
Beyond the screen

"Man, I've been having a blast playing Roblox today! It's been a great way to unwind." "Whoa, what's this? 'Cursed Battleground'? It looks kinda sketchy, but hey, let's give it a shot." "Haha, these bugs are crazy, but I can't stop playing! It's like a weird rollercoaster ride through glitches and mayhem." "Finally, a curse mark! I've been hunting these for hours! It's the rarest thing I've encountered in this game." "Wait, where am I? What happened to my room? This doesn't look anything like home." "And what the heck am I now? I feel... different, like I'm not even human anymore."

DaoistYd5XlP · Games
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17 Chs

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

The sun hung high in the sky over Jujutsu High, casting a warm golden glow on the campus. Augus and Gojo, an unlikely pair, found themselves deep within the forest behind their school. Augus, wearing a tracksuit, was in the midst of stretching his limbs, preparing for another intense training session. Sweat glistened on his forehead as he contorted his body, his muscles flexing with each movement.

Augus couldn't help but comment on the aftermath of their training sessions. "Man, Gojo, we've been tearing this place apart with our fights," he remarked, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Principal Yaga is going to yell at us again."

Gojo, standing a few paces away, chuckled heartily. He waved off Augus's concern, his blindfold still in place. "Ah, that's just Principal Yaga's way of showing he cares," Gojo replied nonchalantly. "Besides, it's fun, isn't it?"

They had been at this for a few weeks now, with Gojo personally training Augus to gain control over his fiend form during combat. It often involved intense battles where Gojo pushed Augus to his limits. Augus didn't mind, though; he relished the challenge and had managed to score a few hits and even dismember Gojo a couple of times.

Gojo took a few steps back, giving himself some space. He called out loudly, "Are you ready?"

Augus's response was swift. He unleashed his Void Fiend form, his body transforming into a menacing, skeletal figure with four blood-red eyes. With a deafening roar, he signaled that he was prepared for another round.

Gojo's lips curled into a smirk as he removed his blindfold, revealing his piercing azure eyes. He cracked his fingers one by one, the sound echoing through the forest. "Took those words out of my mouth," Gojo said, his voice oozing confidence. He beckoned Augus to come at him, and Augus's grin grew wider, saliva dripping from his sharp teeth. The battle between mentor and student resumed with a ferocity that shook the very trees around them.


Meanwhile, far from the duo, Maki, Yuta, and Toge were engaged in their own sparring session. Panda, always the observant one, couldn't help but comment on Gojo's increased involvement in Augus's training.

"Gojo's been training Augus personally more often these days," Panda noted.

Maki scoffed dismissively, her eyes never leaving her sparring partner. "I don't care what those two idiots do with their time," she declared, her irritation with Augus still evident. It was clear she had no interest in whatever bond was forming between Augus and Gojo.

Panda leaned in closer and whispered to Toge and Yuta, "Man, Maki's still pissed at Augus for, you know, that butt-smacking incident."

Toge and Yuta exchanged knowing glances, then nodded in agreement. Maki's grudge was apparently still alive and well.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a series of explosions and shockwaves emanating from the direction of Augus and Gojo's battle. Maki glanced in that direction, her thoughts momentarily drifting to the two fighters. She sighed audibly, her annoyance evident.

Without missing a beat, she grabbed a bokken and tossed it to Yuta, her expression determined. "Yuta, spar with me," she demanded.

Yuta, his eyes widening in terror, gulped nervously. He looked to Panda and Toge for support, only to do a comedic spit-take when he realized the two of them were already busy digging a grave, as if they expected the worst.

It was just another day in the lives of these extraordinary students, where training and rivalry went hand in hand, and chaos seemed to follow them wherever they went.


Hours stretched into the afternoon, and the forest bore witness to the relentless battle between Gojo and Augus. Gojo, a seasoned sorcerer, panted heavily, his entire body smeared with both his own blood and Augus's. He couldn't help but admire his student's resilience and endurance; Augus had managed to hold his own against the strongest sorcerer for an impressive amount of time.

With a weary smile, Gojo praised Augus, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Well done, Augus. You held your own for quite a while there."

Augus, in his broken human form, lay nearby. His body bore the signs of their intense battle, with bones audibly snapping back into place as they began to heal. Augus's curse form had a remarkable ability to regenerate without the need for curse energy, a fact that didn't escape Gojo's notice. He couldn't help but feel that it was a tad unfair, but he knew that's just how Augus worked.

