
Billionaire's Marriage Of In-Convenience

From "can I borrow a kiss for bet" to "It was nice sleeping with you" Ethan and Esmeralda entered the most inconvenient marriage of the century. _______ A commitment-phobic and emotionally unavailable Billionaire. That is the reputation that precedes Ethan Westbury. The words cold and distant don't even begin to describe him. An unwarned kiss made him cross his path with Esmeralda Fox, the eccentric actress. She is sure that the billionaire who has more money than emotions is the devil in disguise. Now, the story gets spicy here. Ethan's grandfather's will inheritance clause had posed a great threat to everything he had achieved so far in his life. Get married before his thirty-fourth birthday or lose everything to his Asshole cousin who would stop at nothing to defeat him. Marrying the emerald-eyed curvy beauty is the only option he had. The problem? He is unable to keep up his distant and cold appeal before the devilish beauty. She is everything he hadn't expected. She is like a typhoon, breaking all of his fences and walls and creeping into his heart like a clawing vine. Suddenly, it's impossible for him to keep up with this marriage of convenience when his contractual wife is nothing but an inconvenience with a capital I.

tanu_sam · Urban
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240 Chs

Mr Steel Blue eyes again

Ethan was entering the resort to attend a date meeting that Liam and Selene had booked for him with Miss Jonas. To tell the truth, he had no desire to meet a young woman. Although he liked beautiful and tall blondies, that girl was not his type. 

He knew that meeting Mia Jones was probably the worst thing he could do but he didn't know why he still came to this resort. It was confusing as well as frustrating for him. 

Before entering the private dining room, he walked towards the restroom. When he came out of the restroom, he stumbled upon a rare scene. 

"Miss Fox, if you stopped struggling. I will be quiet and gentle, " The man said as he grabbed a woman and palmed her mouth. He was clearly manhandling her. "Some struggle. I know women like you well. I will give you all the resources you need as long as you are quiet."

Ethan saw the short woman struggling against the man. Before he could take a step ahead to help her,  he heard the loud shriek of the man. 

"You bitch!" He shouted at her. 

Esmeralda bit his hand hard and then kicked him in the groin. When he tried to grab her again, she dodged the attack and removed her heels. She attacked him with her sharp heel. He screamed in pain. Her heel had dug into his eye. 

"Help me, " The man shouted at Ethan. 

Ethan shrugged. "I didn't see a thing."

Esmeralda wasn't finished here. She kicked his groin again.  Not just this, when he was crawling in pain on the ground holding his nuts, she spit on him and kicked his stomach. 

"Quiet and I will be gentle, " Esmeralda kicked him and he screamed. "You touched me! I will beat you until you can't get this thing up." She grabbed her purse that had fallen on the ground and pulled out her pepper spray to blind him. Not just this, she crushed his finger in her walnut crusher. 

Ethan groaned when he saw that walnut crusher. However, he didn't do anything to stop the woman and was enjoying her in action. 

He heard someone's footsteps. He ran and grabbed the ninja woman in his arms while holding her purse and tools. 

"You jerk! Put me down, " Esmeralda shrieked. "I will crush your nuts too if you don't put me down."

Ethan placed her on the ground and palmed her mouth. "It's me. Someone is out. If they found you beating the shit of the bastard, you would be arrested."

"My Mr Steel blue eyes?" She blinked her emerald eyes as she heard his voice. She didn't know if it was a dream or what but she didn't struggle and let him touch her. 

"Hush, " He placed a finger on her lips. His heart fluttered when he heard her soft voice.  She was so small and soft in his arms. 

"Okay, " Esmeralda happily nodded her head. 

To hide in a more safe place, they climbed the stairs to the terrace that was open only for the VIP clients of the resort.  Now, they were on the terrace. 

"Why do you always have to meet me at my lowest point?" Esmeralda grumbled. 

Ethan smiled and did not say anything. He did not know why he was so happy to meet her. Maybe, it was the reason why he felt coming to the resort wasn't a bad idea. 

"You know what? Mr Steel blue eyes, I had a very shitty day, "Esmeralda began her rant again. " My shitty ex who I thought was my prince charming and once in a lifetime love, is now sabotaging my career." Of course, she didn't take any break and kept on going, "It's my fault actually. Who asked me to fall for my fall? I'm such a stupid woman. I think I'm not that stupid. I guess I'm a little bit. Moving forward, I didn't get drunk enough to be sane. Then, the man has to force himself on me. What should I do? I'm such an innocent and nonviolent woman and why do people have to annoy me all the time? Wouldn't it be better if I had a good husband who would provide for me and then I have nothing to be worried about? I will get a husband and hot sex will be the cherry on top. I don't need to think about my shitty ex and sex in the same line—"

Before she could rant further, he placed his finger on her face and said in his melodious voice, "If you get a husband who asks you for nothing, be loyal to you and you only earn and nothing lose, what would you do?"


A/N: So, they meet again.