
Beyond Realities

The world was going on as it was supposed to go on, Heroes in extravagant costumes and the classic struggle of good against evil for world supremacy. Suddenly strange events begin to occur. Small dimensional rifts open sporadically, briefly releasing otherworldly energy. Through these fissures, spirits with supernatural abilities gradually emerge into the unknown world of the quirks. None of the anime franchises here belong to me, credits to their respective creators, any changes are purely my intellectual property.

axelrod_43 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


It was a cold winter afternoon in Japan, and as was normal in this area during this time of the year you could see the white snow covering the city.

A beautiful and captivating scene for many people, the frozen landscapes.

But for other people it was a hard and sometimes even sad time of the year.

"That was the case for a little boy with green hair, at first glance you wouldn't see anything unusual in the boy's behavior or his condition, but if you stopped to look at the scene carefully you could notice more.

His breathing was choppy, as if he had just come in from a marathon, and his coat looked disheveled and slightly singed.

As if he had been in a fight before this.

"I have to hide from Kaa-chan" Said the green-haired boy in a low voice, although it wasn't very noticeable his voice had a slight tone of fear when he pronounced that name.

"Where are you damn Deku?" The boy didn't say anything but when he heard that he went running towards a children's park that was covered in snow.

Clearly no one had cleared the snow from the park yet but that didn't stop him from hurrying there.

This winter had been particularly difficult for the green-haired young man, Izuku Midoriya, he thought he could do something to improve their friendship but it seems the opposite had happened.

"Deku!" His cries could be heard closer and closer but Izuku had already arrived at the park and was looking for a good place to hide.

The park though covered in snow looked strangely messy, snow lying around forming a small crater, as if something had exploded there.

Of course he didn't have time to think about whatever that might be, he might be an observer but he was still smart enough to make it a top priority to hide from the person who was looking for him.

Although overshadowed by the snow the sound of footsteps could still be heard closer and closer, with no other option and very cold the little boy could only hide in a play dome.

When Izuku entered he realized that he was not alone inside the dome.

Another girl was there and she was looking at him sharply.

She looked no older than Izuku himself but she was acting defensively without saying anything, with a frown on her face.

She had long purple hair tied in a purple bun, although she was wearing a yellow jacket, her clothes were not suitable for snow as it was a dress and simple shoes with short socks.

In spite of this the girl was not shivering from the cold, as if she was not affected by the low temperatures they were having now.

"Who are you?" asked the girl, "Have you come to hurt me too?" Izuku was a little startled by the girl's strange question. He? Hurt her?

"N-No" said the boy quickly "I-I didn't come to h-h-hurt you" He stammered between his nervousness and the cold he felt, the coat had holes and didn't cover well enough.

"No? Then who are you and what are you doing here?" Although what I said seemed to have calmed her down the girl was still quite closed with him, keeping her distance even in the narrow dome.

"M-m-my name is Izuku Midoriya!" 

"Hmmm" She looked at him for a while "It's okay Izuku, My name is Tohka."

The girl, Tohka, still had a frown on her face but her expression had calmed down more.

Izuku smiled at her with the innocence that characterizes a child when meeting someone new, completely forgetting the reason why even he had hidden himself here.

"What are you doing here Tohka-san?" That's what he was asking, she couldn't have come out to play in this weather, whether or not she showed her coldness.

"I don't know where I am" the girl replied "I have nowhere to go".

Izuku saw the sad expression on her face, had she run away from home...or did she have no place to call home?

Homeless people were rare in Izuku's city, but they still existed and he wasn't innocent enough to not know that they existed even here.

He didn't know what to do in such a situation, he was too shy to even ask what her current problem was. When Izuku came closer to the girl now with a sad expression he could see a small backpack with her.

The most striking thing about the backpack was a stuffed animal in the shape of a kinako bread that was sticking out and looked like it was a bit covered with snow.

Izuku could only converse with the girl about everyday things, trying to make her laugh from time to time and by the smile she now had and her giggles he knew he was getting somewhere.

"And what were you doing here Izuku?" Tohka asked again, this time more curious than nervous or tense.

"H-Huh?" And the memories of why he was here came out of nowhere "I-I-I was hiding from..."


A scream full of anger was heard and the dome shook as it was hit with an explosion, it wasn't strong enough to destroy the dome but it was strong enough to make a small hole that both Izuku and Tohka could see through.

"Kaa-chan!..." It was a blond boy with red eyes and a smug smile as he finally found them.

Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku's childhood friend and currently his main Bully.

"I finally found you! Haha, did you really think you could escape from me?" He opened his right hand and sparks seemed to be flying from his palm "A useless nerd like you could never escape from me!"

Tohka asked earnestly who the blond was, but Izuku could only look at him in fear and clenched his hands helplessly.

Bakugo approached Izuku while he remained immobile in his place this time closing his eyes waiting for the blow that never came.

On any other day this could only end with little Izuku getting a beating at the hands of 'Kaa-chan'.

But both Bakugo and Izuku had forgotten about the existence of the little purple-haired girl.

The blow did not come, and when after a long minute Izuku opened his eyes he saw a scene he never thought he would see.

"Stay away from Izuku" In Tohka's small hands was a broadsword that appeared to be made of metal, pommel with nice golden decorations and the design of the blade was something that none of the children had seen until today.

From Bakugo's neck fell a little blood and Izuku could see how from his forehead descended drops of cold sweat, Tohka's expression more serious than ever "I won't let you hurt him" Said Tohka.

"Tch!" The blond boy tried to play tough but clearly ran away quickly from fear.

"Are you okay Izuku?" And as she asked him that he could only watch her with his mouth open, as no one had ever defended her before.

Izuku, Bakugo, Tohka and in general everyone was ignorant of what had happened, what was going on.

In what must have been an impossibility all around Japan, several strange cracks opened up without anyone noticing. 

Not only Tohka came from these cracks, many more girls would appear without knowing what they were doing there or how they got there.

The presence of these girls would be something good or bad for this world? their stay here had an even greater reason?

That was not important yet, but for Izuku Midoriya the presence of this girl had undoubtedly come to change his life completely.