As Augus's injuries began to mend, Gojo couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He settled down beside his student, his piercing blue eyes fixed on Augus. "Tell me, Augus, why were you chasing that curse spirit sealed inside you?"

Augus blinked, momentarily caught off guard by the question. He muttered a colorful curse to himself for not having a ready-made lie to tell his teacher. His eyes darted around as he searched for an answer that would satisfy Gojo's curiosity without revealing too much.

Finally, Augus took a deep breath and locked eyes with Gojo. "I wanted more power," he declared, his tone surprisingly solemn.

Gojo arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Augus's response. "Power?" he prompted, urging his student to elaborate.

Augus grimaced as he spoke, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Gojo-sensei, those without power get trampled on, forgotten. When they die, all that's left are bones." He looked away from Gojo, his gaze drifting upward to the sky. "I can't let that happen. I refuse to be a powerless monkey."

Gojo leaned closer, his voice gentle but probing. "You've experienced it, haven't you? The world where strength is everything. The day you were born, the world of sorcerers changed to your favor because you were the strongest."

Augus's words hung in the air, heavy with his determination. He glanced back at Gojo, his eyes searching for understanding. "You've seen it, Gojo-sensei, in this world, its not money or curse techniques that define you; it's strength—overwhelming, absolute strength, the power to tear down things that try to stop you from changing the world. That's why I hunted down that spirit; if I could kill it or tame it, I would have the power to change the world."

Gojo's surprise was evident in his expression, and for a fleeting moment, he saw the face of his best friend, Geto, in his mind's eye. Unconsciously, he clenched his hands into fists, the memory of his friend's betrayal still haunting him.

Augus felt a warm hand ruffle his hair, and he turned to look at Gojo. The older sorcerer wore a proud smile, his blue eyes filled with reassurance.

"There's nothing to fear, Augus," Gojo reassured him. "I'll train you to be the best sorcerer you can be."

Augus chuckled, a mischievous glint returning to his red eyes. He teased, "Why not train me to be the strongest?"

Gojo laughed heartily at Augus's playful remark. "Ah, my dear student," he said, "there can only be one strongest sorcerer."

Augus's grin widened, and he couldn't resist pushing the conversation further. "But who's to say I can't challenge that title one day?" He raised an eyebrow, a challenge in his gaze.

Gojo's laughter echoed through the forest, and he playfully tousled Augus's hair again. "You've got spirit, I'll give you that," he said. "And I wouldn't have it any other way. Just remember, strength alone isn't everything. It's what you do with that power that truly matters."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, each word strengthening the bond between teacher and student. 


In the shadows of the jujutsu world, Kenjaku, known to others as Geto, was consumed by curiosity. The sudden bursts of curse energy had stirred his interest for weeks, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something extraordinary was happening. Unfortunately, the last signs pointed to Jujutsu High as the source of these bursts, and he knew all too well that attacking the stronghold with Gojo around was a perilous endeavor. Gojo, the wildcard of the jujutsu sorcerer world, was a formidable obstacle.

Yet, the undeniable truth remained that whenever these bursts of curse energy manifested, the equilibrium of the Jujutsu world shattered into chaos. The scales that had once favored Sukuna, Geto, and others were rendered irrelevant. Even the curse spirits could sense it; whatever was causing this upheaval was unlike any spirit or sorcerer they had encountered before.

It was as if the very embodiment of the end of jujutsu sorcerers had taken a physical form. Geto, or Kenjaku, found himself growing increasingly excited by this new discovery with each passing day. Was this a new evolution of curse energy, or perhaps something even more profound? Had his long-cherished dream finally materialized? Questions swirled in his mind, and the prospect of unraveling this mystery thrilled him to his core.

He had already taken the drastic step of providing a vessel for Sukuna by possessing a woman, offering a unique means for the powerful curse spirit to inhabit a physical body. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in this accomplishment. Although he harbored a certain disdain for the boy's father and would never admit it, there was no denying the man's talents in certain areas. Kenjaku knew he wouldn't have stayed if the man hadn't possessed such skills.

