
beyond creatures love

a stubborn teenage boy finds out who he really Is and faced some challenges until he finds love... she has a dark hair, soft like a wool.. A very fair skin .... perfect curves.... a very good swimmer. wait! a very good swimmer?... . . . a mermaid of course... an half human werewolf(zhan) falling in love with a mermaid(lily)... Lily escaped on the night of her bond with a merman Because she felt she is being forced to be bond with him.... Just then the love revolve around zhan and lily when they get to know each other. .but before lily escaped on the night of her bond with Aalton, her sister(nixie) has created a space of hatred in her heart against lily ..... . but what up with the sirena (kuan) did she has feelings for me(zhan) too.. A sirena?....no! not a sirena too what's happening zhan?... A sirena an evil version of a mermaid there are very big difference between a sirena and a mermaid..

Ayodele_Jadesola · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 4 lily caused chaos

lily stopped swimming even though she was a little bit far from the castle she could hear her fathers' voice yelling her name...

"oh no,Nixie told him already,I have to continue swimming till I get to the shore before he sends out the guards to look for me.

lily said after her heart skipped a beat of fear and began to swim even faster than before,attracting many bubbles behind her as she swam even faster.

******* ********* *****

king poisedon was panting with anger.

"how could you? how did you let all this to happen! why did you let her go?why didn't you stop her? you know tonight is her bond with her mate .

Nixie dropped the comb that she was using to comb her hair on lilys'

bed with anger..

"me? why am I to blame for her escape from.the castle?nixie angrily said frowning her face to king poisedon.

"because I was told that you two were arguing, so definitely you would have said something that must have annoyed her that why she maybe angrily left. king poisedon said with a red eyeball that represent how angry he is.

"what? no she angrily left on her own because you forced her to marry someone whom she has no feelings for ! Nixie said with a violence voice.

" how dare you talk to a king that way." king poisedon said.

and Nixie had not expected a slap across her face until she felt it .

Nixie opens wide her mouth, she had not expected that from her father.

Nixie thought to herself, why is she getting blamed for lilys' disappearance, why isn't he mad at lily leaving the castle instead of her.

Nixie stared into her fathers' face with her palms on her cheek and could see the fire burning there.

***** ****** ******

queen miranda wants to make sure that all things happening at the event will be going well.

"all sits are arranged! she said scanning the large hall with her eyes then the maid behind her replied "check" with a leaflet made of weeds and uses her long finger nails to tick the to do lists.

"all sea food are almost prepared." queen Miranda said again ."check" the maid replied her.

"room is being decorated! she said again."check" the maid said again also.

"merfolks are trooping in". queen Miranda said as she sighted the guests entering the hall in twos' or even three.

"check".the maid replied quickly.

before any mermaid would take a sit or any other fish or fish species they would first greet the queen and congratulate her on lilys' happy bond with the most super handsome and wealthy merman,Aalton.

then she will reply them with a thank you.

just then, a guard came swimming fastly towards Miranda,and panting heavily.

"what is the problem? seagulf. queen Miranda asked curiously.

"your royal majesty. seagulf said bowing then he continues." the prince of wealth and fame is here."

queen Miranda knew that he was referring to Aalton.

" oh, that is early, he came very early." queen Miranda scanned through the hall again to check if anything is missing or needed then she was wrong nothing is needed all she could sight are the merfolk's chatting indistinctly happily obviously most of them are gossiping about the the prince of wealth and fame.

queen Miranda took a deep breath,"everything is going to be alright and sure of it and very excited all things are going well to the way it suppose to be." she said

then another guard tapped her on the shoulder .

"my queen!. he said as he bowed to her.

"yes?...she answered and asked the guard was about to say something she smelt a great scent with a strong lavender and she get to know who had entered through the merfolk's gasps and a little word she heard faintly "he is cute, oh my Neptune, how I wish I was lily he would definitely marry me! she heard that from a mermaid then turned her gaze away from the guard and her eyes saw the hall door opened widely with Aalton and three of his guards behind him and swam towards the queen.

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"if I have the chance I could date her mother too, because she has inherited all her beauty from her mother, same replica how happy I am to get bond with lily...special rare power. Aalton had thought of this within himself as he swam dazzling towards queen Miranda who puts on a smile on her face.

finally he had reached her front then he suddenly takes her webbed fingers and give it a small kiss.

"Miranda! he said rudely...and then the whole merfolk gasped.

"how could he dare call the queen by her name." queen Miranda heard from a merman voice faintly and not clear.

queen Miranda was so embarrassed to be disrespected in front of so many merfolk's

but it seems Aalton didn't hear that but he notices that he had shocked everyone by calling the queen by her name and he didn't care about that.

" ....you have been glowing so beautifully. he added to his speech.

queen Miranda managed to smile.

"same as your to be wife, she will be dazzling tonight! she said to Aalton.

"sure she will be, because she inherited that from you! he said teasingly to her. sure Aalton is very good at teasing.

"uhm my queen and prince Aalton,sorry to interrupt but there is a problem! the guard said

there was a shock from the merfolk's."a problem, what could that possibly be? the merfolk's said as they don't expect to be a problem at such a great royalty event.

"what is the problem?Aalton said and arch an eyebrow.

"it is princess lily." the guard said

then suddenly the hall became silent because they want to hear what has happened to the princess.

"my daughter? queen Miranda asked as she remembers that a guard came to inform them that nixie and lily were arguing, had nixie injured lily due to their argument? queen Miranda asked herself the question.then suddenly her heart begins to pound heavily on her chest.

"well what happened to my lily."Aalton asked curiously.

the guard then bowed his head without raising it up

".....she ran away from the castle.'

the guard said completely.

tension filled the whole hall as the silent merfolk's begins to gasps and gossip among themselves.

of course Aalton knew lily didn't like him so that must be the reason why she had swam away because she doesn't want to get bond with him. sure Aalton was really smart to think of this.

queen Miranda couldn't move she just stay silent as if she was paused to do anything..

then later she passed out.