

The last thing she read was a book about vampires. A book with an unknown mix of truth and lies. Her homework before she is allowed to go out of the house.

Why would I need this if I already read a lot of these in my free time? Basics are basics.

The last thing she went to was the hotel having a drink with her friends for a party. A party that was supposed to be just drinking with a bloody wine glass and a night with talks and bunch of games to play.

Games like truth or dare and spin the bottle are the classics. No one would miss these games.

The last thing she did was entering her room drunk. And thank goodness for her ability to not get lost easily. That really helped her a lot.

A bit of a drink and they are already down. Aren't there any immunity or at least a longer tolerance to alcohol for us? Like heck, living longer needs better immune system and higher tolerance.

The last thing she felt was the slow increase of her body temperature. That was one of the things she found weird on that day.

My alcohol tolerance is kinda good... I only drop when I drink 3 glasses of strong drink... and I only drunk 4 glasses of wine that is not strong... I guess?

The last thing she saw is a man entering her room. Another peculiar thing that happened that night too.

Why would a man enter in my room? He's not even that drunk.

And is she really that drunk to see and feel canine teeths sinking on her neck?

"Hello, my bride"

And his dazzling smile was the very last thing I remembered that night which changed my already not ordinary life to another more problematic one.