
Between Two Sides

Being next door neighbors to twins will either be the most exciting or the most miserable time of ones life. One is vastly different than the other though their style of life is the same. Ryan quickly figures this out when he meets them. He quickly figures out they aren't as normal as they seem. "Is it wrong to judge someone when you first meet someone? Is it fair to judge them based off looks alone?" Follow the story of Ryan, Lilith, and Alice who goes through their trials together.

AncientShadow · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Dracula's Twins

Alice grumbled as she walked with us down the sidewalk, seeing all the judgemental faces. "Why are we wearing these stupid ass cloaks and masks..? We look like idiots..! You look like the biggest idiot. Your cloak is literally made out of your Hametsu. That's kinda nasty."

"It's not that bad. Besides my cloak is made from aura, not what my tendrils are made out of. Besides, even if I made a cloak from my tendrils, what difference would it make. It's extra armor." I said.

"Okay, okay. So is there a reason why our dogs are in cloaks as well?" Alice asked.

Coco ane Scout sniffed as they tried to find the scent of the Azure Host Agency. They didn't seem to mind being in costumes.

"So they won't feel left out. Besides that wasn't even my idea." I said.

"I thought it would be cute~ They look adorable with their mysterious aesthetic!~" Lilith said and giggled.

Alice sighed and shook her head. We continued to walk down the sidewalk then Coco and Scout stopped and whined. He looked down an alleyway and barked. A few of the pedestrians jumped at the sound of their barking.

We made our way down the alleyway to avoid attracting any more attention to ourselves. We followed Coco and Scout down the alleyway then ended up on the other side of New Mulai.

We looked around and noticed we were in the urban area of New Mulai. We heard giggling then a swarm of bats began to swarm the area. Two women reformed in front of us, making Alice and Lilith grow protective.

"Well well, the Alucard Twins. How amusing to see you here in our block." The woman with lavender hair said.

"Yeah, and you two don't really belong here on our block. So I need you two to get off the premises, but leave the guy and his dogs because word in the streets is that he's a Ghoul~" The woman with red and silver hair said, holding her arms.

Alice scoffed and took off her mask. "Oh please, you two bitches are straight knock offs, Dracula Twins."

"Plus we aren't just handing our future husband off to some skanks who's of a lesser class!" Lilith said and took off her mask.

"Skanks?" The lavender haired woman asked, sounding offended.

"Knock offs?" The red and silver haired woman asked and rose an eyebrow.

"Who are these two?" I asked.

"My name is Star, pleased to be in your Ghoulish Presence~" The lavender haired woman said and licked her lips.

"And I'm Iris, my Ghoul~" The red and silver haired woman giggled and winked at me.

"This is our Familiar, Little Cub~" Star said and showed her small and cute bear cub that had wings and wore a cloak similar to Dracula.

"Yeah we don't care about your stupid Familiar or you in particular. Tell me how can your dumb bear cub compare so a Husky and a German Shepherd?" Alice asked and pet Coco and Scout.

"Since they are the Ghoul's dogs, I say they are rather cute, but Little Cub is better than anything you two can come up with. In fact didn't your first boyfriend get shot and harmed by a normal bullet?" Star asked with a smug face.

"That's old news, our new boyfriend and soon to be leader is better in all aspects. We even slept with him~" Lilith said and held my arm.

"Not true. Don't fabricate any stories that don't need to be exaggerated." I said.

"C'mon, Ryan! Let us lie a little!" Alice sighed.

Star and Iris laughed at Alice and Lilith. Alice and Lilith frowned at the Dracula Twins because of their laughing.

"You haven't slept with him? It must be so sad to be sexually frustrated taken you two survive off Sexual Energy. You're better off masturbating together~" Star teased.

"Unlike us who can easily find sexual energy anywhere because here, everywhere you turn has some form of Sexual Energy~" Iris said.

"Well that's one way of saying you two are ran through." Alice said.

Coco's and Scout's ears perked up as Alice said that. I snickered a bit and lowered my head. Iris and Star frowned and scoffed.

"Ran through, says the twins siring almost every man you come across in hopes of finding a new mate. How does that look on your end?" Iris said and placed a hand on her hip.

"You two haven't even taken the chance to have sex with Ryan here? Pathetic..~ He deserves a lot more than to be casted aside like this..." Star said and walked toward me. She grabbed my hand then brought it to her mouth and licked my finger.

I watched her and felt Lilith's and Alice's eyes burning into my soul. I would be a liar if I said I wasn't attracted to Star and her stunt.

"You like that..?~ Well, I can do what I just did but to the lower parts of your body..~" Star teased and bit her lip.

Alice pushed Star away from me. "Don't take advantage of the fact that he's a man who probably seeks sex! If he wants it, WE as in LILITH AND I will give it to him. Not some discount versions of me and Lilith."

"Okay bitch, I'm sick of your insults!" Star said and pushed Alice.

I sighed and separated the two. "Enough. As enticing as your offer seems...I am not here for casual sex. I am on a mission.."

"Mission?" Iris asked and her tiny wings fluttered.

"I'm searching for Hunters and we were on the right track, but as far as I know the smell of Blood overrides my fur babies' senses. The fact they smelled it means you two recently killed someone." I said.

"How did you know?" Star asked.

"The body has to be still fresh for my dogs to pick up on it so easily. Who did you kill?" I asked.

'He is a detective.' Star said to Iris telepathically.

'Should we kill him as well?' Iris asked to Star telepathically.

