

DE_CZAR · Fantasy
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161 Chs


The Court Case of Marcus Renold spread vastly throughout the Internet, Other Nation's Finest Officials will also be present in the Supreme Court, With the Chief Justice being in charge of this Case.

The Judiciary system is corrupt, Everyone knows that too well now, It's being already decided that Marcus will suffer a Deadly fate, Few Members of The Renold Family will be present in the Supreme Court.

Their presence will be their last respect for a Renold before his doom!

Tens of Toyota Land Cruiser Prados alighted in the HMP Belmarsh, Tons of State Securities emerges from the Vehicles while Dressed in their black an white suits, Soldiers were brought as well.

News reporters and Journalists all flooded with their cameramen as they stood right before the Entrance of The HMP Belmarsh, The Securities were Controlling the excessive amount of Reporters.

All news channel were Vastly active this time, Ready to dish out every single Information they got in other to stand out from the rest, The State Securities dived into The Prison Facility in their numbers.

The Judgement Day for Marcus is already here, For the past few days they have been working towards their case, when I say 'they', I am talking about Levi Garrison and Marcus Renold working together.

Marcus is seen Standing in his cell while awaiting those who will take him to the Supreme Court, He was given a better Prisoner's clothing to look nice, All this is to keep the Name of The Renold Family Absolute.

Since Marcus still remains a Renold, They can't afford to treat him badly in the public!

All Prisoners were kept in their Cells, Marcus visibly sighed as he started hearing Incoming Footsteps, The Prison door automatically unlocked itself when two Muscular guys walked into the cell.

" Mr Marcus Renold, We are from the State Securities and we are here to take you to the Supreme Court for your Final Case " One of the two Muscularly Built dudes voiced out with Authority.

" Yea I know that already, I was waiting for more than thirty minutes already " Marcus spoke out, He could see the rest of the State Securities were outside the Prison Cell, Armed with their Glocks incase a prisoner revolted.

They would gun down that Prisoner without mercy!

Marcus smiled at them when he presented his hands towards them, They Swiftly placed Marcus with the cuffs and directed him outside, Marcus was taken outside of his Cell by the State Securities.

They were more than twenty escorting him with their Weapons ready, All the Prisoners watches from their cells as they led Marcus away with them, Because of this Global News, Every Cell was gifted with a Television in other not to be left out!

Marcus was amazed by the hefty numbers of Reporters and Journalists that rushed him, They were being pushed back by the Soldiers who were armed with their AK-47, They were all ready to practically shoot an Assasin or so.

Marcus was given space when they took him into one of the Toyota Land Cruiser Prados, While being handcuffed, He sat at the back seat with the two Muscularly Built Guys sitted besides him from all angles.

The Rest of the Securities entered into their Prados and they drove off from the Prison Facility, And with the Soldiers following them from behind with their Own Armed Vehicles, There were more than a hundred soldiers coming.

Videos of Marcus entering into the Prado Jeep were all over the Internet!

Different News panel Sharing their thoughts about the Twenty two year old Marcus Renold who has being in prison for ten years, If he is found guilty, He may be facing the Death sentence without mercy.

The Government isn't about to go soft on the man who killed Someone as powerful as the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, That is a National Crime and Marcus is going to dearly pay for it, It's because of his Family Name Renold.

The Renold Family name was the reason why he was thrown in Jail while receiving a verdict but now they are ready to dish out their final judgements against him and with the petitions issued against Marcus Renold.

Once Proven Guilty...It is Certain he will be facing the Death Penalty!!

The Supreme Court is built in London, It will take an hour to reach The Supreme Court directly from HMP Belmarsh, The Roads were cleared as the Prados passed through without hesitation, No one dared to move..

Soldiers with patrolling everywhere with their AK-47, Built to shoot down any suspect that would likely ruin this Court Case, Citizens were on the standby while staring at the Advancing Prados to catch a glimpse of Marcus.

They were all on the Pavements when The Prados drove through!!

The Vehicles alighted after they reached their destination, Marcus took a deep breath when he was led out of the Jeep, Welcomed by series of cameras flashes against him, They were too many reporters being present.

