
Better Days Ahead

When life gets too hard Nicolas decides to end it all. But the people who made him suffer, will have to suffer too...

Minette_Bosman · Realistic
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4 Chs

Suffer in silence

Nicolas looks up from where he slept on his keyboard. He was kicked out of the online game because he wasn't active. . He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to remember what had happened.

"That'll cost me later."

He grabs his black school bag, pulls over his emo shirt and readjusted his nose ring. In it was a black-ink pen, an envelope, and a roll of duct tape-all of these bought at different times so no one would notice his plans. He also bought some notebooks, three short pencils, and an eraser- all black in color like his bag.

To make sure that no one suspected anything on him or wondered where he got the money for all of this stuff he also took off all his clothes and bundled them into a plastic garbage bag with holes on the bottom.

He looked around his room and saw the photograph of his parents again. It's as if he still hadn't gotten over their deaths. In those 2 years, there was no day where he didn't think about them.

He hates school and he doesn't have time to play any games online these days. He's in a rush. To make sure that it's going to be documented, so everyone will know who he is and what he has done.

Without brushing teeth or having a shower he walks out of home on the way to school.

A Mercedes suddenly pulls up next to him.

"Hey punk, wanna kill yourself today?" yells the driver and runs through a puddle of mud. Tyres scream and smoke covers Nicholas's nostrils.

"WHAT IF I DID HUH?!!!" he shouted with no real reason.

He sighs and felt his backpack getting even heavier. Today is the day he shall take revenge. Everyone will suffer. This agony and pain is too much to bare.

If this is all that life can give, he doesn't want any of it.

But for the time being....

He will have to suffer in silence.