

"Probably I have fallen in love with this mysterious man." A booklover Tsubasa has been secretly looking at the man who always sat across her table. He was always there whenever she was present. They never talked to each other, but she somehow found it interesting to covertly glimpse at him and gaze at him. She did wonder whether the man realized what she has been doing, but she did not set any ill intention towards him, so she did not really mind what the man would think of her. Until one day, the mysterious man parted his lips just to say, "You are beautiful."

akilee · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Peter Pan

Right when the class has ended, the five friends gathered themselves at one corner of the classroom. Setoka, Asahi and Mitsuko shared their findings the day before. Setoka was creating a plot according to the props, the theme, the number of actors and actresses, the duration, and the date of the drama collected by the lovers. The drama would run for around one hour, required 20 stage players, and it would be held three months from now. The props would be made from recycled stuffs and the theme was fairy tale.

Takato seemed composed but not Tsubasa.

"It does bother me though," Tsubasa scratched her forehead in bewilderment, "I mean, we could not guess what the props are. How can we write the script with unknown properties available?"

"I do think the same," Setoka pressed her lips against each other, "Probably because of the dateline. They thought they may have more time other than practising, so they chose so. Besides, recycled items, I heard they are much cheaper than the new ones."

"My father recycles. He claims that too," Asahi nodded agreeing. "They are just a few, so it is possible that they want to cut cost as well."

Mitsuko folded her arms against her chest, thinking. "Do we need to find the items first? From the recycle centre."

"I don't think so," Tsubasa propped her chin, also thinking hard, "Well, we do have the theme, right? Going to the recycle centre is not our part of job. It's theirs, and we can't afford to back up their task too. I'm not being stingy, but I just think it's appropriate to do their part while ours are already time consuming."

It was split seconds, but Tsubasa noticed that Takato man was glancing at her. She did not know the reason, but she was fully aware that she was being more talkative than how she used to be before this group assignment thing. She smiled at herself; a little proud and delighted as she at last manageably overcame her fright.

"Yes, I agree with Tsubasa. Creating the plot is mind blowing already," Setoka let out a sigh, "I'm sorry. I don't mean it in bad way. I just want to emphasize. We are supposed to do our part, and they are supposed to do theirs. Respectively."

Mitsuko nodded vigorously and thumbed up.

"They are doing a play of Peter Pan," watching his group mates were all hyped up even though the resource was not that assisting, Asahi was inspirited, "The Peter Pan we used to know was a phantasy, and they planned on preserving that. Plus, Peter Pan and his friends fly. Phew, it will be tiresome to the actors and actresses."

"Which mean we need to sustain them enough energy for each of their roles," Tsubasa furrowed as she tried ingesting the discussion, "Do you know who will hold the character roles?"

"They didn't provide any," Mitsuko mimicked a very disappointed face, "I asked the director to provide a list of actors and actresses. Photos attached are much more welcomed. He said he would give it to us today."

"He also wished that we created the whole story instead of them," Asahi added, and Mitsuko at his side nodded confirming.

Setoka scrunched her face. It was rare, hence Tsubasa tried hard to hold her laugh. So this Setoka girl could do such expression too, she thought.

"We invent a brand new Peter Pan then."

All four pairs of eyes focused at the startled Takato. He never guessed all of them would be that shock hearing him suddenly butting in. He evaded everyone's stares at him and intertwined his fingers.

"It's just a proposal," Takato brushed it off, "Since they haven't provided themselves the prop, a storyline, plus a quite difficult theme, and consisted of only 20 stage players, I think we ourselves have to write our own Peter Pan. The duration will be one hour, and if I'm not mistaken, the drama will be played during the festival. Correct me if I'm wrong."

"I just remembered that!" Setoka widened her eyes, "Yes, yes, there will be Amethyst College's 53th Festival three months from now."

"Oh, so the drama is for the festival!" Asahi and Mitsuko shrieked in unison, thus getting the attention of their nearby classmates, "How weird. The lecturer didn't mention about the festival last time. Or was I mishearing it?"

Tsubasa shook her head, denying. "He never said anything regarding it. I'm so sure of it. Right, Takato?"

She intentionally led their eyes to Takato, yet this time Takato seemed much calmer than earlier. Tsk, the fun of teasing him has gone already!

"Yes, the lecturer didn't say anything about the festival, but he did say our class will be writing scripts of various occasion."

"So I did mishear," Asahi groaned, "I'm sorry, my fellow friends!"

"No, it's okay. I left that out too," Tsubasa waved her hand in the air. She did not want Asahi to bear the blame all to himself whereas it was not his fault. "Whatever the event is, all groups are given only one week to finish the script."

Hence, the discussion ended just simply like that.

The entrance of Library of Amethyst College swung opened by someone from the outside. Two students came in, which caused Mayumi and Akiko to gape in disbelief. It was their first time seeing Tsubasa arriving with someone else, and that someone else was none other than that Takato man. If they were the gossiping type, it would become a hit for their news. Tsubasa did not seem to notice much because to her, nothing was strange by walking side by side with Takato.

But it was different to Takato. He was far more restless as he acknowledged that he and Tsubasa have become a topic. Even though it was only among the librarians, he sensed something bad was going to happen as if he was a future teller.

"Relax, will you?"

Takato blinked as Tsubasa asked him to chill. He definitely did not say anything to her, let alone letting her witness his uneasiness. But how did she know Takato was anxious?

