
Beyond Realities

The world was going on as it was supposed to go on, Heroes in extravagant costumes and the classic struggle of good against evil for world supremacy. Suddenly strange events begin to occur. Small dimensional rifts open sporadically, briefly releasing otherworldly energy. Through these fissures, spirits with supernatural abilities gradually emerge into the unknown world of the quirks. None of the anime franchises here belong to me, credits to their respective creators, any changes are purely my intellectual property.

axelrod_43 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

"And in other news the city of Hokkaido has been plunged into the bizarre event dubbed the 'time devouring dome' killing 10 people between the ages of 85 and 92." 

"Another one? it's the third one this year, isn't it?" In a small dining room 3 people were sitting watching the news.

A blond guy who seemed to have serious eating problems if you noticed how skinny he was.

A green haired girl who looked young in the face but her body was closer to that of a supermodel.

And a blue-haired girl who wore a cute green bunny pajama, a white bunny puppet with a patch on her hand, and a green-haired girl who looked like a model.

All Might, also called Yagi Toshinori, and his 'daughters', Natsumi and Yoshino Toshinori.

"This event is in addition to the already known disasters in Tokyo and Kanto, what causes it remains unknown, care and immediate evacuation is required if you feel the following symptoms..." Yagi decided to turn off the TV, he knew very well what caused this, he didn't want his daughters to see it.

"I know what you're thinking, you shouldn't go" Natsumi stopped him as Yagi got up from the table, took a sip of his hot coffee and continued "Besides, today is the day Midoriya-kun receives the One for All".

It was only a few weeks before the entrance exam for the most prestigious school for heroes in Japan, the U.A.

After so many months of arduous training, Izuku Midoriya's body was ready to receive the One for All, but Yagi still had some doubts.

The words of his former assistant still echoed in his mind like the first time, the fight they had had still hurt as if it had been yesterday.

'If you keep this up eventually you're going to die Yagi' Those words were not a worried warning, but a fact, an inescapable truth. After that All Might ran in search of another point of view, another prediction that wouldn't be so hard to swallow.

'Hm? Well if you want I could change the future, but at this rate your future is dark Yagi-chan' Not even the mighty Oracle could see any other variant than his eventual death.

"Em.... "A soft voice was heard next to Natsumi "I don't want you to go..." And before Yoshino's tender eyes the great All Might, the #1 Hero and the symbol of hope could only sit defeated.

Yagi said nothing but he knew they were right, today he had to pass the torch to young Midoriya, before it was too late for him to practice with it.

"Natsumi dear, I need you to transform me please" All Might finally said something after all the talk "Before I go to young Midoriya I need to go to Nia-san, I have questions to ask her.

It was the final push that All Might had to receive before he could give the baton to Izuku, he knew that the boy's heart was in the right place and with a power like his no doubt he could be a great hero, even be as good as him.

But was it really the right path? He didn't know for sure, that's why he needed Nia.

"Yes?" Natsumi asked curiously as she drank more coffee "Okay, Haniel come here."

Natsumi's broom came floating towards her and its tip opened up so that it was like a mirror, when she pointed the mirror at Yagi his body glowed and left behind his weak and ungainly figure, now being the big and strong hero he showed to the crowds.

"If possible get me the new volume of Silver Bullet, I haven't been able to buy it and I want it."

"That's fine! I got it!" Now with renewed energy Yagi's voice was more cheerful.

After receiving an attack from a villain All Might was crippled to some extent, being unable to use his power for a long time, this also affected his appearance. After the attack Yagi resigned himself to the fact that he would progressively have to stop being a hero.

Until he met Natsumi and Yoshino.

Haniel, Natsumi's 'Quirk' was able to alter the appearance and even the composition of everything to a certain extent, All Might was not fully cured and was still unable to use his power 100% without side effects, but with Haniel's power at least he could maintain his muscular and heroic form for a long time.

But at the end of the day All Might was just that, a false appearance to keep people from getting desperate and criminality from breaking out.

"Well, don't forget to take out the garbage and please keep Yoshinon from getting us in trouble" "Kukuku" "I'll meet you at the usual time at the beach!" and with that All Might left the house.


* Knock knock * Knock knock

He was a little late helping with minor crimes but All Might finally arrived at the apartment where the girl he wanted to see lived. 

* Knock knock *

"I'm coming!" a slightly irritated voice was heard through the door and quickened footsteps came closer to him "Oh! Yagi!" The door opened and a woman greeted him happily.

Honjou Nia has short, ash-gray hair and turquoise eyes, she also wore glasses that were more for reading than because she really needed them.

"Hi Nia-san!" Yagi returned the greeting and entered the white hair's apartment "Sorry for the surprise visit but I really needed your help, thank you for seeing me." 

"Eh? Don't apologize! You know you're always welcome here!"

Honjou Nia and Toshinori Yagi met a long time ago overseas, being the only other person who was from Japan the 2 became fast friends.

It also helped that they both had 'Invincible' Quirks. 

Having more vocation for writing manga than for being a heroine, Nia never got to exercise her power to save people, at least never directly.

Only her and his former assistant were the people he knew he could trust with everything, of course now it was just Nia and her 'daughters' but she was there, giving him advice and premonitions for his problems and doubts.

"So tell me Yagi.... What brings you to the home of this humble Mangaka?" 

"I need you to help me by consulting Raziel..."

Nia's 'Quirk', the omniscient Raziel, the power to know everything, past, present and future, people's thoughts and secrets, and his most powerful ability.

Writing the future.

In the eyes of the common people All Might had the strongest Quirk, being able to level entire cities if he used it carelessly, but there was a serious difference.

