a very talented model icon, Ms Flower Carnabel."

Hearing the name Flower made Darren flinch. He then widened his eyes.

'So, Miss Flower is an icon of the well-known magazine, BM Magazine? It's tough to believe. How can an arrogant, haughty, cynical, and fierce woman be an icon?' Darren thought.

It was long enough that Darren had been lost in his own thoughts until the sound of a snort brought him back to his senses. "What are you thinking about, Mr Gilbert?"

The asked one didn't answer, except he only threw Obsen with a typical smile that made his handsomeness increase many times over. Indeed, his handsomeness could captivate every eye, so did Alexa...

"So handsome." Alexa involuntarily praised Darren.

Darren squinted, as well as Borneo and also Obsen.

"Who do you call handsome, baby?" Obsen asked.

"Of course you, baby. Who else is the most handsome man at this party besides you?"

"Uh, baby... you are my sweetest woman." Obsen complimented Alexa by giving her a short kiss on her luscious lips.


Next chapter ...


Hugs and kisses for my beloved readers!

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