
Better Luck Next Time... Idiot

Gawko Bahn Khai, martial artist, dies and gets chosen by a goddess to be his piece for a wicked game in another world where magic and death are everyday ocurrences, forced to prospere in a world where kill or be killed is law, he refuses to kill as he tries to get stronger in a world that punishes your every move.

Miacter · Urban
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10 Chs

Go forth! Through the dungeon!

-(I would tell you that you did great, but the cat has my attention)-

As I turned around in the slightly illuminated corridor, there was a black cat in the middle of it, just staring into my soul


-...- The cat was standing in the middle of the dungeon hallway slowly shaking its tail as it looked at me with its wide open eyes, additionally it was wearing a bright red scarf so there was that -I'm not going to lie, that's the coolest cat I have ever seen, still just in case I'm going to use appreciation on it-

[Too powerful to appreciate]

As I used my ability the cat eyes sharpened and started moving towards me, slowly approaching

-(Awwwwww~ Isn't he a cutie Gaw?! Can't we keep it?! Pspspspspspspsps)-

-Yeah well I think he is trying to hunt us so…- I lowered myself without breaking eye contact as I extended my hand offering it for the cat to smell -Also is too powerful for me to use appreciation on it, so keep that in mind, just in case I lose my hand-

-(Come again?!)- Before I could react the cat's eyes turned red and I felt a soft pain in my hand before two small bite marks appeared on it

[Race slightly changed]

-(What shit… just happened…?)- The cat turned back to normal and started leaving


-(Okay… okay calm down, everything is gonna be fine, as long as you don't drink blood okay?! Just don't drink blood and everything will be a-okay)- The cat entered a hole in the wall and disappeared from view

-... So few things I have my face covered in blood from our bug monster friend, and… HOW THE HECK I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO PANIC?!-

-(Right, go ahead and open the door so that demon outside can eat our insides, and while at it scream a bit more let's see if any monsters in the dungeon want to join the free GAWKO BUFFET)-


-(See better now, also don't worry about the blood in your face, it is already too dry)- As she spoke again I kept on walking through the dungeon, trying to use appreciation on anything of interest -(Look we should rest, don't you feel tired already?! I mean you've been using your abilities a tad too freely, how much mana do you have left even?-

-Ah? I dunno, how do I know that? Is a sensation or something?-

-(... I guess it makes sense you don't know this yet, okay so use appreciation on yourself)-

-Hm… like this?- I used appreciation on my arm and immediately a screen popped up in front of me

[Name: Gawko Bahn Khai

Level: 7

Species: Ektropy/Infected

Hp: 335/350

Mp: 130/500

Strength: 36

Magic Strength:18

Agility: 27

Defense: 11

Magic Defense: 11

[Work] none


"Ball breaker +30% damage to the balls"

"The Palace Breeze"

[Elemental Affinity]


-(Hmmmmm let me check… Yeah I guess it is pretty all right for a level seven… no wait this is pretty hardcore for a level seven, your stats should be around the 10s, you reaaaaally need to cut out on the physical training you little monster)-

-Hey I need strong muscles to use Bahn Khai-

-(And you still can't use it, how sad… okay how in gods hell do you have so little mana left and still be able to go around so freely, aren't you even the slightly bit tired?!)-

-I guess I'm kind of sore, but is not so different from being sore after training, anyways I'm going to have to do this every time I want to check my mana on a fight?-

-(No… you will become able to feel it without need to check it out with enough practice, that's how people without appreciation do it so we can too)-

-Oh? Do you have appreciation too Revs?-

-(Mhm but of course! And I was born with it! I'm a super weird talent!)-

-Yeah I guess not everyone will be born with it-

-(Yes! Praise me more! I even have one of the four super weird and rare, unique affinities, Divine! Is so powerful that it's even the crest of power of The Great Royal Kingdom's royalty!)-

-Oooooooh you think I will be able to use it too? On a lower level though I don't want to go around disintegrating things…-