Where All Might was an all-powerful person, Nia was an invincible, all-knowing person. Nothing was impossible for her, and if it was difficult or unpleasant enough she could simply alter the world to her liking.

Every memory of her Quirk came from a gratitude that Nia had a personality and attitudes to help people.

People who knew for sure the extent of Nia's power knew that if she went over to the side of villainy she would be impossible to beat.

But the clutter in the main room, hundreds of sheets of paper, Manga, drawing tablets, cans of energy drinks and beer and plastic food waste she consumed reminded him of Nia's true personality.

Where others would kill for a little of her power she didn't like to use it, where others would use Raziel to unveil people's darkest secrets Nia simply wanted to know trivial things.

She was more of a carefree and conformist person.

"Oh? And what would you like to know? I thought after last time you didn't want to know about people who see the future" She said that and adjusted her glasses while looking at him.

"I found a successor" All Might stared at her but when he didn't get an answer he simply continued "I need you to tell me if the path I've taken is the right one".

"Hmmm, you came to tell me but I'm sure you already have the answer, so...why spoilers?" Nia looked at her quizzically and honestly All Might didn't have an answer either "As far as I remember your power can't be passed to just anyone, your judgment has gotten that bad Yagi?" She teased

"It's not that Nia-san, but this is a very important moment for me, the boy I saw is a good person and has a heroic sense like very few others."


"But I feel that I can still be wrong about this, both you and Nighteye..." Nia's expression turned sour when she heard the name "...You recommended me to another boy and I ignored you."

A few years ago both she and her partner told her that the right person to carry the flame of the One for All was a boy named Mirio Togata, a promising young man who was going to enter the U.A. at that time.

Even he had met him and understood why he was told that, the boy was practically a perfect hero. Correct and realistic ideals, a great heart and sense of duty towards civilians and a powerful Quirk that would only improve with time and his guidance.

But something told him he wasn't the right one, and it all made sense when he met young Izuku Midoriya.

"You're overthinking too much Yagi, whatever's going on in your head you should get it out" "Still..." "Nothing, you don't have to say anything about your reasoning, I could check my Raziel to know if in the future this boy will be a great hero" When he said that a book appeared in his hand, it had nothing on its cover other than the black cover.

"Hell, I could even change the future so the boy could be whatever you want him to be!" A metallic feather appeared in Nia's right hand and she opened the book "But you want that to happen?" 

All Might was about to affirm to do so as it was the easiest, safest route to take.

Writing the future, Raziel's most powerful and terrifying ability, if Nia wrote or drew something that thing would happen, no matter how weird or out of the ordinary this idea was.

It had its limitations of course, if someone had a stronger Quirk than Raziel the change would not take place. They discovered this when they tried to change the future of a very powerful villain for Nia.

"Raziel... "The pages flipped violently and when they stopped Nia read a bit and her eyes widened in surprise. 

"What happened!? What do you see!?

Nia didn't say anything, she just stared at the book for a bit before 

"I...I can't believe it" Was it something good or bad, what had she seen about Izuku? "They're going to move up next year's Comiket! At this rate I won't make the deadline!!!" Nia grabbed her head dramatically

"NIA! This is serious business!" 

"Hahaha, calm down Yagi, being so stressed out is not good for your health you know? A beer? it can relax your nerves."

"No thanks..." All Might sat on the bed and rubbed his temple in exasperation "Please Nia, just tell me if the decision is right or not..."

"Hmm... And if I see that the decision is the wrong one what will you do Yagi? Will you break that boy's dreams?" The girl sat next to him and put a hand on his shoulder "I'm not going to see HIS future, I won't see YOUR future either, if you feel he isn´t the right one guide him to be the right one." 

All Might looked at her and listened carefully.

"I don't know if this Boy will be good or bad in the future, but I don't want to know, I hate spoilers and you know it haha." 

"I... I'm sorry Nia" He lowered his head in sorrow, Nia's power was too strong but she didn't like to use it either, she said it took away the excitement of not knowing what life had in store for you. 

"Hehehe you don't have to apologize Yagi! We are friends and it's normal for you to look for help" She gave him a little slap on the back and stood up "Now, you have to go Yagi, you have a boy to help and I have a manga to draw before the deadline".

All Might also got up from the bed and offered his beaming smile to Nia "You're right, I have to get ready to pass the power to young Midoriya" He walked out of the room and towards the exit of the apartment "Thanks for everything Nia!" And with that he left.

"See you soon!" She said goodbye as well and when her figure walked away the white haired girl closed the door and went back into the room "Silly Yagi-chan, forgot to use the honorifics again hehe." 

He sat in his writing chair and thought for a while "Maybe I should... it would be good for a change of scenery!" He grabbed his phone and dialed a number "Hello Hello editor-san!.... Yes, I'm calling to tell you that I'm taking care of something after this volume so I'll be on Hiatus! .... Yes....I understand you well Editor-san.... No, I'll be back soon I promise....Aja yeah...Well I have to go, bye!" 

She hang up and quickly dial another number 

"Hi Nezu! How are you? ....Why did I call? Well remember the favor you owed me for that time I slightly altered reality in your favor?.... Yes, I need something."

All Might would arrive at the beach and gave his power to Izuku, creating another future hero that he hoped would be the hope of tomorrow.

Things were changing fast and he could only hope that a new generation of heroes would properly defend the welfare of society.

"Of course! I'll be there in 2 weeks for the opening!" 


Next chapter will start the U.A, I decided not to put the classic scene of All Might giving him the hair to eat it because by now everyone knows that, better to expand the relations and the world for the future.