
Between Two Sides

Being next door neighbors to twins will either be the most exciting or the most miserable time of ones life. One is vastly different than the other though their style of life is the same. Ryan quickly figures this out when he meets them. He quickly figures out they aren't as normal as they seem. "Is it wrong to judge someone when you first meet someone? Is it fair to judge them based off looks alone?" Follow the story of Ryan, Lilith, and Alice who goes through their trials together.

AncientShadow · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Iris and Star led us to a large building and walked into the building. We walked in after them and looked around.

"Recently, we've been getting attacked more by the AHA so we've taken extra precaution. We found out where their new base is located and we've been striking them...but we were unsuccessful because they've been recruiting new members." Star said and pressed a button on the elevator door.

"New members?" I asked.

"They have this new member named Xenia. She goes by X. She's a well known Hunter around Earth and she even killed our Grandparents who were said to be Dark Lords." Iris answered.

"They were innocent by the way. They haven't done anything wrong, but she slaughtered them in cold blood. It didn't work as our fathers were already on the move." Alice added.

"So what are we gonna do? If this X person is strong enough to kill beings who are strong enough to destroy planets, what are we supposed to do?" I asked.

"Well we need to get stronger. We need amplifiers and our scientists have been working on an empowering formula for us Vampires." Star answered.

"Amplifiers...Ha. We don't need any handouts. The Shining Berserker is still mighty, strong enough to fend off Wayne himself." My other side said.

"Blood Amplifiers..? Those are really unsafe. It would drive us into a Bloodlust State, and frankly I don't want to be that!" Alice said and noticed the elevator doors opening.

"It won't drive us into a Bloodlust State. It's been tested many times so there's no need to worry." Star said and walked into the elevator.

We followed her inside the elevator and the doors closed. Alice and Lilith were a bit nervous about going through with this entire process. I gave it some thought and had mixed feelings about it.


Trixie waited outside for Ivory and Altro so they could get to the first city they planned on invading so they could drive away the Vampires of that city. She noticed Ivory and Altro walking outside and smiled.

"About time!~ I was starting to think you two were getting cold feet for some low ranking blood suckers!" Trixie said and giggled.

"We were just talking for a bit before coming out here. We need a game plan. Vampires are extremely weak to Silver Weapons. If we use Silver we can kill them almost instantly." Ivory said and looked at Trixie.

"That's why...Ivory and I made Silver Alchemy Bullets. Bullets like these should instantly kill a Vampire and even possibly other Monsters like Ghouls." Altro said.

"I see~ Well let's hurry and get to the first city. Wayne, Lloyd, and Xenia are already out on their mission. We should be heading out too." Trixie said and walked to her unit.

Ivory and Altro walked toward the unit as well. They all got in and Trixie drove off to the city.

"So how big is the population of this city?" Ivory asked.

"It's fairly large, but we are only here to take out the leaders. Once we kill them the lesser units have no choice but to retreat." Trixie answered.

Altro looked out the window and closed his eyes. "I hope we don't run into him this time..."

"We won't. And even if we do, we have the resources to kill him. You should not have to worry about him anymore." Trixie said and smiled.

They continued their way to the city they were assigned to. Ivory used Beta to scan the area and Beta spotted mages on the top of the buildings.

"Sis! Hold on!" Ivory warned.

The Vampires on the top of the building began to fire blood magic at the unit. The three yelled as their units were hit.

Star noticed the warning lights were flashing. She checked the monitors and noticed Altro, Ivory, and Trixie were in the city. "Shit..! Hunters in Labado Street!"

"What?!" Alice said and ran to the monitors. She noticed the three fighting the Vampires in the area and grunted. She looked over and noticed I was gone. "Where's Ryan?"

I used my tendrils to propel myself toward their area. "Nayr, where are they currently?"

"Nayr. Creative. Anyway they are transitioning into Sanchez Lane. Take this right." Nayr said.

I took a right and spotted bullets flying and striking Vampires. The bullets they used immediately killed the Vampires and caused them to turn into black vapor as their souls were also destroyed.

"Silver. Heh...They mean business this time huh." Nayr laughed and watched them.

I put on my mask and landed in front of the three and my eyes shined. Altro and the others stopped and noticed me.

"Who the heck is that?" Ivory asked.

"Shoot em!" Trixie commanded.

Altro fired a bullet at me and I dodged it then dashed toward them. I went for a flurry of attacks, but Trixie dodged each strike and parried my next punch then struck my stomach with the handle of her sword then kicked me away.

'Commander Trixie has always been swift on her feet and agile, but I can't let that stop me!' I thought to myself.

I recovered and dashed toward Trixie, only to be intercepted by Ivory. I dodged her slash then ran past her. She was surprised that I didn't attack her.

I feinted my attack and hit Trixie with a spinning heel kick, knocking her away. Trixie recovered and swung her sword at me, causing the blade to extend. I dodged the blade and grabbed it. I pulled Trixie toward me and punched her face. She groaned as she was knocked away, letting go of her weapon.

I tossed the weapon aside and sensed Altro appear behind me then dodged his attack. "Too slow..."

I kicked him away and groaned as Ivory fired beam of light through my stomach. I grunted and tiny tendrils began to form together to regenerate my body.

"What the hell..? His body...how is.." Ivory asked in awe and disgust.

"I guess I have to actually...try.." I said and generated four tendrils then my mask disappeared.