'No we can use him so he can become the Head of the Dracula Bloodline. We gotta make him fall in love with us.' Star said to Iris via telepathy.

"You two don't have to tell me, but I am trying to keep the innocent humans out of our warfare." I said.

"Ahh these two beautiful babes...Why settle for two when you can have four..?~ This will certainly help put an end to the Alucard-Dracula War." My other side said and chuckled.

I shrugged and turned around. "Let's go, we have no reason to be here unless we're looking to waste time."

"I think we can help each other!" Star said.

"HA! You two help us? Sorry, Star, but we don't need your help." Alice said.

"We know where the Azure Host Agency is located." Iris said.

I stopped walking and looked back. The eyes of my mask shined. "Where are they?"

Iris smiled and her eyes shined a bit.


"Commander what's the status about Lieutenant Cross?" Altro asked.

"Lloyd will be here shortly. He's one of the greatest Supernatural Hunters known to man. Better than me some might say. He's skilled with Holy Weaponry, not to mention he's an Exorcist." Wayne said and sat down at the meeting table.

"No one's better than you, my love~" Trixie giggled and spun around in her chair.

"Can you act your age..? I can't believe you're my commander." Ivory sighed.

"Don't hate because I can still enjoy life even during hard times~ You just need to forget about Ryan. Everything you knew about him no longer exists. Ryan is gone. You saw what he did a few days ago." Trixie said and stopped spinning.

Ivory softly sighed and closed her eyes. "Whatever.."

The door to the meeting room opened and everyone looked at the entrance. They noticed a man walking in and he smirked at them.

"Lloyd Alucard Cross. The Daywalker Class. I am glad you agreed to join the Azure Host Agency. As a fellow Top Class Hunter, I believe our partnership will prove to be one for the books. Our joined powers will make us unstoppable." Wayne said and smiled as he walked toward Lloyd.

Lloyd shook Wayne's hand. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Together, we will kill these Monsters and rid this world of all evils that purge this beautiful planet."

"Isn't he half Vampire? This breaks our code GREATLY!" Ivory said and stood up.

"My mother is long dead. She was killed by a Vampire for her blood and after viewing that...I vowed to kill every vampire. My father is also dead so I have no connection to my Vampire side." Lloyd said and looked at Ivory.

"So what can this man do? I haven't met this man before and yet you two seem rather acquainted. Is he as powerful as you say he is?" Trixie asked.

Wayne nodded and smiled. "Lloyd here is a Rank S Hunter and an Ace Detective. There's not a case or a mystery he can't solve. There's not a being he can't track using his Blood Sense."

"So what are we using him for exactly?" Ivory asked.

Wayne walked to the large monitors and pointed at the six red dots on the map that was shown. "Here are the six locations of the largest Vampire Groups in New Mulai minus the Alucard District and the Dracula District. We are going to strike them down and clear these areas."

"Think of the Alucard and the Dracula Districts as the main bases. Each of them controls two Urban Cities of New Mulai. We are going to track down their leaders and kill them." Lloyd said.

Altro crossed his arms and looked at the monitors. "When do we strike?"

"Tomorrow." Wayne said.

Everyone agreed to strike tomorrow and Wayne ended the meeting. Everyone left the room and went off to do their activities.


I sat at a dining table and watched as the four women were in the kitchen preparing dinner. I looked down at Coco and Scout who were at my sides. I looked back at the women in the kitchen.

"To think you can just come in here and try to show out just so you can get Ryan between your legs is a new level of jealousy." Star said.

"We aren't gonna let you just steal our boyfriend. You literally just out of nowhere say you know where the Agency is knowing that's what Ryan wants! You're nothing but witches.." Alice scowled.

"At least we know because evidently we are on the same side until these stupid Hunters are gone!" Iris said.

Lilith sighed and set the pot down on the stove. "You know we can't be on the same side. Our Fathers are rivals and until one of our clans are dead, we will remain mortal enemies."

Iris scoffed. "That is a battle you will lose. We all know the Dracula Bloodline is thousands of times better than the Alucard Bloodline."

"Says who?" Alice asked.

"Says us!" Star said.

"Nuh-uh!" Lilith said.

"The fuck?" Iris asked.

I chuckled as I listened to them. "They argue like a bunch of school girls...I can definitely tell they used to be close friends when they went to school."

Coco let out a very vocal yawn and wagged her tail. Scout huffed and wagged his tail as well.

"We did go to school together, but we were NOT friends." Alice said as she carried a plate toward the table.

"Oh please, the fact you all haven't mauled each other's faces off yet proves you four still care about each other." I said.

"We have no choice." Lilith said and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We're cousins." Star said.

Coco and Scout raised their head and looked at each other then at the four.

"Keeping it within the family tree as they say." My other side laughed.

"Wait you're telling me your father's were...Brothers?" I asked.

"Twins." Alice said.

"There's a rule saying if we were to have twins they would be the most powerful. Twins are literally the rarest result of offsprings for Vampires. That's why we are the Head Maidens for our Bloodlines respectively and the reason we are seeking out a Head of the Bloodline." Lilith said.

"And we need a Head as well, so if you come with us that's guaranteed head." Star said.

"So vulgar! Have you no elegancy?" Lilith asked.

I looked at the four and could definitely see how they could all be cousins, but this puts moree decisions on my plate. Now I'm really stuck between Alucard and Dracula. There were more choices to make and this one seemed the hardest...