

She embodied sensuality and undeniable charm that no man or woman could deny. Whether they were upright or bent, everyone's gaze was pulled to her. Her smile, frown, and every slight movement she made were enough to affect one’s mentality for the whole day. She was the charmer who was appointed and recognized by everyone in the school, whether they were teachers or students. She was that popular. In this charmer's world, there was no such thing as love. Love was a disease that perverted people's minds and led them astray, and she didn't want to live in such a world. But everything changed when he unexpectedly marched into her life, surprising her. Forcing her to break down the barriers she had up for more than two decades. He was the only one who was present. And he wasn't afraid to take what he wanted since he had the means. For him, being in love was a waste of time, and being faithful to one person was not his strong suit. Why bother investing in a single tree when he could own the entire forest? And when he saw her, his life was turned upside down. For him, it was love at first sight. He disliked it at first but eventually came to respect and like it. This sensation was novel to him and seemed unreal. He was completely in love with her, but her defenses were far too high and strong for him to break through. Will this prince charming and playboy from another school be able to captivate and seduce the school charmer? Will she be able to tear down the barriers she had built to allow him entry into her world, or will she continue to keep him at a distance?

GEEGEE · Urban
Not enough ratings
208 Chs


'You are mine!'

That's all he could think about repeatedly. As those soft lips continuously ravaged him in a manner that he never thought would.

Who would have thought that the first thing that would happen before having a nice chat with her would be him rolling on the sheets with her the next second?

He opened his eyes to look at the face that had been ingrained in his mind for over a year. He couldn't help but burst with strong emotions.

Despite her eyes being closed, her cuteness, something that he was seeing for the first time, couldn't be hidden from him.

A hue of blush could be seen on those cheeks, painting her in a new light. And making her look even more attractive than before.

He looked at Diamond longingly as his lips were continuously being ravaged. Duke couldn't help but smile victoriously, for he had managed to take her down. 

And what he was experiencing now was the best and a memory to capture.

The way she was kissing him made him very happy. And got him filled with strange emotions he never felt before.

'She is not as experienced as I thought!' he was amused with that.

With his arms around her waist, Duke, who had gotten impatient with being teased continuously by his beloved, suddenly pried Darica's lips open for a taste. Forcing Darica who had her eyes shut to open them.

Gazing into her eyes as he pushed his tongue inside her mouth, he winked at her, making her shy away.

Darica felt as if she was on fire, especially the moment that her lips were parted and that tongue found its way into her mouth, entangling with hers.

Honestly, it was her first time being kissed so deeply like that. She had been kissed before, some smooches and all that. But with Duke, it was the first time that she had personally initiated a kiss or anything intimate with any person in her life.

To make matters even deeper, Duke did that to her, and her body found itself getting weak as she completely collapsed on top of his body.

Darica who had always enjoyed being dominant wherever she was, hated the idea of being led or pushed down. This was why the second she saw him at the door and her heart fluttered, she decided to declare her sovereignty for him.

But there she was, being pushed down by a guy she thought she would overpower a moment ago. Their positions had suddenly changed in a matter of seconds, with her being on her back and Duke's muscular body aligning with hers as if the two were perfectly made for each other.

Locking their gazes with each other without shying away, Duke affectionately caressed Darica's loosened dreadlocks, that spread on the white sheets, making her look like some goddess.

"Babe!" he called out to her softly without looking away with a smile on her face, his gaze very deep.

Darica felt butterflies in her stomach as she received that affectionate gaze from Duke.

'Why didn't I notice something like that before? I think that it's not bad to have at least one person who has a deep love for me like this. This might be the heavens rewarding me for everything I have lost before,' Darica mused as she raised her right hand, which she placed on his left cheek.

"Hmmm, what is it?" she answered softly as she looked at him.

Something that she would have never done if it was before. She wasn't even aware that she was capable of doing something like that.

Rubbing his cheek on her not-so-soft hand, Duke responded to her and said, "I love you. Be my girlfriend, alright?"

Although he had been confessing to her every single day for the past year. Duke simply felt that the time was perfect for the last confession. Although it was already in the open that he and Darica were already a thing after their short intimate session earlier.

He still wanted to make it official and properly court her, the way he had been dreaming about for a year now.

Hearing the question, she had been continuously hearing for the past year but couldn't provide an answer to it before, she couldn't help but fondle his cheek intimately with a smile.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask that!" she teasingly said as she raised her left hand from the bed before placing it on his back.

Duke lowered his face towards hers and rubbed his nose against hers affectionately, giving her a nose kiss before pulling away and asking, "So, are you going to give me an answer, my love?"

Darica flashed a smile at him and nodded her head, "Umm, I will be your girlfriend," responding to him with certainty.

Upon hearing the answer, he had been waiting for ages. Duke was so happy that he lowered himself one more time.

And Darica was prepared for whatever was coming.

Capturing her lips once again, with more vigor than before, Duke was determined to completely mark Darica.

He wanted Darica to know who she belonged to and the person who was going to remain by her side for eternity.

Hooking her arms around his neck, Darica who felt that it was a pity that she lacked experience to satisfy her man, responded to Duke as he kissed her lips.

Prying her lips once more, Duke swiftly entered, before hooking her tongue with his into a battle that lasted for a very long time.

Pants, moans, and groans filled the room, as Darica showered Duke with kisses all over his muscular chest she had fallen in love with after ripping the shirt open earlier.

Sensing his little junior so hard from all the agony of being tortured and yet failing to be released. Afraid of scaring his other half and taking it too far on the first day, Duke was starting to regret giving in to her pleadings.

Who would have thought that Darica was that straightforward and wasn't as shy as he thought?

'It's going to be one hell of a ride!'