
Chapter 1 It's Reasonable to Take Your Life

On the luxurious king-size bed of the presidential suite, Zeng Xiangxi's hands were locked.

The man on top of her opened his bloodshot eyes, confused and lustful.

He bent over and kissed her. At the same time, a fresh smell of lime lingered in her nostrils.

The man was so strong that she couldn't get rid of him at all. She subconsciously moved her head aside to avoid the kiss. The hot kiss fell on her temples, and his breath was a little hot.

The wet hickey slid from her chin to her collarbone.

His thin lips pressed hard on her collarbone. When Zeng Xiangxi felt the pain, the man lying on her suddenly muttered, "Gu Ke... Keke..."

Gu Ke!

When she heard the name, her eyes became sharp. She bit her lips hard and sneered in her heart.

For so many years, this man still only cared about Gu Ke.

Gu Ke... Gu Ke...

When he lay on her, the man in front of her called this name again and again.

Her empty stomach was churning. She tried her best to restrain herself, so she didn't retch...

After a long time, the man beside her fell asleep.

With light support of her arm, Zeng Xiangxi struggled to sit up, bent down to pick up the clothes on the ground, and put them on one by one. There was an indescribable light in her deep eyes.

Standing quietly by the bed, she took a deep look at Xie Aoyan.

She turned around and left without hesitation...

She left in a hurry and didn't notice a long camera in the next room...

The picture of her leaving the presidential suite was taken by someone...

After leaving the hotel, Zeng Xiangxi called a taxi directly to the welfare house.

Squinting her eyes, she sat in the back seat and crossed her arms over her chest, recalling what had happened before she entered the hotel. Someone had sent a message to her that he knew the truth of that year and asked her to go to the appointment.

But why was the person inside the room was Xie Aoyan?

There was no doubt that she was framed.

But who was the one who set her up?

After being tortured for a long time, Zeng Xiangxi's temples were a little pain.

She couldn't figure it out, so she decided to let it go for the time being.

All in all, after the schemers revealed their true colors, they could be settled the score together...

In the children's welfare house.

The shabby signboard on the white and black background was waving in the wind.

At first glance, Zeng Xiangxi thought she had returned to the 60s and 70s.

Did her child live here for the past few years?

After passing through the rusty iron gate, Zeng Xiangxi's hands suddenly clenched into fists, and her nails deeply sank into the palms of her hands, leaving a deep crescent mark.

She held her breath and asked the staff about the child.

A sharp-tongued female staff took her directly to the room in the corner.

At this time, a thin and young figure was curling up in the corner. He was wearing a T-shirt which was obviously a little bigger than his original size. It was dirty and there were many thin bruises on his skin. The scene was shocking.

When she saw the baby, Zeng Xiangxi felt a pang of pain in her heart.

She walked up cautiously. The moment his hand touched his arm, he immediately curled up and avoided it.

His action was flinching, and her eyes were full of cowardice.

"Someone came to pick up that silly child?"

"Yes." A sharp voice sounded, "I don't think that woman is like any rich person..."

Speaking of this, the people outside the window clicked their tongues meaningfully.


Her child was silly?

With a loud bang, Zeng Xiangxi's mind exploded. The anger in her chest was like a volcanic eruption. She suddenly opened the door and rushed out.

"Bang!" the sudden action scared the two people outside.

"Why did my child become like this?" Her eyes were red with resentment. "Shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

When she rushed out, the two people at the door looked at each other, but neither of them said anything.

Encouraged by anger, Zeng Xiangxi dragged them directly to the dean.

However, the welfare house had already been well guarded. The director of the welfare house cleverly evaded all the responsibilities, and even put this matter on the aspect of inheritance.

Unwilling to show weakness, Zeng Xiangxi pressed him to step by step.

However, the people in the welfare house didn't even want her to see the surveillance video, they just sent her and the child out directly.

After leaving the welfare house, the quiet child suddenly went crazy.

"Ah!" he twisted his body, trying to break away from her embrace.

It took her a lot of effort to comfort him, but her arms were scratched all over.

Looking at the sleeping boy in her arms, Zeng Xiangxi swore to herself.

She would find out who did this to her child.

The former villa of the Zeng family had been a little deserted, and there was a sense of decadence everywhere.

She carried the child to the sofa and walked around the villa. A myriad of thoughts crowded into her mind.

Since her parents were gone, she could be said to have nothing.

Fortunately, the house was still there.

"Who allowed you to come back here?" Gu Ying said abruptly.

As soon as she looked back, Zeng Xiangxi saw a cold face.

When the four eyes met, Xie Aoyan's pupils contracted. After knowing that this woman was released from prison, he actually had a sweet dream.

At this time, standing face to face with Zeng Xiangxi, he actually had a faint sense of uneasiness.

"This is my home. Why can't I stay here?" Zeng Xiangxi retorted with a smile.

Before she finished speaking, the child sleeping on the sofa was awakened.

When his eyes fell on Gu Ying, he curled up with a pale face and couldn't help trembling.

Seeing this, Zeng Xiangxi thought her child was frightened.

She held the child in her arms and comforted him softly.

"I've bought this place." Xie Aoyan's voice was cold.

Hearing this, Zeng Xiangxi suddenly sneered, "Mr. Xie, I have donated one kidney and half liver to your beloved Gu Ke. Now you are even reluctant to give me a house?"

"Shut up!" Seeming to be offended, Xie Aoyan scolded coldly, "Zeng Xiangxi. It is you who made Keke become like this! Not to mention a kidney, it's reasonable to kill you!"