

  It was barely morning when I stumbled into Susie's car, my face stricken with tears. The sun had just begun to rise, lighting up the sky slowly. I slammed the door close and thankfully, Susie asked no questions. She simply drove out of Xavier's townhouse and sped down the road.

  Placing a hand over my mouth, I sobbed furiously, my head leaning against the window. It wasn't supposed to hurt so much. Leaving him finally. It wasn't supposed to feel like a part of me had been torn away and left behind with the many miles that increased between us.

  I closed my eyes as I recalled when I had woken up. It was my phone ringing somewhere in the house. I hadn't the slightest clue where I was at first but Xavier's peaceful snores and his heavy arm around me reminded me quickly. It had taken quite a while to slip away from the bed without awakening him and at first, I hadn't even been able to walk properly. Even now as I sat in the car, I was so sore.