"Ryan..?!" Ivory asked in shock.

Trixie smirked and dashed toward her sword then dashed toward me. She slashed at me, but my tendril blocked it then I smacked her away. She recovered and slid backwards.

Ivory grunted then dashed toward me, but Alice kicked her away then landed on the ground. Dark aura surged powerfully around her body.

Star appeared in front of Altro and struck his stomach then knocked him upwards. He grunted and looked at Star then aimed his gun at her then fired a bullet at her head. Star scattered into a swarm of bats and reformed above Altro then kicked him down. Altro crashed to the ground and grunted.

"Attacking us was your worst mistake. Now you must face the consequences of your actions." I said and walked toward Trixie then dashed toward her.

I dodged her slash and used one of my tendrils to slash at her. She blocked it and grunted as she stumbled then groaned as a second tendril impaled her. She coughed blood and winced in pain. I wrapped a third tendril around her neck and flung her toward a building. She crashed into the building and screamed in pain as I used my last tendril to stab her through her chest.

I smirked and chuckled darkly. "Blood..."

"Trixie!" Ivory yelled then bellowed and her aura pushed Alice away. She ran toward me and sliced off my tendrils and went for a killing blow.

I looked back and generated a fifth tendril and impaled her through her stomach. Ivory looked surprised and looked down to see that I had stabbed her.

"Ivory! Ryan, you bastard!" Altro yelled and kicked Star away then ran toward me.

I retracted my tendril and dodged the bullets that were shot at me then noticed Altro use a burst of speed to appear in front of me. I saw the hatred and the sadness in his eyes, but I just smirked at him.

"The fact you think you can go against me..." I said and dodged his swift slash and jumped backwards.

Ivory fell to her knees and tears formed in her eyes. "Trixie..." She softly cried out.

Trixie sat against the building and her vision slowly grew darker. She closed her eyes and pressed a button on her neck. "My...love..."

Altro looked at Trixie and Ivory then looked at me, glaring. His body shook with anger and his heart began to be filled with vengeance. "Monsters...need to die!"

Alice and Star grunted as his energy rushed across the area. They watched as Altro propelled himself toward me.

He went for a punch, but I clashed fists with him then pushed him back. He dodged my tendrils and noticed wings emerging from my back then I fired waves of ruinous shards at him. Altro dodged the shards and fired multiple bullets at me. I walked forward and used my tendrils to deflect the bullets.

"Altro..!" Ivory cried out.

Altro looked at Ivory and grunted. He rushed toward her and hurried over to the unit. He couldn't save Trixie, but Ivory was still alive. He quickly retreated and drove off.

I used one of my tendrils and grab Trixie's body. "Let's go. We can use her as a source."

Alice and Star nodded then we retreated from the area quickly.


Wayne and Llyod appeared on the scene and noticed the empty streets. Lloyd smelled blood and walked over to where he smelled the blood. He crouched down and sniffed the blood. He stood up and closed his eyes then used his Blood Sense.

"It's Trixie's blood...She's still alive, but barely. I can't tell where she is as the trail ends and scatters about." Lloyd said.

Wayne looked serious and had dark aura around his hand. "We're destroying this city to get her back. Find out who took her." Wayne said.

"Right." Lloyd said and took a sample of blood and tasted it. He closed his eyes and used his Retrocognition Ability.

Lloyd saw into the past and notice that I grabbed Trixie and retreated with Alice and Star. He noticed that we had landed on the top of a building then Alice and Star scattered into a swarm of bats which obstructed his view and scattered the trail of blood around the city.

"I can't find them." Lloyd said.

"What?" Wayne asked and looked at Lloyd.

"They...they outsmarted me, and I'm guessing it was Ryan who came up with the idea. You did say he was the smartest of the Agency correct?" Lloyd said and looked at Wayne.

Wayne closed his eyes. "Tch...of course he is behind this...We search for Ryan and kill him! I know his weakness. We need to cut off his head! I swear I will serve his fucking head on a silver platter.."

Lloyd watched Wayne walk off and sighed softly. He followed behind then they got into Wayne's unit and drove off.

A bat watched them drive off and flew back over to the hideout.


I looked at Trixie's body that was in a healing machine full of water. I crossed my arms and sighed. "She's useless without her powers. She's got Supernatural Accuracy and her aura has ice properties."

"Ice properties. That sword is made of ice then huh?" Lilith asked and stood beside me.

"Yeah. She doesn't use her power often however unless it's her Supernatural Accuracy. She's rather agile and swift so she doesn't see a need to abuse her Ice Ability." I said.

"Ryan!" Alice said as she hurried over to me. "The Hunters are looking for us! We can only misdirect them for so long because one of them is a Daywalker!" Alice said.

"Wait what?!" Iris asked and bumped her head on the top of a cabinet.

"It's true...He's a part of the Alucard Bloodline. Lloyd Alucard Cross. He's one of the strongest Hunters known to man. We need to be careful.." Star said and walked into the room.

I looked at Trixie and closed my eyes. "We need to redirect his senses then."

"How?" Alice asked.

I looked at the four of them. "Do you all have any human flesh? I can use that flesh to place around the city which will 100% mess up his senses. He is still a vampire so he's not above the rule despite being half human."

"I believe we have some form of human flesh around we use for food. I can go check." Iris said.

I nodded. "Operation: Misdirection is a go."

[Case: To Be Continued..]