
Beyond Realities

The world was going on as it was supposed to go on, Heroes in extravagant costumes and the classic struggle of good against evil for world supremacy. Suddenly strange events begin to occur. Small dimensional rifts open sporadically, briefly releasing otherworldly energy. Through these fissures, spirits with supernatural abilities gradually emerge into the unknown world of the quirks. None of the anime franchises here belong to me, credits to their respective creators, any changes are purely my intellectual property.

axelrod_43 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 1

"Izuku come down!!!" 

In a quiet sector within Musutafu prefecture and inside a house a woman's voice could be heard calling for someone.

If you looked inside the house the first thing that came to mind was 'Average' the neighborhood was neither upper class nor lower class, which reflected the internal state of the house.

It was a family that lived well enough to even have their whims from time to time.

This was home to a family of 3, 2 of whom were already seated in the dining room ready to eat.

"Izuku, is the food ready?" called back the woman, Inko Midoriya, a dark green haired woman of small stature and slightly overweight.

Izuku Midoriya's mother.

"Coming!" The stairs rattle as the young green-haired man runs downstairs and immediately goes to turn on the TV in the living room.

Actually the 15 year old boy had grown to a firm 5'7", his stuttering had reduced quite a bit although it still appeared especially when the boy was nervous.

"Muu... Good morning Izuku!" And the third person who lived in this modest house, the girl who in the past defended Izuku even though they hadn't known each other a day, the reason why the boy wasn't a nervous wreck.

"Eh? Sorry Tohka!" Yatogami Tohka, the young girl who was now almost 16 years old, her long purple hair tied in a ponytail and her purple butterfly bun "Good morning." 

Since that meeting in the park 5 years ago both Tohka and Izuku had practically become what one would call best friends.

After Bakugo ran away from the park the police arrived and took them to the station, there both Izuku and later her mother would discover that the girl had amnesia and was unable to remember her family, only having the clothes she was wearing, some small toys, books and her Kinako bread stuffed animal as her own the girl was destined to go to orphanage.

When Inko arrived the green-haired boy practically begged his mother for Tohka to live with them.

Her real surname should not have been Yatogami as there was no girl under that name registered in the database, but even though legally her name was now Tohka Midoriya after being adopted she was adamant that they call her by her other surname, in her words 'It was given to her by the warmest woman she has ever known', possibly her mother.

"Sit down and eat now Izuku, they'll be late" Inko reminded her son again why she had come down, Tohka just nodded in agreement.

At the time the purple haired girl was quite unruly, ate a lot and clearly had a serious problem with authority, but eventually those behaviors improved to Inko's relief.

"The eldest daughter of hero #1 All Might has decided to follow in her father's footsteps and is preparing to go to the U.A." The TV news told the scoop, the headline read 'Natsumi Toshinori has decided' and there was a picture of a woman who seemed to be cosplaying as a witch, her hair was also green which was strange.

"Muu... U.A?" Tohka asked with a piece of toast in her mouth.

"It's the most prestigious school for Heroes in all of Japan! Besides..." And with that Izuku got lost in his speech as he continued to talk. 

The biggest change in society in recent years had come 3 years ago when during a fire rescue by a villain with a fire quirk All Might appeared to save the day as usual.

But once the building collapsed and All Might came out with burns and several superficial wounds a couple of girls ran up to him and hugged him.

One was a blue-haired girl who always wore a white bunny puppet whenever she appeared in the stockings.

Another was the green-haired girl who was now seen on TV.

Many questions and much persecution by the media for weeks the symbol of hope had no choice but to confess the truth to the press.

Natsumi and Yoshino Toshinori.

The mother was not known and All Might had never wanted to comment anything either, their features had contributed to people thinking that they were not really All Might's daughters, but out of respect it was more a question of respect.

"Izukuuu, let's go!" 

"I'll be right there Tohka!"

And having finished the 2 left for school.


"Alright guys get ready to turn in your sheets, also don't forget that today you must write and turn in your wishes for the future" The teacher looked at all his students before simply throwing all their sheets in the air and shouting. 

"But who am I kidding? Everyone wants to be heroes!!!" And with that action the classroom went crazy and started to show off their various quirks. 

