

  I eyed the crowd that had formed outside the cafe from the glass walls warily glanced back at Susie and mouthed "Oh my God."

  We stood in the cafe, setting the tables and getting ready for the launch which was in twelve minutes! To say I was nervous was an understatement. This was a huge deal for me. For Laura and Susie too. And it did not help that ever since I had stepped out of the house without the blonde wig, half the people we met on the road recognized me. One of them must have tipped off the paparazzi because that would explain how there were so many people with cameras and recorders, eagerly waiting.

  "I'm screwed," I told Susie and she shrugged beside me.

  "You knew this would happen." She said,

  I glared at her. "That doesn't mean I can't be nervous about it! Everyone will have questions! I can't handle a crowd that big!"

  She grinned and slid an arm over my shoulders. "You're not alone, woman. We got you. Look and you got Walter too."