

"Probably I have fallen in love with this mysterious man." A booklover Tsubasa has been secretly looking at the man who always sat across her table. He was always there whenever she was present. They never talked to each other, but she somehow found it interesting to covertly glimpse at him and gaze at him. She did wonder whether the man realized what she has been doing, but she did not set any ill intention towards him, so she did not really mind what the man would think of her. Until one day, the mysterious man parted his lips just to say, "You are beautiful."

akilee · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: Opportunity

"As for the third plot, it was totally a transformation. The first and second plot basically dropped one thing of the common Peter Pan we used to know; both plots say he doesn't have close friends. Therefore, the third plot mentioned about him having six flyable friends from the same place he lives at. What differentiates the third plot with the first and second is the element." Takato scribbled many shapes on the paper. He was portraying the whole situation Setoka's third plot was written. "The place is going to be held in a city, and Peter Pan and his gang happened to come by just for sight-seeing."

"In the actual Peter Pan, he and his friends do come to the city for their adventure," Tsubasa frowned. She was really in her serious mode. "What differs that with the original Peter Pan?"

Takato motioned his index finger, "Setoka makes them coming from other city too. Their abilities were kept as secret, until robbery happens and they accidentally use it in front of commoners. The people consider them heroes but not the government. So they are hunted."

"Why do I feel left out? I read it before you," Tsubasa scratched her head as she was confused by what Takato has explained to her. She was the one reading the plots first, she was the one giving them to Takato, yet she was the one baffling.

Takato compiled the papers he used to sketch in a place. "Probably you don't really understand the whole situation."

"Did you?" Tsubasa pulled a pout. She sensed Takato was belittling her.

"I just imagine them," Takato pushed the paper to Tsubasa to let her digest it visually, "In order to understand a story, you can try imagining it. It works especially if it's a drama. Drama usually has a realistic plot, so it is easier to be pictured."

Tsubasa blinked as she just discerned Takato was effortlessly contributing in their group assignment. That Takato man she has acknowledged all these while was the type to abandon what a student should do (assignment) and really focused on his novel. He was very quiet and shy to the point she thought he could not communicate well with other people. Somehow, she was totally wrong because this Takato before her could clarify patiently even though she has treated him like a kid earlier.

"This is my recommendation."

Takato's voice crumbled the daydreaming Tsubasa. Tsubasa got her grip and acted as if she was always paying attention to him.

"You do grab the difference between these three plots, right? So we combine that dissimilarities."

Tsubasa stared at Takato's poker face. She was ashamed of herself that she was the one belittling Takato, whereas this guy was doing his best to help creating their masterpiece.

"Peter Pan and his friends come from a country named Never Land. They arrive at a city and befriend some people. They are so close that one of the people wants to follow him home. Peter Pan and his friends are fully aware that they are immortal, so they refuse to bring that one human with them. However, Peter Pan has fallen head over heel of that one human. At times, he goes there to see how she is doing. His enemy, who likes the girl too, accidentally knows his secret and threatens to reveal it to the girl if he does not stop visiting the city."

"All right, this sounds rather dramatic," Tsubasa folded her arms against her chest. "It is more to a romantic phantasy."

"As long as we sustain the phantasy genre," Takato gestured his hands, grasping the air to visualize that he was holding firm on the original genre of Peter Pan. "So far, do you get it?"

Tsubasa nodded vigorously. "Proceed."

"Then, Peter Pan does not appear before the girl. He will just sneak in and watch her doing this and that, and he has to witness that one man flirting with his crush. That one man hates to see him everywhere, so he catches Peter Pan and reveals his secret to the girl. While struggling, Peter Pan's friends come to the rescue. There will be a mistake, and the friends bring Peter Pan and the enemy along to Never Land."

"How the story ends?"

Takato looked at Tsubasa, worriedly, "Actually, Tsubasa. This is my biggest weakness," he shifted to various directions but Tsubasa's bewildering stares towards him. "I am a failure in making a conclusion."

"You must be kidding me," It was an unacceptable news to Tsubasa because the main reason she put Takato with her to create the whole script was that Takato was an author, hence he should know how a story was created from the beginning towards the ending. "Aren't you a writer?"

"Did I say yes all these while? No, I am not."

Tsubasa face palmed. She misunderstood all these while. "Why didn't you deny it?"

"I did write. But I'm not a writer."

"Argh! Screw you!" she cursed and huffed. She disliked how Takato has played along with her misconception. That Takato man really got her nerve that she was about to abruptly rise to show her displease but seeing Takato retaining his poker face, she halted.

Takato did not seem to faze even though Tsubasa fumed over his own deed. Frankly, he did not despise her. He was just being scrupulous because he did not want her to discover his exact activity while sharing the same table with her. It was his biggest secret that he wished no one would even speculate he would do.

No one. Not even Tsubasa.

"I'm sorry. My bad," he said while ducking his head.

He practically avoided his face from being seen by Tsubasa, but that girl was standing and it obviously a lie if she did not perceive his whole expression. She was stunned as she did not mean to cause him becoming silent and speechless. She sat and regulated her breathing so that she would not huff because she did not mean it.

"I'm sorry for the sudden tantrum. You see," Tsubasa was fidgeting with her fingers, "I've continuously divulged myself because of you, so I was annoyed that you did not repair me."

Takato pursed his lips but he covertly peeked at Tsubasa. Shu flushed a little, probably because she has realized her overdoing. "My bad, seriously."

"No, it's my fault! I don't mean to hurt you this way!" she refused to let him getting blame.

"So, you will hurt me like other way?"

"No, I don't mean that too!"

They panted. Later, they laughed at themselves for being silly. They bickered like small kids just because of petty things which they believed they just needed a simple discussion to settle everything down.

