
beyond creatures love

a stubborn teenage boy finds out who he really Is and faced some challenges until he finds love... she has a dark hair, soft like a wool.. A very fair skin .... perfect curves.... a very good swimmer. wait! a very good swimmer?... . . . a mermaid of course... an half human werewolf(zhan) falling in love with a mermaid(lily)... Lily escaped on the night of her bond with a merman Because she felt she is being forced to be bond with him.... Just then the love revolve around zhan and lily when they get to know each other. .but before lily escaped on the night of her bond with Aalton, her sister(nixie) has created a space of hatred in her heart against lily ..... . but what up with the sirena (kuan) did she has feelings for me(zhan) too.. A sirena?....no! not a sirena too what's happening zhan?... A sirena an evil version of a mermaid there are very big difference between a sirena and a mermaid..

Ayodele_Jadesola · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 3 don't bother to miss me,

zhan went upstairs, then looked for the hole he use to keep his room key and unlocked his room door.

he pushed the door so hard that the wooden red door almost flying across the room but landed on the floor .

even zhan father could hear from downstairs the thud of the door that fell loudly to the floor.

"I don't get the why that I have to annoy my parents with everything I do. he said opening his wardrobe and pulling out his clothes to the red boxes that are being laid on his bed.

"zhan, don't do this, zhan don't do that, zhan do this or you die, zhan don't do that then you don't die..blah..blah, I will be gone and be gone for good...then you will all miss me. zhan said then closing up the red boxes.

as he went across the room aiming to go towards the broken door and pass the mirror..his pendant drew him back to the mirror almost making him to hit his head against the mirror but to the support of his hand on the red wooden stool standing on it, thankfully he didn't.

then he raises up his head slowly then to look at himself at the mirror and saw the reflection of his pendant reddishly glowing and floating but still on his neck..

zhan's mouth were wide open, then he shakes his head before he notice the pendant again it had stop glowing and floating..

zhan squeezed his face

"rubbish, what even up with this pendant, do my parent think am a kid or a princess that needs a toy necklace..." zhan said trying to pull up the pendant.

zhan starts to grunt and struggling with pulling up the pendant off his neck...

"how do you take off this thing."

then suddenly a light strikes him through the pendant making him feel so electrified..

"ouch that hurts."he said to himself.

then he grunts at the reflection of himself in the mirror.

" great, my parents puts a little protection on me trying to take it off."

******* ******* *******

zhan father sighted zhan coming down the stairs with his box filled with his clothes.

"I won't wish you a safe journey on this,but am sure your mother will miss you but I won't.

zhan father said frowning his face with his two arms folded together.

zhan turned his gaze to his mother who was still resting on the couch ...

"am gonna miss you mom." he said .

then frowned his face at his father.

"don't forget to close the door behind you." his father reminded.

"I won't even bother to."he said while going towards the door.

within two seconds zhan was already at the door then he looked around for his mother again on the couch.

"am still gonna miss you mom."

then he later closed the door.

right after he zhan left his father then smirked.

"Hope you learn your lesson very soon,then come back home". he said.

right after then zhan mother woke up.

"is everything alright? she asked.

zhan father only nodded positively.

"where is zhan? she asked again.

"living his life the way he has always wanted. he replied her.

"he left already? zhan mother said feeling a burn in her heart.

"yes! zhan father said without a remorse.

"but why, why, why did you...she said as her tears couldn't let her to talk, then she continue..."did you let him go? she asked again as her tears begin to flow down her cheeks.

"he will come back.....some day". he said then bent down and wipe off her cheek with his handkerchief.

"I hope so, and alive"..... she said holding her chest..

***** ******** ********

" I can't believe why my parents would force me to an early marriage with an unknown merman, well I can't say an unknown merman... because he is known to be of great wealth...and the seven sea ocean spirit treasurer, keeper of jewels And pearls and even the most handsome merman with a very built muscular bodypart....

yet filled with pride, he sees every ocean bodies as a dirt

he speaks rudely and harsh at everyone....but why am I chose to be his....ofcourse, he is richer than my father the king of the pacific ocean that why my father wants me to get married to him..

and even my mother in support of my father forcing me on this merman whose name is Aalton,

yeah I know right? it such a beautiful name...but not to me..

mines lily..the most fairest among other mermaids the most prettiest among mermaids with the most sweetest voice and not to mention my dark hair is marvelous with my red tail...red is a perfect color for me... I love red so much..only if I could find other mermen that I will be compatible with..but sadly I won't be able to find one...or should I say it too late am getting married to Aalton..the tears couldn't stop from my eyeballs flowing down to my cheeks...poor me I said to myself as I sat in front of the shell mirror feeling so depressed until my elder sister nixie came in with a gentle knock on the door .

"lily, hope you are ready"..she said feeling so excited and not noticed how sad and depressed lily was.

very soon more tears began to flow down lily's cheek.

Nixie then noticed lily and swam towards her.

"kid sis, what is it". nixie said as she places her hand around lily shoulders.

lily then faces her elder sister.

"how old am I? she ask Nixie.

"why asking you know your age! Nixie replied her.

" I know! but look at your poor kid sister getting married at a very young age.lily said to nixie with an heavy heart.

Nixie smile turned to a sad one.