Everyone except for Izuku who was looking at the table with a bit of sadness and Tohka who was just looking at Izuku with a bit of concern.

The boastful shouts of a certain blonde-haired, red-eyed student didn't help Izuku's insecurity either.

"Shut the hell up, you fucking extras" uttered Katsuki Bakugo, 3 other students nodding beside him "I'm not like you, I'll enter the U.A and become the #1 hero".

Although with the arrival of Tohka in his life the green haired boy still continued to suffer abuse, mockery and suffering from Bakugo and his group, of course being so close Tohka also received them, but not like Izuku.

"In fact Bakugo, there is another student who also said he was going to apply to U.A." The blond's initial happiness ceased a little and the green-haired boy's nervousness increased even more "Izuku Midoriya also said he was going to U.A." 


The classroom was silent for about ten seconds before everyone burst into laughter, but Bakugo wasn't laughing...

"You FUCKING DEKU!" Bakugo stood up and grabbed the collar of Izuku's shirt, Izuku himself was just sweating with fear.

"Who do you think you are to aspire to go where I'm going!?" Tiny sparks flew from Bakugo's left palm, like miniature fireworks.

"That's enough!" shouted Tohka and stomped on the floor, a crack opened up in the classroom floor, from the crack a sword handle appeared and Tohka grabbed it, revealing the same sword from 5 years ago but bigger.

"Oh yeah?" Bakugo looked at her arrogantly "Who's going to force me to let go? You? HAHAHA"

The tension was rising but the teacher intervened at last, he slammed his desk with a thick book and with a shout of 'ENOUGH' the whole classroom quieted down. 

"Bakugo, Yatogami, I want you both to the Principal´s office NOW" They both looked clearly annoyed at this but still obeyed.

"And Yatogami-san" the teacher spoke a little more calmly as the punished students left the classroom "I want you to put something other than 'delicious food' on your sheet of what you want the most in the future."

After that event that was a normality for this class everything went by with relative tranquility, the end of class bell rang and Izuku left the classroom to go look for Tohka.

But unfortunately for the boy who he would meet first would not be his best friend.

"DEKU!" Yes, Bakugo's voice echoed down the hallway and there Izuku saw him approaching with his group of lackeys.

Anger would be an understatement for what could be seen in the blond boy's red eyes. He was furious.

"Your damned girlfriend stayed talking to the director" It was too late to run away "Ha! You have no one to defend you now!"

"I-I-I...I!" He couldn't formulate coherent words, much less when he saw the flashes of pyroctenia on Bakugo's hands.

"You seriously think someone like you can become a hero? Don't make me laugh" Bakugo took a notebook that Izuku had in his arms .

The green-haired boy wanted to apologize, but he didn't know why and also wasn't able to answer anything more than 'Kaa-cha...' with a faint whisper.

"A useless Quirkless like you can't just aspire to be like everyone else, the best thing you could do is go die" And with that short exchange the blond left with his friends, without returning the notebook that was taken from him.


Still Izuku shook his head sadly and thought aloud "I must go see Tohka..." and he left on his way to where she should be.

When they met neither Tohka nor Izuku said anything about it, the green-haired boy had perfected the art of pretending to be fine, and the purple-haired girl knew it was best not to say anything about it.

An awkward but at the same time a little pleasant silence was between the young people as they headed for the exit, the conversations about what they should eat when they got home was Tohka's attempt to lighten the mood.

But it didn't work when they reached a fountain in the schoolyard.

In the water was Izuku's notebook. 

Burned by Bakugo's explosion and wet from the water, completely ruined but that was her notebook.

"That damn..." Tohka gritted her teeth in rage, she knew who had done it and wanted to go for revenge against the blond who did this.

"No!" But when she saw her intentions Izuku stopped her "It's not necessary Tohka.... I-it's okay! I-I had to buy another new notebook anyway, haha..."

Her attempts clearly had no effect when the girl replied "Of course if something happens" Her way of speaking, how Izuku was trembling, a simple smile wouldn't be enough to appease the girl "You can't let him do this to you, it's not a good thing for you!".

"Please... You know how Bakugo is, he always exaggerates in the way he plays with me."