All rushing to meet Marcus in other to know what he will say but the Soldiers and State Securities drove them back, Leading Marcus into the Supreme Court while he is still dressed as a prisoner.

They don't really plan on giving him the Special treatment after all, Marcus entered into the Supreme Court to see groups of billionaires and business men sitted, They were all staring at him.

Marcus avoiding eye contacts was led to stand on the Jury Box while still being in hand cuffs, He looked around to see Cameras flashing at him, Marcus stood on the Jury Box while looking around.

He sighted few elites who once worked with his father and some high members of the Renold Family, They were all sitted calmly while watching the entire show, Marcus turns to see His Attorney.

Levi Garrison entered into the Supreme Court while dressed as a lawyer!

Levi smiled at Marcus when Marcus reciprocated the smile, He is supposed to be worried but something in him never bothered about that, not showing any signs of fear, People Present in the Court were disgusted.

They were expecting him to shiver while the Trial is about begin, Few minutes later, The supreme court is already occupied, Commoners were watching the trial from their homes which was shown on the Television.

Only Higher Elites were present in the Supreme Court!

This is to show you how powerful the Renold name is in the United Kingdom, Marcus remains calm and collected while Levi Garrison was given a seat, With no one supporting him, He sat down alone.

The Opposing Team of attorney walked into the Supreme Court, Flashing Levi their Deadly grin, They are Senior Attorneys in The Company Levi once worked in, Mr Antonio perez and Mrs Cindy Velequez.

They were ushered to their seats when everyone immediately stood up, The Chief Justice walked into The Supreme Court while being led by some circuit Judges present in the Supreme Court.

The Chief Justice....Mr Oscar Stenrozzo sat down on the Judge's Bench!

Immediately the Chief Justice in charge of this Trial is seated, Everyone took their seats with the Nobility in their bloods, Levi Garrison took a deep breath when he sighed, He is feeling a little bit tensed.

" Greetings to you all Noble beings, We are here present to review the case of the Defendant Mr Marcus Renold who has Being accused of Killing his Father, The Former Lord Chancellor of the Great Britain, I will humbly seek your permission to proceed "

Barrister Mike who serves as the Prosecutor valiantly spoke out, Standing before the Chief Justice when the Chief Justice was given a file, He examined the file before Facing the Prosecutor.

" Permission Granted, You have the permission to go on " The Chief Justice stated and Barrister Mike bowed his head before the Main Authority, He slowly turns to face the rest of the Supreme Court.

" Shall the Public Defender of the Defendant address himself before the Chief Justice? " Barrister Mike asked, His voice carrying great Authority within the Supreme Court when Levi Garrison slowly rose up from his seat.

" My name is Levi Garrison, I am the Attorney representing the Defendant over here, Mr Marcus Renold, I hope this Cour provides a fair trial " Levi Garrison said when he immediately took his seat.

" I assure you this Trial will be a fair one...Mr Levi Garrison! " Barrister Mike uttered when he gave Levi a visibly grin, Levi knew something was up as the Barrister immediately turns to towards the opposing teams.

" Shall the Federal Prosecutors address themselves before the Supreme Court? " Barrister Mike who also serves as the Main Prosecutor for the day, Mr Antonio perez and Mrs Cindy Velequez stood up.

" We are the Federal Prosecutors assigned by the Federal Government to stand against the Defendant Mr Marcus Renold, I am Mr Antonio perez " Mr Antonio perez was the first to speak out.

" Federal Prosecutors? Why would the Federal Government choose to get Involved in this case? " Levi Garrison asked himself in shock as he is left in awe, He couldn't believe his ears at all when they introduced themselves, Marcus could see the shock Written on Levi's face but he kept his cool.

" I am also a Federal Prosecutor, My name is Mrs Cindy Velequez " Mrs Cindy Velequez spoke out when Barrister Mike smiled at them before turning to face the Chief Justice who gave him the go ahead nod.

" Very well then....All sides have being introduced, Let the Trial begin!! "