-(Fufufufu that only happened because my raw magic power was too great for it hehehehe, on top of that only 1 in every 100000 has a unique affinity and even less people learn to use it, so don't feel bad if you don't have any, there's even people who don't have affinities at all!)-

-Aaaaah I see… In this world everything is truly possible huh-

-(Well I wouldn't say everything, but I guess there's always idiots who try the impossible)-

-That so? Oh by the way Revs, what's Ektropy? Is that some fancy name for a human?-

-(Oh yeah no, is not but don't overthink it too much hehe~ just go to sleep, I'll wake you up if anything happens)-


-(SSSSSSSSSSSShhhhhhh, you are too loud, you know that?! Have a little faith, I mean you still look and feel like a human right?! Then just relax and trust me, now go to sleep, tomorrow we will have to start exploring the dungeon, so you better get some rest!)-

-Fineeee- I laid down next to the wall holding on to the Forest's Guardian Claws just in case -And how do I learn my affinities Revs?-

-(Oh we would need a Blue Ogre Ball… but I mean not when you have the great Reverie B.. Ca… THE GREAT REVERIE!)-

-Eh?... Yeah sure sure, do your best Revs- The world of dreams started to swallow me whole

-(Mhm! Have a good night's sleep! I'll do the guard!)-

And like that everything was black again

-Have you heard? A man entered the royal castle and left without being caught!-

-Hmmm? And what with that?- A woman with wolf-like ears and tail was resting in a bed half naked

-They say it snuck into the princess room, and more than that Chrom was in that castle, the guy even took down a guard, they call him the Ball Breaker and the Palace's Breeze- The man speaking was a youngman wielding a black sword for practice in the deep of the night

-I still don't follow you-

-Remember the notification the gods sended 2 days ago?-

She remembered of course, it was weird, they rarely communicated so when a screen appeared suddenly in the middle of the day, it catched everyone by surprise

[The Pieces of Wrath and Vengeance have arrived]

As far as they knew this was new for any game of pieces, not only because there were multiple pieces from a single god… if we don't have in account a few weird cases, on top of that they arrived late… which wasn't something even having multiple pieces could fix

-Yeah I remember what's your point?-

-I mean is it too much of a coincidence that the message and the Palace's Breeze occurred on the same day right?-

-You think…-

-Heh I wonder what kind of person is this Ball Breaker-

-(ZZZ… Hmpf…)-

As I woke up the next morning I listened to a very asleep Reverie… I guess I can't blame her for falling asleep she definitely stayed up late

-(Hmmmmm no… I don't wanna… I have already run so many laps… hmmmm)-

-... Huh, yo wake up darling, we have magic to do and a dungeon to explore- I stood up looking around only to cross eyes with the same cat from last night -... Hey-

-(Ah… AH! EH?! What did you call me?!)-

-Darling, anyways let's do magic while the cat doesn't feel like eating us-

-(Huh… that's a weird cat… wait no… Reverie focus, okay you got chalk?!)-

-Oh yeah sure just let me go to the nearest utility store… WHAT DO YOU THINK?!-

-(Geez, relax will you?! Just grab a stone and start drawing what I tell you, it will have to do)-

I did as she told me and I started drawing some kind of weird glyphs using a stone to scratch the ground as the cat observed and Reverie spoke


-(Yup that's right kitty we are finished, now you just need to drop some mana in there and we should see what affinities you get)-



-(I mean there is the slightest tiny small super duper minimum possibility that it explodes)-


-(It would be a small one so just do it already!)-


-(No buts go ahead chicken!)-

-Fine, fine!- I poured a small amount of mana into the circle and suddenly the lines and glyphs I wrote started to shine coming alive. The dust would started to rise a bit but that's it, it just got up for a second and returned to the ground, it seemed that Reverie was about to say something when I decided to try again and instantly the dust started spinning around me so fast that even It seemed that could cut me, my weight changed several times from feeling lighter to heavier, in front of me appeared a black man for a few seconds showing me an endless void, and then a light that blinded me completely, finally the sensation of being in several places at the same time overwhelmed me, after this sensation disappeared the circle of dust fell to the ground making a small gust of air due to the stop it gave

