
Chapter 2 This Is Your Retribution


In Xie Aoyan's eyes, as long as it came to Gu Ke, it was a matter of course. Her life was worthless, but Gu Ke's life was as heavy as a thousand pounds, wasn't it?

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiangxi felt a sting in her heart. She slowly closed her eyes and her breath sank.

"Xie Aoyan. You don't have to give me the house." When she opened her eyes again, she cut off all means of retreat. "The child is sick now. I can't let him stay in a place like a welfare house!"

"A child?" After uttering these two words, Xie Aoyan turned his eyes to the dirty little boy.

For him, this child was a humiliation.

How could this child been born if Zeng Xiangxi hadn't cheated?

"What does his illness have to do with me?" Xie Aoyan smelled, "Zeng Xiangxi, do you know why your child became like this?"

"Retribution!" He approached her step by step and fixed his eyes on Zeng Xiangxi. "Listen carefully. This is your retribution."

Your child?

Xie Aoyan had cut off all the relations with her.

"Xie Aoyan." She gritted her teeth.

The next second, she chuckled.

In the deep eyes of Xie Aoyan, she cut off all means of retreat and asked, "According to you, the night should be the retribution of God for me, right?"

In the final analysis, that night was the source...

"How shameless you are!" The blue veins on his forehead throbbed. He opened his eyes wide and was furious.

"How dare you mention that you set me up?" He gave her a hard slap and turned Zeng Xiangxi's face aside. "You are such a despicable and shameless woman!"

Xie Aoyan showed no mercy.

At this time, the inner wall of Zeng Xiangxi's mouth was broken by her teeth. The rust taste touched the tip of her tongue and immediately spread in her mouth...

For a moment, her eyelashes trembled and tears fell silently.

Once, she gave her heart to this man. Unfortunately, her heart was trampled into nothingness.

She wiped away the tears on her eyelashes quickly and told herself in her heart.

From now on, she had no expectation of this man.

He didn't even recognize his son. What else could she look forward to?

"Xie Aoyan, how dare you curse me like that?" She turned around and looked at the man in front of her sarcastically. "Have you forgotten that you did those shameless things with me? How could you force me to do that?"

"Zeng Xiangxi. If you hadn't drugged me, do you think I would have touched you?" Xie Aoyan grabbed her chin, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

He pursed his thin lips and said in a cold and cruel tone, "Listen carefully. Those things you try to get by means of despicable means will not belong to you in the end! Including the identity of my fiancee and the company of your parents!"

"Besides..." he pushed her away with disgust and added in a thin voice, "If you don't want to leave, I have to ask the security to ask you out."

Ask out?

Hearing this, Zeng Xiangxi sneered.

"There's no need. We'll leave!"

Zeng Xiangxi held the child in her arms and was about to leave.

When she passed by Gu Ying, the baby in her arms suddenly became nervous.

He tugged at her collar and pulled it up.

A hickey was revealed.

"Zeng Xiangxi, you have just been released from prison and you are so restless?" Gu Ying stretched out her hand to stop her, with deep disdain in her eyes. "You have no other choice, so..."

Gu Ying stopped abruptly, but her meaning was self-evident.

When Gu Ying opened her mouth, Xie Aoyan saw it.

His cold eyes stayed on the hickey for a few seconds. He smiled and said, "Zeng Xiangxi, you are still as unscrupulous as before. This time, what did you do in exchange for your body?"

"It's none of your business." Then she left with the child in her arms...

When she came out of the villa, the sky was a little hazy. When the thin rain fell, she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It will always be raining when your house was broken, it was just like what was happening right now.

She held the baby tightly in her arms and hid herself under the eaves at the corner of the street.

As soon as she lowered her head, she saw the blank and clear eyes in her arms.

The four eyes met. Touching the tip of his nose with her fingers, she murmured, "As long as we are alive, we can take back what belongs to us. Do you agree?"

Before she finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from afar.

A group of people came over through the drizzle.

When one of them looked into Zeng Xiangxi's eyes, his eyes lit up.

"Beauty, are you driven out of the house?" He grinned and ran up to her. He raised his chin frivolously and said, "Your husband doesn't want you anymore. Why don't you go with me?"

The group of people stopped. The man in the lead glanced at them indifferently but did not do anything.

Seeing this, the man who teased her became bold.

"Don't worry. If you are willing to go with me, I will treat you well." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Zeng Xiangxi's shoulder.

The next second, the man in the lead suddenly kicked him...