"BUT HE'S NOT PLAYING" Tohka replied "What he's doing to you is wrong, I can't leave him like this."

Izuku just smiled sadly "I promise you Tohka, I don't feel upset or anything about this, it's just what Bakugo usually does" Izuku walked over to a trash can and threw the book away "Besides he's right...I'll never be a hero."

Tohka didn't know what to do, and it seemed that Izuku just wanted to be alone for a while, so as he walked away she could only whisper sadly "You were already a hero for me..."


It had been a bad day, but since he was 5 years old, whenever Bakugo got angry it was always a bad day, so it wasn't unusual.

"I'll have to apologize..." He knew Tohka just wanted to help him but now he just wanted to be alone for a while to think about what to do about his future.

"Maybe... he's right" He said softly but he sank into the sadness that thought brought him.

When he told Tohka about his desire to be a hero she was almost as excited as he was, he remembered happily how he even told her that she would be his assistant.

Clearly Tohka had read a lot of superhero comics.

But eventually he had to be realistic, it was impossible to be a hero without a Quirk.

Quirks, they had been around too long, 80% of the world's population had a Quirk. Once you were born you were practically conditioned to who you would be in life by your quirk, whether you wanted to be a hero or not.

Any healing powers of any kind? A great physician for sure.

Were you born with the ability to fight with flames either by water or wind quirks? He would be a firefighter.

Great strength or just a great and strong Quirk? He could be a hero to save the day.

But Izuku had none of that, he was just a useless 'Deku' with no powers, nothing special, no Quirk.

And as he entered a tunnel thinking about this depressing reality he could only say "I will never be a hero".

No room for reproaches or debates or contradictions. 

Just the hard and sad reality

"EY!" Izuku heard a scream and when he turned around he saw what appeared to be a slime cover his face.

He quickly tried to pull the slime off his face but it was strongly resisting, an unpleasant sensation came to him when he felt the slime entering his ears.

"Hehe, finally a body to have" He heard the slime speak with malice "Don't resist boy and it will be quick".

Izuku could feel his breathing getting shorter and his vision getting duller, he wanted to keep resisting but without a Quirk how?

'Someone... Help' He thought desperately as he felt everything go black.

'You know kid? You just saved me... you really are a hero" He didn't want it to end like this, he had to go home to his family, the green haired man was clinging to life as best he could but his legs were starting to feel weak.

"....SMASH" But his prayers were answered and before he passed out completely he felt a draft hit him hard and the slime peeled off his face.

"Even on the verge of unconsciousness he recognized that voice "BECAUSE I AM HERE".

All Might, the symbol of hope and undisputed hero #1, Izuku's idol, had come to the rescue.

When he fully regained consciousness he could see it. Tall, imposing, his characteristic superhero costume, the smile he always carried with him, his shining golden hair.

"A-A-ALL MIGHT!" and Izuku's nerves returned, but could anyone blame him?

"Are you all right young man?" The boy nodded quickly and started looking for something in his backpack "Hehe, were you looking for this? I signed it when you were half unconscious." 

"Th-thank you!" 

"No problem young man, now if you'll excuse me, I have to take this villain to where he should be" He showed the vial in which he kept the slime man's body and put it in his belt.

"W-Wait-Wait please!" All Might ignored the young man and simply used his strength to jump and 'fly' If he had realized in time that the boy was clinging to his leg he would have also seen the vial with the slime villain fall from his waist.

But he didn't do it in time, and by the time he landed on a terrace with the green-haired boy it was too late.

"I-I have to ask you something All Might!"

The boy had to know, he needed to know if it was possible to be a hero without a Quirk.

To know that his dream was still possible....

But at the question he saw All Might's frown darken a little and Izuku's heart stopped for a second.

"No boy... It's impossible for you to be a hero without a Quirk" And the words he knew but still didn't want to accept came "But if you want to help people you could still become a cop! Or even study to be a doctor!" No, he wanted to be that.

Izuku was unable to pay attention to All Might's farewell, feeling only the air of his jump.

Nothing mattered to him anymore.

Thank you for reading, any comment, recommendation or criticism will be welcome as long as it is not disrespectful.