
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Sneak Peak & Plans for 2024

Chapter 1: Naked in a New Universe 

"Ughh. Where the hell am I, and why am I naked?" a tall black man groggily asked himself, making sense of his current situation. Looking around he found himself to be in the corner of a dark alley in the middle of the night. His mind went on high alert as he stood up slowly, trying to comprehend how he got there. Before he could finish that thought, he felt a sharp pain in his head and heard a sound.


[System Initiating.... 25%.. 50%.. 75%.. 100%]

[System Loaded. Commencing video message from the creator.]

"Hello, I am Beyond. Creator of infinite possibilities and verses. Dion Banks, you died. Fret not. You have been given another chance. Your previous life was very mundane. Orphaned, a master's in history, no love life or social life to speak of and you wasted most of your time playing video games. Despite all that the last choice you made had a significant impact on the world. Your choice to save your next-door neighbor, Chelsea, and her daughter, Sarah, from the fire at your apartment building changed the world. Sarah went on to work for Open AI. Without getting into too much detail, she went on to create a program that eventually helped protect humanity when AI became sentient. In the far future they now both work together peacefully after coming to an agreement. All possible only due to the hundred or so years Sarah's program protected humanity from AI with hostile intentions." Beyond a man bathed in a all golden light said. 


'Little Sarah went on to do all that. I knew she was smart when she beat me once in Smash Bro's Ultimate but damn she went on to save the human race. All because I saved her and Chelsea. The butterfly effect is crazy.' Dion thought as the video continued. 


"Because of your actions, you have been given a new chance at life on Earth-199999.6738755475379. This Universe is very similar to the MCU from your original world with some minor differences. The same can also be said for the greater multiverse as well. You will be given a system at random. It can be based on anything from books, movies, games, tv, songs etc. Also you won't have to worry about the TVA or Eternity the One above all adjusted everything for your inclusion. Oh, one last thing you have no history in this universe or on this planet. Best of luck getting a green card. Bye, I hope to be entertained watching your life." Beyond finished as the video ended. As Dion contemplated the meaning of that last message, three small holographic wheels appeared in front of him. He watched as the first one began to spin. 


"This first spin is type. Come on give me games!" Dion thought as he watched it spin. Although he had watched some movies and read the occasional book he mostly spent time playing videogames. He was confident he would become powerful with almost any game he had previous knowledge of.




A moment later the wheel landed on games, before he could shout with joy the other two began to spin. The second wheel had different games, franchises, studios, and publishers on it. Time seemed to slow as Dion watched the wheel slow down in the publisher section. 


"Sega, Capcom, Warner Bros, Square Enix, Cd Project Red, Bandai Namco, and Sony all just got passed. Come on, give me something good. Epic, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Mircosoft, EA, Konami, Take Two, and..... Nintendo yes! Wait, no, why'd you move one more time? Fuck!" Dion cursed as his dream of wielding all the powers from Smash Ultimate was destroyed right in front of him. As he took a minute taking in the loss of his dream the final wheel also came to stop. A loud ding brought his attention back to the system in front of him, that had a new blue screen. 


[Host has received Bethesda Game System. Starting today host may acquire items, powers, abilities, people, and systems from games published by Bethesda going forward. You may acquire things via game points and cash purchases. You will receive a game point as each game comes out. Each point can be used to acquire things from games. Cash will be used for purchases that would require in-game currency.] 


"Wait, what do you mean by in-game currency, and can you give an example?" Dion asked, not sure if the system meant in-game purchases with game currency or microtransactions. 


[Example Skyrim: Host may acquire the ability of the Dragonborn which includes the ability to use Magicka. Spells however will still need to be purchased with cash from this universe from the shop. This is also true if the user uses game points to add spell mods.]

"You're telling me I can get mods with game points!" Dion said in shock before throwing his head back in joyful laughter. Initially, he was still bummed out missing out on Nintendo. Now with mods, he had nothing to fear. Bethesda games had tons of mods with powers and items from other universes. It far surpassed all the abilities he could have gotten with any other publisher. Dion was happy at the new information as he gestured for the system to continue its explanation. 


[Host may also acquire additional game points for defeating villains, participating in important events, and doing instances from Bethesda games. Instances are important missions, quests, and boss battles from the games. Be warned you will enter with your real body and may only use items or abilities from the game you enter. Finally, as your starter pack, you have been given a game point for every game published before today and one game chosen at random that will be available in the shop immediately. You can choose three things of any type from the game at no additional cost. The game that was selected is Starfield. Showing current status.] 




Name: Dion Banks 


Age: 17(Original Universe 25)


Race: Human












GP: 64




Shop: Starfield] 


Dion clicked on the shop and went through the different options. After careful deliberation, he ended up with his three choices. 

[Host has selected the following for purchase: 


System: Skills – a diverse set of skills split between Physical, Social, Combat, Science, and Tech. Each Skill category is divided into four tiers: Novice, Advanced, Expert, and Master. (Includes subsystems related to each skill. Examples: Shipbuilding, Sneak, Outpost Creation, Weapon Crafting, Inventory, etc.)


Item: Internal NeruoAmp – Allows you to control others and have them obey your commands for a limited amount of time. ( +1 to Manipulation in Skills) 


Starborn - Ascended humans who have passed through The Unity, which allows them to travel between universes and grants them powers. (Access to all 24 Starborn powers, Starborn Astra Spacesuit, Starborn Guardian Ship, and level 32 average level for a player who has completed all faction quests.) 


Confirm Purchase?] 


"Yes." Dion commanded. Soon after, he collapsed as he felt a rush of power flow through his body. He saw a flash of images of the creation of the universe. Dion had gone through the Unity, changing his being forever. When he awoke, he found himself in a futuristic spaceship, looking out at the beautiful view of Earth amongst the backdrop of stars. Dion was also decked out in a white spacesuit with gold highlights. Reborn as Starborn.

Author Note: Hey everyone hope you all had a good holiday. I finally had a lot of free time and decided to start writing. My main focus is still my original story, but I plan to work on this one once a week. The chapters should be released every week or bi-weekly. This was the first chapter I've written, but I have the story mapped out until the end of Endgame. I'm open to suggestions on this story for powers or quests he should do. If you have a mod you want to suggest, please leave the exact name. Also, no cheats, please. Anyway, my goal for this story is similar to the last, but I want to cut out all the fluff. This story will focus on character and action primarly. The Story should be up sometime in early 2024 Feb or March. Have a happy New Year.

PS: Sorry to all the Fate fans who won the poll. I tried to do that story, but the Fate characters were way too OP for the MCU. Only the main 616(Comics) Universe stands a chance. If I want to write using that universe, it's an entirely different beast compared to the MCU. Not something I want to do with everything else on my plate. I do promise that some Fate content is planned for this story via mods without spoiling too much :)