Sixth sense?

"We can't always stop people from talking about us," she said while settling down at their usual table.

Takato put his sling bag down, while his eyes fixated on the table. He stared at the surface blankly, perhaps he was thinking. Tsubasa fished out the plot Setoka has made for the group assignment. She even had the chance to analyse Setoka's handwriting. It was neat, but it was a little too timid to the point she had to squint to focus more on the reading line by line.

"She is sure a cute girl," Tsubasa commented while reading, "Even the writing is… cute."

Takato turned to deaf ears. He seized a few pieces of blank papers from his folder then he shoved them to Tsubasa.

"But her idea is good even though she has not really discussed it with you beforehand," her sight landed on one of the paragraph, "You see. She has thought of changing the whole Peter Pan story last night. She was well-prepared," she flipped through the pages Setoka has given to them. "I never thought that she would ready three different plots for Peter Pan."

There was no response from Takato. He has provided himself a blank full scape paper, which meant he would be writing and seeing the posture he was in, Tsubasa could say he wanted to write his novel.

"All right, young man. You do something inappropriate, after I was so proud of having you in our group," a long sigh escaped from Tsubasa.

Takato frowned at her, bewildering, "I haven't done anything. Yet."

Tsubasa exchanged looks from Takato's confused facial to the full scape, and to him back. Takato rolled his eyes.

"I never knew breathing is sinful in my case."

"No, that's not it!" Tsubasa insisted, "You see, young man. We are in the middle of assignment. So can you please keep your full scape and pinpoint on our so-called prestigious project?"

Takato's eyes widened and his mouth gaped. "So you do know I'm about to write something but the assignment?"

"I've discovered almost every of your tactics. You will use blank A4 papers for plotting, descripting, translating, and stuffs, and you prioritize the full scape only for your novel. Yes, young man, I've discovered all those tricks of yours."

There was an awkward silence engulfing both the blinking Takato and the blushing Tsubasa. Again, she has revealed herself. She did watch Takato the whole time, until she could predict Takato would be absent on every Monday weekly. She has accidentally disclosed herself in front of her own prey, which it would be possible that Takato would consider her a stalker, a pervert, an ugly fan, as so on.

"Well, forget what I've said. The thing is you were about to drop the assignment," Tsubasa brushed it off to cover her shamefulness.

While pouting, Takato dragged his full scape into his folder and let his side empty. He was protesting and Tsubasa saw it, but she ignored the demurring Takato. It tickled her heart that Takato could act childish at times.

"I'm sorry, young man. It's just that we are in the same group, and to be honest, I don't really mind if you neglect your own assignment. The issue is, we are doing a group work. So if any of us does not perform well, it will affect everyone's mark. Hence, I would like you, the professional writer among us, contribute in the work," since she has caused Takato to sulk, she would be the one coaxing him.

Somehow, Takato was being inconsiderably fussy. He turned his head away with pouty lips and wrinkled eyebrows. This was not being childish – he was a child himself. Tsubasa face palmed as she did not know how to persuade small kids. She grabbed a chair and sat right at Takato's side.

It was humorous that Takato has become fidgety especially when Tsubasa drew her face closer to his. She was staring at him, thus making him sweats. His limbs were gradually shivering which surprised her. But she was having fun on teasing him frankly.

"I'm sorry, young man. Can you hold your novel until we finish our assignment?" she whispered.

"But I need to-"

"No. But."

Takato ducked his head to enclose his blushing face. He pressed his lips before parting them, "Yes, I will. But…" He hesitated for a while, "Can you please sit in front of me instead of beside me?"

Tsubasa could not hold her chuckle that she burst to laugh. Seeing Takato in such state entertained her. She then agreed and sat across Takato's table. Takato recollected himself and maintained his poker face.

"So, what's the thing?"

"Here's Setoka's plot. There are three kinds of storyline she has supplied, and I think she has done great alone. The idea you've surfaced beforehand was in the plot too. Just read them first and give me your opinion."

As he read the plots, Takato was amazed on how imaginable Setoka's plots were. Tsubasa was right – one of the plot consisted of his idea, which was to create Peter Pan of their version. "As long as we retain the magical ability of Peter Pan, I think we can use this," he commented. "Having an outfit like him is a bonus. All right, let's combine all these plots."

"We what?" Tsubasa ogled at him as she was in massive shock, "Have you read those? Each of them has different flow!"

"Yes, yes."

Takato picked a piece of A4 paper and his pen. He jotted something while explaining his motive. "This is the first plot. In this, Peter Pan was represented as a very young boy who can fly unlimitedly. He lives somewhere far away from the country, and he is lonely because no one wants to be his friends since he was blessed by such ability. So, he is in his own adventure of finding friends. While rescuing some people, one of the victim is attracted to him and decides on following him until death, unknowingly Peter Pan is immortal." The paper was sketched by Takato, "The second plot is mainly about a never-aging boy Peter Pan who falls in love with a human girl, and since his enemy has found his weakness, the enemy catches her. Once Peter Pan arrives, the enemy kills him and the girl remains missing."

Takato was engrossed in his explanation without noticing Tsubasa was staring at him. She was astonished that Takato could be that serious in assignment that he did not realize he has consumed a large part of the paper. She propped her chin while listening to him, as if Takato was storytelling and she was the only spectator. But it made her special though.