
Better Luck Next Time... Idiot

Gawko Bahn Khai, martial artist, dies and gets chosen by a goddess to be his piece for a wicked game in another world where magic and death are everyday ocurrences, forced to prospere in a world where kill or be killed is law, he refuses to kill as he tries to get stronger in a world that punishes your every move.

Miacter · Urban
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10 Chs



I was too late, Reveries's advice didn't come in time… so a spectral green hand bursted out of my chest and stopped the blade aimed at my neck… She yelled… hurt… then… silence

Time seemed to slow down "Revs?.." No answer "Reverie?" Still no answer… she didn't have a body so… it could be… she is…

Black, red, black, red, black… red, another blade tried to pierce me, the monster was relentless and I was alone

{Emotions, will and desires, those things can and always have interacted with magic, in a world where magic is everywhere, they resonate more, and from magic comes forth power, power to fight, to keep going, to get stronger, signified by the emerald glow of awakening in the eyes of those who access it, this phenomenon is known by the few who know of it as Passione}

Time started to accelerate again, but still not as fast as before, I moved closer to the monster, and stood up there as he failed his attack, staring blankly at where it should have been his eyes, as it tried to jump back I moved. Taking out the tusks I nailed them into his armpits where an armor like joint formed.


It screamed in what it sounded like fear for the first time, as he tried to make distance I grabbed his "arms" and jumped putting my feet in the tusks, now all there was to do… is pull

[Mana_Strike_lvl1 acquired]

Using Mana Boost I pulled his arms using the tusks as footing, the monster bit my leg trying to make me lose strength… "As if!" I kept pulling until I went flying, something splashed my face, then I felt the ground hitting my neck, and it all went black






"Not now…"

-(GAWKO!)- The voice of Reverie yelled in my head


-(Pfff of course not, just look around dummy)-

As my eyes adapted to the darkness I realized I was still in the cave… covered in blood… green blood

-(You sure did a number on him after you stopped hearing me huh?)-

"I… did this?"

-(Yup, and it comes with a prize, those sure are some cool weapons right?)-

"What do you… OH MY GOD" I finally realized I was still holding the monster arms… but not the monster "When?! How!?"

-(Just an hour ago, the tusk trick was clever I gotta admit it, you even got Mana Strike from that encounter, pretty nice, and all without my help)-

"Wowowo slow down, Mana Strike? I did this? I barely remember it…"

-(Yeah you hit your head pretty bad after taking his arms, good thing he ended up fleeing, gotta say I've never seen a monster like that running in fear, also Mana Strike is like Mana Boost but it boosts your strength instead of your agility, you probably did it on accident but hey, the more resources we have the better, now if we can just test you for affinities we'll be peachy…)-

[Guardian of the forest]

"Revs… why is one of those magical screens in front of me now? And is not disappearing…"

-(... Dunno hit it?)-

"Very useful, anyways, is your hand okay? Are you sure it doesn't hurt or something?"

-(I'm fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "dad", now touch that screen, and use appreciation on the arms of that monster since we are on it)- I did as she told me… again

[Forest Guardian Claws

+10 strength

1000/1000 durability]

[Guardian of the forest]


The forest invites you to subdue the dungeon that is corrupting it, will you accept?

[Yes] [No]

"Geez next time I won't worry about you… "

-(Keep telling yourself that, what's on the screen?)-

"Is some kind of mission to do a dungeon or something… wait like an RPG dungeon? With monsters and stuff?"

-(Hm… yeah something like that, we probably shouldn't go, you need to rest)-

"Would you rather wait for that thing to come back for his arms?"

-(... … … Okay, I'm game, but if we go into a dungeon you will have to kill monsters and stuff you know that right?)-

I pressed yes on the screen and I felt as if something was pulling me to somewhere, so I started walking while I talked with Reverie

"Says you, I bet ya I can find a way"

-(Look we seriously need to talk about this, you can just go around forgiving everyone we find, you need the experience… if not… let's just say the guardian of the forest is far from the worst you can find! I don't want you to die! I can understand the boar, maybe even the mushroom but…)-



"The mushroom, its name is Soos"

-(... Yeah that, look you where going to kill the guardian of the forest if it wouldn't have ran away right?)-

"I… I guess so, I was really afraid and wasn't thinking clearly"

-(Well there you have it, at least you are not completely brain dead)-

"But in the end I think is good I didn't kill it"

-(OH COME ON! Just when I think you've made some kind of advancement!)-

"It is a guardian of the forest, if it exists is probably because it protects the forest right?"

-(We've been over this, the name appreciation shows is based on the cognition of people, it was probably named like that by some folklore or some shit like that)-

"But what if it wasn't?"

-(Well then he shouldn't have picked a fight he couldn't have won or should have finished faster)-

"I think you are missing the point, I mean after I ripped his arms, I was offered the quest to clean the dungeon… … waiiiiiiit"


"Did the forest send the quest?! Is the forest alive?! The forest can speak?! If I clean the dungeon can I speak with the forest?! THE FOREST CAN SPEAK?!"

-(Relaaax should be a spirit or something that represents the forest and protects it… probably)- As I walked through the forest there was less and less vegetation -(Maybe it will speak to us if we clean the dungeon)-

I finally arrived to the entrance to another cave

"You sounded so good until you said probably"



"Aaaaaaaa… I didn't know there were demons heh… You think they will follow us into the dungeon?"


I ran as fast as I could into the darkness of the cave, at least until I hit myself against a solid wall… or something like that


-GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH- A scream came from the opening of the cave as I started to hear something running to me from behind


-(IGNORE IT, ENTER THE DUNGEON!)- As I felt the wall in front of me I felt some kind of bulk, a door?! I tried pushing it and felt inside somewhere as the door closed behind me and the sound of something colliding with the door made me jump from the ground

"I… think we are safe"

-(I would tell you that you did great, but the cat has my attention)-

As I turned around in the slightly illuminated corridor, there was a black cat in the middle of it, just staring into my soul