[Gained Void Affinity

Gained Space Affinity

Gained Gravity Affinity

Gained Divine Affinity]


-Mew- The cat was now kneading my clothes and meowing at me

-(AH! Kill it! Is a witness!)-

-... Imma pet it-

-(Is a freakin vampire!)-

-Too late, I know it bit me, but this is worth it- I was already letting my hand near him… and the cat just started rubbing his head against my hand!

-(... Fine It is pretty cute, but what if it changes it's mind and tries to eat you)-

-I'm willing to take the risk!- Trying to pick up the cat, it jumped to my shoulder faster than I could see it

-(AH, THE NECK, FUSH, FUSH!)- Okay maybe now she is being a little melodramatic

-Mew- The cat jumped off and walked a few meters to a door and started scratching it

-I think it want us to follow-

-(Bad idea, that kitty is crazy I tell you!)-

-Come on, how bad can it be!- As I opened the door two gelatinous things jumped trying to attack me, I dodged at the last second rolling inside the room -The heck are those!-

-(Slimes! You can kill them by destroying their cores, those solid looking things inside them)- Now that she said it, they really had some weird looking things inside them, as they jumped back trying to attack me I used Mana Boost and grabbed both cores, taking them out as they slime evaporated

-Done! And without killing anyone hehe- I put the cores in my pocket and noticed Soos was squirming… now that I think of it… he must be hungry right?

-(... Are you shitting me?)- Reverie complained as I took Soos out and started feeding it some mana -(And now you are feeding the fungus of course… sigh how the heck are we going to do this dungeon)-

-Well I mean. I'm not doing so bad aren't I?- Looking around there was nothing much besides another door on the other side of the room, on top of that the cat had disappeared -Anyways let's get going, so what does each affinity do?-

Opening the door a bunch of vampires attacked me before flying off, luckily they didn't do much besides scaring the living shit off me

-(... Huh, I think that was a trap)-

-Don't you say…- A long straight corridor stretched in front of me, with anything better to do I started walking

-(Well you see affinities are often distributed in three main branches, common, special and unique, each one has its own capabilities usually starting from the bottom common and special differentiate itself in the mana cost to use them and the elements they can use, usually common are exactly that common elements like earth, fire and wind whilst special is stuff like electricity and steel, but then there's unique, there are only four of them and each one can manipulate the laws of reality in a different way… although I only know in deep about divine which I guess is the more simple of them is basically raw magic power, since finding someone who can wield unique affinities are really weird is also hard to make spells or know about the affinities as they are!)-

-... So you say they are powerful right!-

-(Sometimes I don't know if you are really smart or really dumb)-

-One can exist without the other- As I neared the end of the corridor it split in two, although I heard a soft mew from the left so I started going in that direction

-(Wait Gaw! That's probably a trap!)-

-Come on~ relax is either the best way to the boss of the dungeon or a trap, and if videogames have taught me anything it is that… Huh I guess I don't really have anything for this specific situation, so come on just trust me-

-(Wait Gaw, what's a videogame?!)- Another mew and I started running towards a door, I entered the room only to find the cat near an armor… an armor in the middle of the room, an armor in the middle of the room of a dungeon…

-Okay look, video games are like books that you play as if they were a theater, and they can teach things, like now that statue is going to come to life and obviously try to kill me- I said preparing myself for what might happen


-Any minute now-


-I just know it, video games wouldn't lie about fantasy heh-


I slowly reached down and grabbed a rock that I immediately threw to the armor, which stuttered for a moment before starting to yell





Heh, I'm not dead... yet

See?! SEE?!

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