Deep down, Kenjaku felt an intense desire to uncover the cause of these bursts of energy. He was willing to go to great lengths, even making a heavenly pact, to hasten his pursuit of this enigmatic force. The prospect of a new world order and the ultimate source of these disruptions in the Jujutsu world had ignited a fire within him, one that would drive him to the very limits of his power and cunning.


Inside the meeting room at Jujutsu High, a formidable assembly of individuals had gathered to discuss the enigmatic case of Augus. Principal Yaga, Mei Mei, Utahime, Principal Gakuganji, and Gojo were all present, each with their own unique perspective on the situation.

Principal Gakuganji's attention was primarily on Gojo, who sat in his usual relaxed manner, exuding an air of nonchalance. He knew that Gojo held critical information regarding Augus and the spirit sealed within him, and it was time to bring it to light.

Principal Gakuganji began the conversation, directing his question at Gojo. "Gojo, what have you learned from the spirit inside Augus?"

Gojo, wearing a confident smile, leaned back and began to reveal the insights he had gained. "Well, first things first, Augus can control the spirit now," he began, "but it's delicate. He needs detailed instructions to prevent it from taking over and going on a rampage."

The four individuals in the room were surprised by this revelation. A novice sorcerer controlling such a malevolent spirit was a rare occurrence.

Mei Mei raised an eyebrow, her voice laced with skepticism. "A novice sorcerer controlling a malevolent spirit like that? That's quite a feat."

Utahime nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on Gojo. "It's not something you see every day. How did he manage it?"

Gojo's smile widened as he soaked in their reactions. "Ah, well, that's the interesting part," he said, drawing their attention even more. "Turns out, Augus has an extraordinary affinity with the spirit, but I'm still figuring that part out."

Principal Yaga leaned forward, his brows furrowed with concern. "Go on, Gojo. Tell us everything you know."

Gojo chuckled lightly, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Easy, sensei, I was just building up the suspense," he admitted before taking a deep breath. He knew the gravity of what he was about to reveal.

The room fell silent as Gojo continued. "The first person who came close to killing me was Megumi's father, Toji Fushiguro, or Toji Zenin."

Shock and disbelief rippled through the room like an electric current. Mei Mei raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. "Toji Fushiguro? The man known as the Sorcerer Killer?"

Gojo nodded, his gaze unwavering. "That's right."

Principal Gakuganji leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Gojo..." he accused.

Gojo pouted a bit before he dropped another bombshell. "And now, there's a second person who has a probability of killing me," he declared, his tone serious.

Principal Yaga leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean by that, Gojo?"

Gojo explained with a calm demeanor, "You see, everyone already knows just how powerful the Rikugan is." Nods of agreement rippled through the room; no one doubted the strength of the Six Eyes technique. "But," Gojo continued, "for the first time, the Rikugan has encountered a natural enemy, something it can see but can never understand."

Utahime's eyes widened in realization, and she exchanged a quick glance with Mei Mei. Principal Gakuganji stroked his beard thoughtfully, absorbing the implications of Gojo's words.

Mei Mei leaned back in her chair, her usual smirk replaced by a thoughtful expression. 

Utahime, never one to mince words, voiced the collective astonishment in the room. "So, you're saying this spirit is like a blind spot for your six eyes? Your natural enemy?" she asked, trying to grasp the concept.

Gojo nodded. "Exactly. It's as if the spirit exists outside the realm of understanding for the Rikugan." He further elaborated, "Even though I can see the spirit using curse techniques, I can't understand the process those techniques undergo."

Mei Mei couldn't help but whistle appreciatively, her eyes glittering with intrigue. "Well, well, Gojo, you've managed to find something truly extraordinary."

Principal Gakuganji, known for his stoicism, finally spoke, his deep voice resonating in the room. "This changes the dynamics of our world considerably."

Utahime, always the pragmatic one, added, "If this spirit poses a threat to Gojo himself, we must prepare for the worst-case scenario."

  "Gojo, are you certain about this? We're talking about the strongest sorcerer in the Jujutsu world," Principal Yaga, the wise and composed leader asked.

Gojo nodded solemnly. "I would be joking now if I was. This isn't something to be taken lightly."

Principal Yaga remained deep in thought, his expression unreadable. Finally, he spoke, his voice carrying the weight of his experience. "This may be a turning point for us. We need to prepare for whatever comes our way."