"Let's keep on working, shall we?" She curved a smile. A smile that she did not sense any desperation in showing it on her face. She was not the type to generously portray her happiness, but she still could smile even though it was a rare event. Not everyone was able to see her beam.

Takato gradually lifted his head up. He lit up a bit before hesitantly picked up his pen. "So, where did we stop?"

"You said that your biggest weakness is to end a story."

"Yes, that one."

"So that's what we lack."

"And along with the content."

"But your idea is fresh."

Takato seemed petrified. He slowly shifted to other direction. "I thought it is impossible."

"Regarding the props, the number of available stage players, plus their duration, I think it's achievable. Besides, it's not our problem if they found it difficult to fulfil the props. It is their fault for not planning beforehand."

A small laugh escaped from Takato. "You are right."

They sat together and began writing as they noticed the sky has slowly changed its colour. It would be bad for Tsubasa to return home late because the light posts around her neighbourhood were not that dependable. Furthermore, she could not depend on Takato since they were not that close to be able to ask for help – Or she could, but it was not his responsibility though. To avoid any casualties, she must return home early, and that was it.

"What if we end it mysteriously? Do you like a cliff hanger?"

"I do like cliff hanger, but not that much," Takato spun his pen in his palms, "It's bad for a play, unless if you are going to present another drama around the corner."

"Then, we put sadistic ending," Tsubasa jotted down her idea, "This."

Takato elongated his neck to read what Tsubasa has written much carefully. Since she sat across the table, he could not help but to sometimes stand to reach her. He was not that tall to just read without a brief standing.

"Since we've vanished Peter Pan, his gang, and the enemy, let the girl the one who is left because she will be the one telling people the tales of the boys from Never Land," she said, eyes shining and brows joining each other. She was excited as if she would be the one acting those scenes.

Takato squinted at her, "It's not mysterious. It's shoujo-like," he claimed in disappointment.

Tsubasa laughed at his reaction. Takato pulled a pout.

"Well, well. What do you expect me to say? I'm a book lover, but I don't write. I at least give out ideas," she ceased from laughing and wiped her tears away. She laughed too much.

"Yeah, right."

The day and night interchanged. They realized they have been there for too long as Tsubasa could not gaze at the sunset outside the library. She only saw dark plain sky; even stars were invisible. They packed up their stuffs and prepared to get home.

"Where do you live, Tsubasa?"

It was quite hasty, and Tsubasa never pondered that Takato would ask that question. She waved at Mayumi and Akiko goodbye and exited the Library of Amethyst College together with Takato.

"Sakura Street," she replied, shortly. It was not that she did not have the mood to chat with Takato outside the library. She was just being cautious so that she would not unveil her secret to him anymore.

The lane had limited light source but they still could see well. They walked side by side so that they still could listen to each other well.

"It's quite far. How do you get here every day?"

Takato did not sound inconvenient at all. He just walked while keeping his hands in his pocket like cool kids. Tsubasa glanced at the relaxed side of him. "I come here by train. Sometimes I ride a bus but the schedule has messed up lately, I could not catch up. Hence I changed to other alternative."

"That's a good trait you do obtain," Takato nodded agreeing, "Not everyone is willing to alter their daily routine, but you did."

"It's only a transportation though. As long as I could reach on time, I don't have any problem regarding it."

The dim light from the moon restrained their viewable distance. They only strode as casual as they did not have any other plan once they arrived home.

Or was he having some concern?

"What's your plan tonight?" Tsubasa fastened her pace. Takato followed her steps so that he would not be left behind. Tsubasa did have more stamina than him.

Takato paused before replying, "I want to write the novel."

"You write at night?" She ogled at him in amazement.

"I write every day," he said while his eyes staring the blank sky, "I write at the library. I usually get more idea there, so I ought to write on the spot. I don't write at home."

Tsubasa halted half way. "So, that's why you write every day at library? Because you afraid of writer's block at home?"

"The library is where I started," Takato smiled at her, "I think the library… likes me."

"Wow, wow!" Tsubasa chuckled as Takato patted his chest, "Did I mishear? Takato acknowledged the library's love towards him?"

"Of course!" he insisted, then he laughed along, "Even if it isn't, I will love it eternally."

"Aw, man. You look so serious. Or lonely, I must say."

"I'm not lonely!" Takato shrieked as Tsubasa teased him. He chased her since she was non-stop making fun of him while running around. "I don't have a girlfriend, but I'm not lonely!"

"Yeah, right."

They ran a lot until both of them sweated as much. They only ceased running when they arrived at the railway station; the one nearest to Amethyst College. They panted and laughed their lung out.

"Where do you live, Takato?" It was her turn to ask.

"Well, I live at Peach Street."

Tsubasa ogled at him. "It's at the opposite direction from here! Are you kidding me, Takato?"

He rolled his eyes. "Please calm down, will you?" he let out a sigh, "You are a girl, and both of us left the library at the same time. How could I afford to leave you alone out here? At least I need to ensure your safety to the station – only then I could breathe in relief."

It was brief, and it was envisioning the good side of Takato, which later caused Tsubasa to blush. She quickly turned, back facing Takato, so that he would not witness his reddish cheeks. Takato was indeed a kind-hearted man.

"Thank you very much for your concern."

The time felt so short. The train has arrived, which meant she had to depart without Takato. From that platform onwards, she would walk alone without him.

"Let's meet again tomorrow, Takato!"

He sent her off as she passed the counter. The train door slid open, and she was about to step in when she waved him goodbye. He heard her. Her voice was clearly audible.

"See you tomorrow, Takato!" Tsubasa repeated as he did not reply. He just looked at her with a very soft gaze.

He put up his hand at the same level as his chest. That simple smile brought her infinite happiness as she went home that night.