" but turn to the bright side sis, you are getting married to a very wealthy and the most handsome merman. Nixie said patting lily.

"forget it, forget how handsome and rich....or how blah blah....he is...yes he has those qualities but still he is rude and not even my mate..." lily said trying to convince her sister.

"but tonight is your bond with him you are getting married to him, clean your tears and get ready, because you will soon be called out, the ceremony has already begun. Nixie said.

more tears began to flow down lily eyes again

"ugh, sis stop that OK." Nixie said looking around for some sea flower to use and decorate lily's tail.

lily then whisper,

"or will you help me to plan an escape?

Nixie widens her eyes..

"what?..why would you say such!....

"sis, look at it this way...am not going to enjoy my bound with him, he only wants to use me...I can sense that Sis...he doesn't love me all he want are my powers...my abilities for him to gain more wealth...and fame...ain't I making sense....sis."lily said, swimming towards the mirror.

"you are making sense but how do you know that all.these are actually true? Nixie asked curiously .

"I know this, because I felt this."

lily said combing her hair.

Nixie laughed out loud....

"it all in your head sister! nixie said wrapping the flower design around lily's tail.....

"believe me sis, our parents just want me to marry him for his wealth,and share part of it for themselves! lily said trying to make sense.

Nixie frowned her face.

"are you trying to say that our parent are selfish and that they wants to use you for their selfish gain? Nixie replies lily angrily.

"now you see that am making sense! lily said dropping the shell comb that she was holding before on the stool.

"how dare you say that....Nixie said angrily pointing at lily...to our parent, is it because everyone finds you so attractive?that you think that you are the only goddess that the merlocks must to bow to? you should be grateful that you find the most handsome merman not only that but wealthy, keeper of riches, yet you say he wants to use you, you this ungrateful brat do you think that if our parents force him to me...won't I marry him? ofcourse i will...because mermen like him are so rare to find....and yet you said he is too old to be your mate....you are too young to get married....he is so arrogant....he has no respect to mother and father! he speaks rudely and harsh.....rubbish....rubbish I say....do you know how many mermaid out there are dying to just touch him...but you are here you get the chance to see him whenever he visits this castle...do you know how many mermen envy him....!..if I get the chance to marry him I will !

lily was surprised at her sister words to her ..

"so you think that am not making sense?

"you are simply saying rubbish"Nixie replied her.

lily stood up from her stool

"then why don't you get married to him?.lily shouted at her sister.

Nixie gasped..

"are you trying to say that am ugly? that have got nobody to woo me? how dare you,how dare you say that to me...."Nixie shouted angrily.

one of the guards by the entrance of lily's room door went rushing to the king and telling him that the two princess are quarreling..

the king grunted angrily so loudly.

"what wrong with this two?

"what is it?your highness?queen Miranda asked her husband.

"one of the guards came reporting to me that lily and nixie are fighting".the king replied Miranda.

queen miranda was angry why should Nixie be quarreling with lily on lily special night shouldn't they save their fight for another day? and not this night! let me go separate them immediately your highness.

Miranda said as she was about to get up from her throne seat..

"no,I will go, you take care of the hall very soon the whole Sea will be here to celebrate with us,and very soon the groom will arrive,let me go prepare those two and you take care of the event! king poisedon said and swam off with three guards behind him...

queen Miranda also took her swim to the hall...

******* ********". *******

"I didn't say that you are ugly, all I want is for me not to get bond with him tonight, because I don't like him.and why didn't our parent bond him to you instead of me...since you like him so much...why don't you convince our parents for you to marry him instead of me.."lily replied nixie angrily swimming towards the Small window with a stick in hands

Nixie was angry...for lily speech to her and for this she can hate her sister forever.

"well escaping should be the best option for you,because I don't care if anything bad happens to you." Nixie said as she watched lily breaking the glass of the small window so she could escape .

Finally lily was able to break the glass into pieces then she face back to look at Nixie who is still angry.

lily then sighed heavily and swam gently through the window she had broken....

"I wont miss you!Nixie murmured to herself.

****"* ****** *******

lily is already out of her room and began to swim silently in order to silently pass the distracted guards

luckily lily was about to reach the tall white gate that leads out of the castle when she saw Aalton and his guards coming in through the gate with their seahorses lily quickly hid behind the bush that is beside the gate they passed through...

luckily no one saw her there....

and Aalton guards passed by the bush without noticing her then she saw them entering the castle .

lily then looked at her left to find the guards that opened the gate for them but she saw them chatting happily,to her luck again the gate was not fully closed so she quickly and silently swam pass them and through the open small space in the gate without making any bubbles but unluckily the sea flower that Nixie tied to her tail fell in the process immediately the gate closes the flower hanged on the gate handle then finally lily was out of the castle....

lily was so excited to escape on the night of her bond with a merman she is not in love with and hopefully her sister will not be annoyed at her anymore....

********** *********

just then king poisedon entered lily room angrily and was surprised to see nixie sitting quietly on lily bed and combing her hair with lily comb until she breaks the silent.

"she escaped! nixie said without facing the king.

king poisedon widens his eyeballs with anger . ....

"whaaaaaaaat! was all he could yell about.

"liiiiiilllyyyyyy," he yelled her name again.

Nixie smirked.....